
Viewing 241 - 260 of 7,372 results

City of Doors blog 5/16/2016 · 8:13pm May 16th, 2016

Always kind of self-conscious about adding older reviews. I'm working through The Goodfic Bin and linking reviews that are a year old. If it is the only review a story has, then the author gets a notification about it added to my big master review list bookshelf. Which in itself isn't bad I guess. Just that if it's a bad review I feel kind of bad. Especially one author which I've linking several not-so-good reviews and if they had known about them they are getting reminded, and if they didn't I

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Fanfic Reviews – Assorted Edition · 11:27pm Jun 20th, 2015

Looks like it has been 1 month since I last posted anything... What can I say? I went to play The Witcher 3, which is such a fantastic game that it managed to restore my fate in the industry – and it also absorbed me completely. Also, adapting to the first few weeks of a new job can be hard, specially when you have a bunch of carryover from before. On the plus size, I have a proper commute again, so expect some non-readings reviews soon. Gonna also try to keep some kind of schedule with these

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Report Soge · 1,005 views · #review #story review

For anyone who doesn't follow PCaRG · 7:39am Jan 10th, 2015

For anyone who likes my review blogs, you might know that I regularly do in-depth reviews over on the Pleasant Commentator and Review Group. I started out as one of the Dark fic reviewers, started picking up basically anything as an Admin, and now am the primary clopfic reviewer because nobody else wants to do those. I still do all the other stuff, but since no one else will grab the clopfics, they fall

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I had some fun with this review. · 7:02am Feb 4th, 2015

From The Pleasant Commentator and Review Group

Booking for Velvet
By Mr Ghostman

Reviewed by Rinnaul

So, I see “incest” and anything involving the Sparkle family, and exactly one thing comes to mind.

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Quill Reviews: How the Half-Naked Santa Saved Christmas (Dubs Rewatcher) · 10:42pm Jan 7th, 2016

Warning: This is a long review. I know that I write long reviews as a matter of habit, but this one spends six paragraphs talking about the title and cover art for this story. It's long. You might want to go and get a drink before you start reading.

How the Half-Naked Santa Saved Christmas
Read the story here!

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Report Quill Scratch · 966 views · #Reviews

IDW's My Little Pony: Friends Forever #6 · 3:54am Apr 27th, 2016

You know, I was planning to do the comic reviews in a certain order. I was going to do Fiendship is Magic after Nightmare Rarity, acknowledge Friends Forever, and then continue the main comics in chronological order.

But no! Something incredible has happened, and it changes everything. This week... is Trixie Week.

Behold, the second-best Trixie ship... and the second-best Rainbow Dash ship!

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Gonna Start Replying to Reviews · 12:25am Feb 3rd, 2016

I've been slacking in that department lately, and since you guys do such a good job with reviews, I don't want to make that into a habit. You guys deserve my thanks and appreciation for your words.

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Report taterforlife · 304 views · #reviews

Fic Reviews VIII · 8:54pm Sep 3rd, 2015


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Report Rinnaul · 394 views · #review

Friday's Featured Fic: Luna's Story: Rise of the Lunar Stallions · 5:16am Mar 21st, 2015

Luna's Story: Rise of the Lunar Stallions
Author: Aegis Shield
Genre: Romantic Adventure
Word Count: 44k

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Report Danger Beans · 315 views · #review

Friday's Featured Fic: Therapist Visit · 2:07pm Jan 16th, 2015

Title: Therapist Visit
Author: ABagOVicodin
Genre: Sad-Luna
Word Count: 35k

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Report Danger Beans · 281 views · #review

Friday's Featured Fic: Creeping Darkness · 2:26pm Nov 7th, 2014

Creeping Darkness
Author: Pen Stroke
Genre: [Horror] [Crossover]
Word Count: 63k

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Report Danger Beans · 283 views · #review

Mini-Reviews: Season Five: Part Two: First Blood: Resurrection · 4:52am Jul 13th, 2015

Okay, so, here we go again! Several more reviews, taking us all the way to the midseason nano-hiatus. As before, I have included a brief review of each episode, followed by any wishful thinking on what I personally would have liked to have seen in the episode. Enjoy!

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Report SaddlesoapOpera · 449 views · #Review

Free Shavacado Reviews · 12:51pm Mar 31st, 2017

Shaping Love and War

Author: Sku Blue CMC

I... have a... huh... I really don't know what to say about this one...

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Report Regis-Th3-Lesser · 425 views · #review

Ummm... · 6:15pm Dec 22nd, 2017

Well... I don't know whether to be upset or honored. I received a message from Charles Spratt of Rage Reviews earlier informing me of a review that was done on Dark Sunset. Personally I don't think Dark Sunset was that bad (of course that writer's bias). I mean, sure it has it's flaws but what story doesn't? Anyway, he tore it to shreds. I appreciate the honesty of his opinion but the fact that I got ripped for a trigger warning was bullshit. This was written prior to knighty's

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Report pabrony · 318 views · #reviewed

Review Info · 3:18pm Feb 3rd, 2017

Due to some slightly unexpected complications, I will be taking a slight break with the reviews.

You will know when I am off of break because there will be a review that day.

EDIT: I intend to start up again on Monday the 13th. EDIT #2: I have started up again.

Report Matthewl419 · 455 views · #Review

Under-appreciated stories #1 · 12:24am Feb 28th, 2017

I was looking at my various lists of recommended stories, sorted by the most popular, and it occurred to me to look at the bottom of the list: at the stories that I liked but which seem not to have garnered high numbers of up-votes. Here are a few of the under-appreciated gems that I think need more love.

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Report Shrink Laureate · 481 views · #reviews

Review: The Laughing Shadow · 9:05pm Sep 23rd, 2017

The Laughing Shadow, is a story by long time fan of punching things repeatedly, Merc the Jerk, and sets out to prove the timeless tale that hitting things until they die is sometimes a very viable solution to problems, also that magic is trumped by not giving a fuck as evidenced by William and Jack in the story. Proving another timeless lesson: the average person

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Report Mist · 332 views · #review

Legend of Everfree review · 3:22am Sep 26th, 2016

Alright that took some time to watch but I suppose I should break the ice here with saying I don't know what to make of this film. On the one hand there were a great many elements I enjoyed for example, I loved the new magical powers and some of humour was great. However I will say this, I hated the new love interest for Twilight, it just didn't feel right to me but I'm probably just not getting it, I'll hit myself over the head to see if that works. Let's start with the beginning, 4 billion

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Report Garfield23 · 269 views · #Review!

My Little Pony: The Movie (2017) Review (Spoiler Free) · 9:08pm Oct 7th, 2017

I write this blog-post in the hope that I might save a few of your time and money.

Short and Long of it: The movie is "essentially" 'Strange Magic' but with ponies. That is too say too emotionally based with logical progression that becomes weaker and more galling the more you think about it. Do not pay money to see it. And, if you want the things you like to be of good quality, give the movie a pass entirely.


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Report RealityDowngrade · 381 views · #review

fJd Review: The Apple(Bloom) Of Her Eyes by Snow Quill · 4:33pm Nov 1st, 2020

EThe Apple(Bloom) Of Her Eye
To get what she wants most, Diamond Tiara has to prove to Apple Bloom and her friends that she really has changed.
Snow Quill · 8.3k words  ·  77  6 · 1.8k views


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Report flutterJackdash · 47 views · #review
Viewing 241 - 260 of 7,372 results