
Viewing 221 - 240 of 616 results

Academic Frustrations · 10:45pm Oct 15th, 2015


Our university had a bit of a rocky start this academic year, mostly concerning the new accreditation that was supposed to be set in place... but then wasn't, because of petty, administrative reasons.

The nightmare is now over, and I clutch my final timetable and my final list of subjects with a sigh of relief.

I just felt like typing this here, while typing about ponies, orks, warframes and other cuddly creatures.


Ok, sooo · 9:00am Aug 21st, 2017

Said girl and I are a couple now. So, there's that. Otherwise, work and school suck and are quickly draining my soul. Yay.


Thoughts On S8 Opener · 8:12pm Mar 29th, 2018

Prof.Fluttershy, why do I want that name in the next Pokemon game? Anyways I just saw Applegeek's let watch of the opener to season 8 and while I still have a tiny bit of a virus, feeling OK enough to write. This opener was........................well, different. I heard some weren't impressed by it, I can see that as in all honesty I'm not entirely sure how a school arc would go.

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Fallen Knight Update! · 4:42pm Oct 28th, 2019


Just a quick update, the next chapter is coming along nicely, should be released during this week, I am hoping on Wednesday.

It has already gone through deletion, rewrites, and that is because so far it has been a b*tch to write. Not because it's hard, but because I don't like to shove things in there that has no value or insight to the story or characters. I am also dealing with the last days of school, writing a report that has to be delivered soon, so most of focus is on that.

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Site Post » S8E25-26 - School Raze · 11:56am Sep 9th, 2018


The Young Six and the Cutie Mark Crusaders stop an evil force from taking over the School of Friendship while the Mane Six try to escape Tartarus.

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Report knighty · 10,919 views · #season 8 #s8e25-26 #School Raze

School Fire! · 5:26pm Oct 6th, 2017

My school caught fire a few hours ago, yay. The downside is that the school won't let us go home.


A cute drawing 3: Vaporeon. · 5:25pm Aug 13th, 2016

This one isn't my best one, but I hope you guys like it.

Next one will be Jolteon.

Also, this is not the return from my semi-hiatus. I am still on it, and will probably be until school is over. I think I will keep doing ponified Pokemons for a bit, but not on a regular schedule. Have a good time my friend:twilightsmile:


Don't read this blog. · 7:40pm Jun 27th, 2022

Hey everyone. I'm making a random test blog for something that I'm planning on doing later so you don't really need to read whatever crazy nonsense my brain decides to write here. You won't find anything of interest and most likely you'll probably just get frustrated that I'm waffling and going off on a tangent about nothing so no need to read it if you don't want to. Just thought that it was worth saying all of that before someone wastes their time reading something that they don't want to

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Zoom Etiquette & The Panopticon; Or What I've Been Up To Lately · 11:26pm Nov 14th, 2020

Heya! I can't believe that it's been since July that I let you guys know how I was doing. I've been very busy since then as in August I got into graduate school, and have been knee deep in work since then. It has been an absolute cluster to be honest, ever since the pandemic delayed my the processing of application to the University for several months, to the point where I was only admitted the week of the start of the semester.

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Editorial: Anatomy of an Argument - According to the School of Life · 2:49am Sep 2nd, 2020

The following comes from notes I've gathered up for the upcoming Discord Teaches Philosophy: On Love story. They come from the YouTube channel, The School of Life, and I compiled and stitched together an essay that was originally meant to help me with writing the chapter, but I felt that such information here might prove useful to my readers. Although I technically didn't write this, the information here is still useful for those who may be fighting with someone through an argument.

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I'm free... · 7:22pm Jun 16th, 2023

My exams are over. I now get to move on to the next stage of my education.

And before that, I get a three-month grace period for finding a part-time job and writing horse words. Most people on this site are probably more excited about the last part of that sentence lol.

But I'm free! Free as a bird. Until reality hits me of course, but that one can wait for a while. I want to write horse words.

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So Ouran High School Host Club exists... · 7:44pm Jul 1st, 2015

And it is the Lord's work.

God bless this crazy ass bullshit anime


I got into Medical School · 8:39pm Oct 16th, 2017

Do you like pony snuggles? Do you like not dying of treatable illnesses?

Well come one come all, because today your boy CategoricalGrant got his first medical school acceptance to the University of Cincinnati.

Still plenty of interviews in the cycle- but what a relief!


Right Back At It Again! - 2020 Shipping Competition · 9:17pm May 18th, 2020

Hey everyone!

So it's been a long time since I've had the opportunity to host a contest, but you know what they say: There's no time like the present! That being said, I think it's high time I host another one... and an interesting one at that!


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School Daze · 1:10am Mar 25th, 2018

Friendship is Magic first impressions review: School Daze (s08e01-02)
by Obake

I'm not exactly sure what message School Daze is attempting to get across. That western educational systems are outdated, and insufficient? I agree there plenty of problems with the current system, but the episode never conveys any real issue with how Equestrians handle it.

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Question about school lunches · 6:47am Oct 18th, 2019

Question: who here had a school where the cafeteria had a menu with multiple options? Like, every day, they had multiple options that they could choose from for the entree?

I ask because I was watching something, and in it, the school cafeteria had multiple options. A variety of choices that the students could choose from. Granted, it was a limited variety, but a variety all the same.

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SPOILERS FOR SEASON FINALE · 9:02pm Sep 11th, 2018

…..So an MLP villain FINALLY gets punished for their actions? No bullshit sob story? Their actions actually have consequences?

Holy crap, either the MLP staff have finally gotten around to reading everyone's hate mail, or I'm in the Twilight Zone.

….Still, it kinda sends a mixed message, doncha think? "It's only ok to punish someone for acts of treason if they don't immediately apologize for what they did?"

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Back to school! · 4:32am Aug 7th, 2023

Hiya, lovely peeps!

Exciting news: I'm going back to school!

Ya'll might remember this blog a while back. To cut a long story short - I quit my engineering course at the university because it wasn't working out. I had failed all my modules in Semester 2.

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My Archeology experience · 12:50am Jun 11th, 2023

I've been having a great time with my Anthropology field class at UAF. I found lots of interesting things such as ceramics, Rusty Nails, and other objects. I've also learned a lot during my time in the class. Let's just all hope the rest of my time here goes swell too.

Wish me luck everyone.


Update Frequency · 2:41am Sep 1st, 2016

Would you look at that, I need to go back to school! You know what that means: less frequent updates! Oh joy! But seriously, I'm going back to school, so my stories will be updated less frequently. Schoolwork takes priority over writing fanfiction, unfortunately. But don't worry, I'm working on new chapters for my favorite stories, The First Pony to Time Travel Without a Spell and

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Viewing 221 - 240 of 616 results