
Viewing 241 - 260 of 10,581 results

September Update · 3:24am Oct 1st, 2018

Time sure does fly, doesn't it? This time last year I succeeded in completing an entire month of writing every single day. Didn't manage to do that this year, unfortunately, but it wasn't a completely lost month. Next month kind of has to be different though. I actaully hit a milestone on patreon and now have to provide at least 10k a month as promised, so look forward to that, I suppose. Have some Sunset before I bitch about life after the break.

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Report Holy · 508 views · #Update

Sorry I guess · 6:46am Jul 31st, 2016

I apologize if my first chapter of my FoE was not entertaining or if i just plain sucked. for one i have no excuse, just me saying i'll try to do better in the future. also i will say this was my first MLP FanFic, as well as my first post apocalyptic book. My main type of story i write is actually High Fantasy and it is usually better than this. i have started working on the second chapter but it will take longer to make them for this fic because both

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Report Solaris Rin Ursa · 241 views · #Updates

October Update Stuff! · 7:55pm Nov 1st, 2018

Hey hey, its time for another monthly update!

So, first off, this month was a smashing success and I have written 315 pages worth of stuff. Absolutely awesome, and I only missed two days one out of laziness, and one just because I had everything done for the entire month and I wanted to celebrate Halloween. Feels good!

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Report Jest · 312 views · #Update

The State of the Universe · 10:46pm Apr 11th, 2018

Hello all, Lightning Striker here!

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Report Lightning_Striker · 428 views · #Update

Exercise in Management will now update weekly again. · 1:17pm Apr 24th, 2018

I've built up a reasonable buffer of chapters, and I've got the main notes done, so I think I might be able to drop a new chapter weekly without too many breaks.

So, unless something happens or I go mentally completely dry, new Exercise In Management updates will be coming every Sunday.

Report Nameless Narrator · 215 views · #updates

Important News Bullitin! · 9:49pm Apr 6th, 2016

Hello Hive Mind! DWC here to bring you some new information about the next couple of weeks.

1. The 2nd year anniversary contents ends in 4 days! So be prepared to submit your entries soon!

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Report Down with Chrysalis · 186 views · #Update

Good and not so good, but still kind of good, news · 9:17pm Dec 28th, 2018

Lets start off with the good news. I'm almost finished with chapter 17 of TSOW, and I'm going to try to have the last bit of it written, edited, and uploaded within, hopefully, the next 48 hours. I've been really bad at staying focused on this story lately. After I tried to rush through the last few chapters, I had to take a few days off to recharge, so to speak. Picked up the game Monster hunter World to give it a try, next thing I know 100 hours had passed and I forgot I even had a story to

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Report DR-Fluffy · 239 views · #Update

Stuff and Things I Should Say · 4:55pm Dec 15th, 2017

Firstly, I love how well A Foolish Friend is going, it's my child right now and I'm working dutifully on it. I still have a few pre-written chapters that need refinement. Mostly, I need to write how my characters arrive there. I know Shadow Aura has become something of a hassle of power in Equestria that could upset balances, but it stays in check from his personality. He used to be lonely, but changed into a logical Pinkie Pie and I think that suits the story well. Allllll the feedback for

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Report The Real Darkness · 247 views · #Updates

I'm not dead! · 8:53pm Sep 13th, 2018

That's right! I'm writing again!

Today I updated Friendship Rising. I hope to be updating more regularly.

I also have been working on Codename: Autumn, which is a fic that I have not released the actual title yet. It's going rather well. It should be released in a few months.

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Report Lightning_Striker · 364 views · #update

My Ego is Soaring · 5:22pm Aug 1st, 2015

Hello Everybrony!

Well, I finally finished The Thoughts of Pet Bunnies. Thanks again Odd Shot for the suggestion! :raritywink: I actually wrote it a week before I uploaded it, but due to the issues of everyday life I never got around to posting it. Oh well, better late than never, right?

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Report RainEStar · 173 views · #Update

A Wolf Head heads up! (New Story + Other Things) · 9:56am Nov 29th, 2017

I'm doing another story about another OC in Epic V's Discored server! Comedy themes as usual. And if you're concerned about Moving Day then don't fret. I'm still working on that as well

The "P.A.W.S." fic has been put on hiatus for now. I wanna revisit the same idea in a different way in the future so it might come just set up differently.

