
Viewing 221 - 240 of 902 results

One Week Later: State of the Teeth · 4:14pm Apr 21st, 2023

See the previous blog post for the situation, and here for the GoFundMe I'm talking about.

So, I've had a busy time this week.

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Next chapter soon, and Fanart! · 6:38am Aug 28th, 2015

First off, I'm happy to say you can expect a new chapter soon. Not sure when exactly, but soon all the same.

Secondly, I have recently become aware of a ton of fanart by a wonderful artist who goes by the name of Galefeather. You can check out her Deviantart account to see it all, and apparently some has even found it's way onto Derpibooru. I'm really grateful for this- I can't believe that my story can inspire people to create stuff based on it. Thanks Galefeather! :pinkiehappy:

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Important: Update Schedule · 4:12am Jun 17th, 2015

New chapter for Twilight's Secret Journal and a new koan for The Sound of One Hoof Clopping!

Now let's talk a bit about the State of the Wolf Pony.

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Take a look at the new me. · 5:35am May 2nd, 2016


A Good Update on Life · 1:11am Mar 27th, 2016

For those curious, the lovely lady with this handsome little boy is my younger sister. Said handsome little boy is our newest family member, thus far unnamed but already getting a lot of love and giving a lot of love in return.

Welcome to the family, buddy.

Report RadiantBeam · 436 views · #me #personal #dogs

The Difficulty of Third Person "Objective" · 10:14pm Mar 28th, 2016

At this point, I am mostly here to complain.
Those who have been reading my story "The Last Illusion" may know by now what I am talking about. The story is read out of a book. The book writes itself. But, "most" of the time, it is not a character. In fact, it seems literally incapable of treating itself as one.

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Why Harlan Ellison? · 1:10am Dec 20th, 2018

Troubled. I am writing this blog because I am troubled.

Why am I troubled? There's no real 'good' reason behind it. Plethora upon a plethora of reasons bug the ever living shit outta me, but no matter which one I choose to dissect, none of them ever appear, or reveal, to be a good enough reason.

The thing that troubles me now, on December the nineteen, at six o' clock, in two-thousand and eighteen, is the death of Harlan Ellison.

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Hello Unemployment.... · 4:39pm Jan 31st, 2016

So, today I was fired from Walmart....

But that also means I need to go looking for a new job....

I hate this so much...ugh....


A Plethora of Personal Preference: IMPLACABLE · 2:12am Apr 18th, 2018

A lone wanderer in the final days of Man. An impregnable fortress work-camp to stand against the total emigration of humanity to virtual Equestria. The artificial intelligence called 'Celestia'. Everything has been accounted for. Everything.
Chatoyance · 17k words · 3.6k views

What I liked:
•Formatting. The title, the first word of the chapter, and the image breaks between scenes.
•Plot. From the first word, I was drawn in. The big question was asked: who exactly is Raymond, and why does he hate Celestia? And what's up with Ford Denver?
•Exposition. Understated, no info dumps, no maid and butler dialogue—everything progresses naturally.

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It's me again. · 9:52pm Jun 30th, 2015

I hope that my return's okay with you. This time, I'll just be a reader and a writer. I won't even try to be a reviewer, because honestly, I was awful at it.
I'm sorry to everyone I disappointed when I quit so abruptly and I'm sorry to the members of Rage Reviews for constantly acting like a giant dick to them.


I Think I Still Have a Pulse · 2:43am Apr 8th, 2018

To anyone who reads this, I just thought I'd let you all know that I'm still out here. Yes, the next chapter to Oligemia is overdue by about... 3 years, but who's counting. I'll follow this up with a more detailed post sometime later (hopefully sooner), but I feel anyone interested in my story has the right to some kind of response at this point as to what happened to me.

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I Want It All To Matter... · 12:35am Oct 16th, 2015

Life is hard, isn't it? No matter what life you were born into, you'll always find rough patches, brick walls, and other obstacles to face. And yet, we shouldn't wish these away. We should wish for the strength to push forward, to get past these obstacles in the way that only we know how. I will not admit that my life was the worst. I had decent money, a good house, and parents that provided me anything I needed. And yet, those material possessions could only mask the stench of... Serious

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large hard-on collider · 10:15am Nov 1st, 2020

when i write a poem
the world ends
with the energy of a
malfunctioning garbage disposal

the same water jesus rides to work
designates our planet a ridiculous paradox
a superfluous apostrophe

in an interstellar venue
we are the water-planet
worshipping a sun god

a day's length:
an inappropriate tool for
polishing bone

it was dark and
perpetual when i wrote this
the neighbourhood was exploding

Report darf · 218 views · #poetry #personal #pointless

Your best option to get the deserved injury benefits · 3:12am May 31st, 2016

Injuries can be of different types and taking insurance from a trusted firm can help you get back the amount you had to pay. There are lots of people troubled with permanent disabilities restricting them to further continue their occupation. This can cause a stop to their occupation and thereby trouble their way of living in a big way. In case of work related accidents, traffic collisions, medical negligence cases and many other incidents that causes injuries, whether permanent or temporary, to

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Help Charles! · 3:33am Jun 9th, 2015

Charles Spratt has been in a deep depression as of late, telling me that he feels forgotten. It's partly my fault, so I have to make up for it! Please, follow him, support him, and show him that he'll never be forgotten! Even just one follow would help him more than you know!


My favorite RWBY character of all time · 5:47pm Aug 16th, 2021



About my fiance! · 4:57am Jan 29th, 2020

So I have been getting asked what kind of girl my Fiance is and why have I fallen in love with her. I have to admit that for starters I suck at thinking of myself. I always think about other people way before myself which can lead to very bad physical and mental health issues but I am glad that my fiance is the polar opposite of me. She still loves that I help and care for other people but she does make sure that I take care of myself as well. So that helps me know that I have her to help me

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Well I guess you guys want a status update! · 7:08am Apr 27th, 2020

I have been working through the pain but I don't know if I can trust anyone anymore. I am not so certain about anything right now. I got a call from my Ex Fiance and she acted like nothing happened and I now see that she was cold and heartless. I mean she was crying yesterday and then all of a sudden she is happy and pretty much acts like nothing happened and she wants to be friends? He** no I refuse this. I mean what is she thinking. I can barely see anything that reminds me of her and then

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My favorite Transformers character of all time · 5:31pm Aug 12th, 2021


I'm still alive. I swear! · 7:20am Mar 2nd, 2019

As usual I must issue an apology here. I'm still alive, I'm still planning to make pony fics at some point. But right now... Right now I'm busy. With my own IP, The Avlaan Cycle in the works I have been busy dealing with the artist for my cover (A complete madman), personal life, minor health issues (An injury in my hand) and some economic issues.

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Viewing 221 - 240 of 902 results