
Viewing 221 - 240 of 1,769 results

URGENT: Need Ideas for my story! · 1:32pm Jun 11th, 2015

Alright, here's the deal: My newest story, The Biggest Meanie In The World, is a smash hit. But the problem is, I don't know what to do with it now! :raritydespair:

I've come up with three ideas/scenarios to finish out the story: (Note: the main character is named 'Black')

1. Black tries to apologize to the main six (yuck :pinkiesick: )

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Report The-darkevil101 · 251 views · #Ideas #Help

Cover art · 4:57am Jan 2nd, 2017

The Lone warrior needs a better cover image. anyone willing to help, it would be appreciated. Just draw Spike as he`s Described in the story.
I`ll make sure to give you credit.

Report Silver Butcher · 197 views · #Art Help

Post because I need advice and I'm too tired to think properly. Also, update on the story. · 8:03pm Oct 18th, 2018

Is it better to focus on one singular project, do a story when you feel up to it?
Because I've got seven or eight stories half written and slowly being progressed, not including my published story. On top of that, I've got four more ideas that I want to write. They're all pastel horsey words. I don't know why, but I've had real inspiration for MLP recently, both EG and FiM. But no MLP: the Movie. I still don't understand the storyline of that.

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Report kitkataddel · 179 views · #help #update

Give SEGASister a hand; · 9:09pm Mar 22nd, 2018

I'm supporting this fundraiser:

SEGASister, another one of Toons victims, needs some money to escape from her abusive stepdad to her boyfriends, Voice of Reasons, place so that she can live happily and start anew.

Please, donate or share the story. Any help is appreciated.

Report darkstone57 · 166 views · #SEGASister #Help

Ok... I'm fine... Not panicking... I swear · 3:14pm Dec 13th, 2016

Three stories, none finished, all supposedly going to be long, two of which don't even have a 2nd chapter in progress. This is what happens when you have too many ideas that you think are good enough to write before you even set up your fimfiction account. I swear to anyone listening, I'm going mad. For anyone who's actually around, tell me which story you want me to work on the most, so I can at least have a bit of a road to drive on, even if I can't drive.:derpyderp1::derpyderp2:

Report Ink Will · 265 views · #help #confused

Another soul in need · 7:40am Nov 9th, 2019

Hey, I’m still around although I’m more quiet. Someone I know seem to be in trouble. I’d really appreciate anyone able to help in some form.
An excerpt:

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Report Divine Path · 297 views · #Help #signal

Steel Resolve NEEDS help! · 2:58pm Apr 12th, 2019

Props to LyraAlluse for getting the word out about this and here’s the blog about helping Steel Resolve. Please read.

Send Some Support To Steel Resolve If You Can

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Report darkstone57 · 172 views · #SteelResolve #Help

HELP · 12:29am Sep 25th, 2019

This is outside my usually blog posts, but I need to spread this so people who can help can do something. Holy, a friend of many of my friends on here, is at extreme risk of suicide.

As seen here:

There's not much I can do besides spread word so people can help, and if you're in the same boat as me, maybe spread the word to those who you think can help.

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help needed · 8:07pm Nov 21st, 2016

i really require someones help please,
i need help with improving my fics so they can be accepted as i am not intelligent enough
you don't have to but i'd appreciate it

Report MommaWolfie · 152 views · #help #fics

FabulousDivaRarity · 1:24am Aug 1st, 2019


Do I need an assignment help to find a suitable topic · 9:26am Jul 3rd, 2021

When it comes to essays it is crucial to choose a perfect topic. Your choice will decide on half of your efforts and grades. Because, the topic must sync to your subject, course, and professors’ expectations. So, if you will not pay attention to choosing the right topic, you might not end up creating perfection in drafts. In case you running out of ideas, you can surely move ahead to hire an assignment help service who can guide you with suitable

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What could be causing this? · 12:43am Apr 15th, 2022

I was replying to a thread and this popped up


There was an error in the request”

I tried posting it again but the message popped up. Then I went to another thread and posted on that and it was sent. I went back to the previous thread but the message still popped up.

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Report Lulamoon-Crystal · 127 views · #Help #question

A Serious Talk · 3:43am Jul 28th, 2019

Hey there everyone its Sanguine and I have some Important news. You see...I NEED help. I am a nonficiton fan, but love to come up with fiction. However, due to this I have a much harder time coming up with the "Flesh" of my works. Let me explain what I mean by "flesh". I use what I call "Skeletal Writing" meaning that I create the frame before any of the in between parts like detail and description. I am alright at the big picture, but when it comes to fleshing out the

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Report Sanguine Blade · 214 views · #Help Wanted

In need of a proofreader · 8:17pm Feb 18th, 2023

I wanna get back into story writing but I need someone or a few people to help me with proofreading.

If you are a fan of my work and want to help me? DM me and we can discuss terms and conditions.

Please don't waste my time, I have no intention to waste yours


A Big Thank You · 7:48pm Feb 8th, 2020

A big thank you to someone who can be emotionally supportful, Nocturnalis Storyhart! They are very kind to all, and I am grateful to get to know them!


The Power of Project-Based Learning: Transforming Education for the Future · 10:55am May 19th, 2023


  • Briefly introduce the concept of project-based learning (PBL) and its growing significance in modern education.
  • Highlight the need for educational approaches that prepare students for the challenges of the future.

Section 1: Understanding Project-Based Learning (PBL)

  • Define project-based learning and its key characteristics.
  • Explain how PBL shifts the focus from rote memorization to active, engaged learning.

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Name suggestions for Surgeon Ponies · 10:13pm Nov 20th, 2020

Two Mares (Earth and Unicorn) and One Pegasus Stallion, have them make sense for their profession.

They were working with Doctor Horse M.D. (Unicorn Stallion) during the operation.
Name Suggestions/Ideas very helpful.


Hello, I just started writing on this website · 11:16pm Jan 22nd, 2023

Greetings to all those who do not know me, I would like to hear your opinion about my writings, or is it reading, in any case I will be attentive to the chat. Any help or suggestion is welcome.

PS: By the way, I have already published 2 writings but they do not authorize me so far, I suppose I will have to wait, but until then I will continue, maybe they will not authorize me but I will continue.

PS2: no soy de habla inglesa

Report Khampostel · 79 views · #welcome help

How Do I Get The Assignment help Completed in UAE? · 11:50am Aug 26th, 2023

Getting your assignments completed in the UAE can be a straightforward process when you follow a systematic approach. Whether you’re a student in a local university or an international student studying in the UAE, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to get
assignment help efficiently:

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Story help · 12:46am March 24th

I really need help with my Chaqutrix story. My co-writer seems to get ahead of himself and seems to rush things without even thinking it through. I don't even know what to put down when he put something down. I could really use your help with the next chapter and my story itself if you're willing to help.

Please say that you'll help me with my story.

Report Blaze-saber · 253 views · #help #storywork
Viewing 221 - 240 of 1,769 results