
Viewing 221 - 240 of 531 results

Post #18 · 2:54am Feb 14th, 2019

Hey everyone. Some of you might have noticed by now that my story has been placed on hiatus. I just wanted to talk briefly about that.

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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 29 -- Defection · 10:35am Jul 20th, 2018

Showing fantastic proactivity, the Cullens wait for Alice to return. For hours. They don’t even send someone out to check up on her. What do Bella and Edward do during this? Take a wild guess.

We’d stared at each other all night, staring at what neither of us could live through losing: the other.

CM + 1

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Pause Time~! · 7:26am Aug 21st, 2019

Hey cuties~!

Some of you know, but I got some family stuff going on right now. It's icky and I don't wanna go into details. Because SO NOT FUN :(

Means all my stories gotta be on hold. They've been on hold for what feels like FOREEEEVVVVEEEERRRRRRR~! But gonna be longer. Maybe 2 more~?

I've got a totes fun commission I'm playing with when I can, plus >>2<< new Dollmare stories~! They're kinda like my relax time after a super hard day~

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Here It Is... · 7:05pm Jul 27th, 2018

...the big decision I was kicking around all week long. I'm not going to be retiring but I will be absent from here for a couple weeks. I will return PM's if I get an email notifying me of a message. But other than that, it going to be at least until Aug 14th before I'm back. In the meantime, please enjoy any of the 25 stories that I've written.

Sorry to my followers who wait daily for an update or blog post. You guys help me through the rough times when I need it. For that, I'm thankful.

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Yay Spring Break Soon · 3:51am Mar 23rd, 2017

Spring break is nice. Then I can finish up stuff. I also like dogs.


September, To Do List. And reminder of a break soon. · 12:44am Aug 31st, 2016

I know it's a little early to post this, but anyway, as some of you know I will halt any posting for Endless Time, Or Forever End, during October. Well I decided on something new. For this month, September I will only be posting three chapters. This reason being that I were to go as before, the fans would have to stop in the middle of the biggest part. And I don't want to be that mean. So the posting will still on a Thursday. So the 1st, the 8th, and the 15th. Those will be the only days

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Chair Explosion · 9:58pm Oct 12th, 2020

So of all things, a friend of mine had their dog suddenly drop dead last night and at almost the same moment I was told this via IRC the arm of my chair goes <CRACK!> and tears right off almost throwing me to the floor. What amazing timing. Also not the best quality plastic it would seem. So a few things have slowed me on writing again of course. Haha. What a grand year this has been for all yes.. At least moms severely broken arm appears to be mending slowly according to x-ray.

Report Windrunner · 118 views · #Chair #Break #Broken #Broke #Passed #Dog #Arm

S8E10 The Break Up Break Down · 5:45pm May 19th, 2018

Didn't we just establish this ship a season ago and never discuss it again up until now? Either the synopsis is a lie or I am gonna be upset.

Also different format for this review, since I didn't watch the stream and can pause this one to do my thoughts on it in sequence. I was waiting to watch it at EFN but the commentary panel is an older episode (and on "Stranger Than Fanfiction" of all eps, blegh).

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“Break Up, Break Down” thoughts · 11:14am May 29th, 2018

When I saw the title, and who the main focus was gonna be,?all I thought was:

Oh no. This is gonna be one of those episodes. An emotional roller coaster ride.”

Well, I’m a masochist, so I went deep in to the story.

Hang on, I must be imagining this. Did Spike shipped Discord with Fluttershy?!....

....I honestly don’t know if that relationship will work out. Brawny made some convincing arguments on why that is not the case. But hey, I could be wrong.

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Update... and apologies · 7:06pm Dec 12th, 2019

I'm terribly sorry. I know I said in the last few blog posts that I'll write two more chapters this year, one for Rebirth of the Damned and one for Fallout: Equestria - Infinite Potential. But... I cannot motivate myself to write anything! Heck, most of the time I don't even do anything lately, only watch some stuff. I am so tired after finishing work that all I wanna do is curl up in my bed and watch stuff. I hardly even play video games! Do you wanna know just how exhausted I am from working?

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Still on break... · 9:43pm Nov 18th, 2015

For those of you wondering, yes, I'm still around, and yes, I'm still very much on break. However, I will also say I'm cooking something up. What that is you'll just have to wait and see.

Otherwise, the month has been alright. Nothing too big, nothing too small, too busy, or too hectic. Just is.

Hope you all have been having a decent November.


Two Day Break · 5:26am Oct 11th, 2016

Gonna relax for Tuesday and Wednesday to give people time to catch up and leave a comment (Please leave a comment)

More Pet Changeling on thursday!


In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 1 -- Engaged · 10:48am Jun 22nd, 2018

So. Last book. Here we go.

Clinginess Meter: 0

I hate hate hate hate hate these prefaces. How not to do prologues. Skipping.

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So, I've been in prison this past three weeks... · 1:27pm Dec 9th, 2018

... digging up dead guys. I also had to jump off a moving train. Can I get my "thug life" glasses now?

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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 20 -- New · 10:39am Jul 11th, 2018

The moment Bella wakes up, she realizes she can everything much more clearly than she could as a human. Everything’s sharply-defined and she can notice things that were too small before. It’s an interesting idea, but like many interesting ideas in this series, it’s botched. Like in this description:

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Deadpool 2 Review. (W/ Spoilers) · 1:30am May 23rd, 2018

WHOO!!! God damn, Deadpool 2, baby!!! Before seeing this movie, I was afraid that it may fall victim to Sequelitus (like The Hangover 2), but man, I'm proud to say that Deadpool 2 IS a Worthy sequel and a must see for anyone that's a fan of the merc with the mouth! Filled with references, 4th wall breaks, and, of course, a ton of blood and guts that make the movie deserve it's R rating! I kinda want to explain more, but that'll be for the spoilers. If you haven't seen Deadpool 2, go and see it

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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 13 -- Good Thing I've Got a Strong Stomach · 12:21pm Jul 4th, 2018

Good thing I’ve got a strong Bullshit Sensor (or so I hope…).

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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 21 -- First Hunt · 10:55am Jul 12th, 2018

The hunt begins with a halfway-decent character scene where Bella’s nervous about jumping out the second-story window even though she knows she’s indestructible now. But then it’s ruined when she tries it and does it perfectly.

“That was quite graceful — even for a vampire.”


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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 22 -- Promised · 10:41am Jul 13th, 2018

As Bella and Edward run back to the house, she asks him to tell her about (bleelalgh) Renesmee. It’s the boringness of perfection: she’s wonderful, she’s about a half-and-half split between a vampire and a human, she sleeps soundly, she prefers to drink blood although she can eat human food, and she communicates effectively even though she doesn’t speak yet. Well. Isn’t that convenient. However, Edward’s frustrated over Jacob imprinting on (ghghghgh) Renesmee, but he manages to hide that fact

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For those waiting for the next story · 3:22am Sep 13th, 2016

I have three stories in the works. One completed, one half way done, and one as a side project. I also have several ideas in my head, some funny others not as much. However I haven't felt motivated to work on them for several reasons. One being that I need an editor for the ones I plan on taking seriously. Others, well, I have been more motivated to work on my original works and things that could make money. I haven't forgotten about the reader, just had a lot on my plate and I had to settle

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Report Seran · 314 views · #Motivation #writing #break #sorry #no #work #for #now
Viewing 221 - 240 of 531 results