Report Wolf Head Brony · 291 views · #Update

New Story Up! Another fluffy romance, because I'm a sucker for that it seems. · 7:05am Jun 16th, 2018

Today's story is brought to you by the fact that I've had this partially started in my folder for almost half a year now.
Presenting... the cutest ship ever to exist. Also, cute ponies being cute together. I hope you enjoy!

ECinnamon Saturday
Fluttershy takes a vacation to Manehatten, but finds her feelings for her friend and host are a bit more complicated than she expected.
Silent Whisper · 3.1k words  ·  56  1 · 1.3k views
Report Silent Whisper · 169 views · #update

Update: The Things He Carried · 3:37pm Mar 9th, 2020

Hey, y'all!

I just wanted to apologize for the wait for the next chapter, it's going to take a while. I have a lot on my plate right now, so it's kinda hard to write. I'm not dropping the story, but I will say that it's coming to an end soon (completed).

In the meantime, cheers!! ✌



Update! · 8:05am Aug 6th, 2016

Hey, guys!

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Report Mortomis Reaper · 289 views · #update

Cut content. · 9:40pm Apr 29th, 2018

For those of you still waiting for me to publish the next chapter, I've got news to update you on. First I've been working the last two months 8 to 4 at my seasonal job and I'm usually pretty tired when I get home. Second, I've coping with some writers block with the latest chapter and that usually means a lot of time spent sitting and thinking of ways to get past them. Third I have a portion of cut content from the latest chapter to share with you. Hope you enjoy.

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Report Stallion of Steel · 233 views · #Update.

Finally back in the saddle · 8:00pm Sep 13th, 2017

Hey all who care to read these i've been really busy with work and other problems but finally the next chapter of Equality is officially started though I will take longer on this one as there's more I want to convey in this chapter than the first one. Also I have taken all constructive criticism onboard and will try my best to encorporate it into my writing though if anyone here would like to proofread and maybe help edit the next chapter just ask it would be a great help as even though I

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Report Autumn Breeze · 221 views · #Update

Update: 6/9/2016 · 6:34pm Jun 9th, 2016

I'm trying to find an editor for an unreleased story, but unfortunately, I can't provide any sort of funds for anyone... so I'm out of luck. I'll probably have to find a way to edit on my own, and as much I would like outside help, it will never come.

No new chapters this month.

I'm having a great time! *screams on the inside*

Report HeavyMetalKnight · 179 views · #update

Next Chapter is a 2 for 1 · 7:50am Jan 13th, 2020

Well this chapter took off without a problem... but I'm nearing the end of it and realized its WAY too long... Right now its 8690 words and I still have a bit more to go so... i'm gonna have to split it. this is both good and bad for when it gets posted.

Bad because I have to find a proper place to separate it and rewrite a segment of that point to make it seem like an end of one and a beginning of a another chapter, so its gonna take a little longer to post.

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Report Priceless911 · 260 views · #update

Small Update · 11:36pm Nov 7th, 2020

Hey everyone! I know I've been quiet and that one story went up without a lot of fanfare. I've uh...been a mix of busy and creatively struggling.

Nonetheless, I'm still (kinda) writing. Next up on my plate is the long-awaited Donation Drive sequel and a story featuring my two main OCs, Zippi and Zew, the naughtiest fillies this side of town.

School is going well; I have straight As, and it should end early-ish December, and then I'll have a few unrestricted weeks to write filly lewds.

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Report Deus Foalt · 177 views · #Update

Update · 3:03am Jul 7th, 2019

So I am still going at the next chapter, haven't completely given up on it like what seems to be my habit... I don't have an exact word count, since I'm writing every chapter on one document with the previous chapters left behind as reference, but I've managed to put some paragraphs to pap- er... keyboard? I don't know when I'll feel like the next chapter will be done, but I feel like I have a vague idea where I want to stop next... So...


Report Soren Mercer · 228 views · #update
Viewing 241 - 260 of 10,581 results