
Viewing 241 - 260 of 699 results

Book 4 Writing Update! · 10:18pm Jun 4th, 2019

I just published Chapter 99 - The Slog! As I publish, I am writing the final chapter in Book 4. Chapter 132. I have plenty of editing to do, but its on to book 5! That is the final book. I do plan to release a set of Anthology pieces alongside Book 5. As usual, if you want to see something explored in the Anthology, let me know!

Also, I am working on another piece in the Dragon War Series.

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Star Wars 7 (no spoilers!) and Christmas · 10:17pm Dec 20th, 2015

Hey guys,

Star wars. The movie is amazing. If you have not seen it yet, you should definitely go and see it, it will not disappoint.

Also, the special chapter for the Riftwalker may or may not be on time. Depending on how my inspiration goes, I hope I'll finish it on time to release it on Christmas together with Chapter 6 of The Shadow of Equestria.

Again, I wish you all happy holidays, and a lovely 2016.



Update 1 - What's Up? · 8:17pm Mar 12th, 2019

Hello, Comrades!

Shadow of Equestria's second chapter is right around the corner. There will be a couple more edits and revisions before I can release it. Work will be slow because the story hasn't gained too much traction, but I'm not worried about it. I have burning confidence that Shadow of Equestria will win the recognition it deserves--in the meantime, the best I can do from where I'm standing is assure you that this story will see an end.

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Quarantine Chat: Fast Invitation and a Shadow of an Empire – The Film (or Series) · 7:18pm Apr 9th, 2020

Hey readers! I hope things are going well for you during these interesting times. Hopefully I’ll be able to bring some relief today, as I’ve got two things to talk about, and we’re going to dive right in. Serious topic first … then some fun!

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Moony update · 2:32pm Apr 15th, 2020

Hey all, hope you're all being safe and well.

So my plan for WMMH this year was to update at least once a month. That hasn't happened but most of what I planned for this year hasn't exactly happened. While I have at least four chapters written, my beta got sent off to a remote part of Alaska for his work, to work long days with very little internet or free time. So poor Moony is waiting for his return so we can work on edits and get a load of chapters out.

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A teaser for the next chapter of Shadows Everfree. Viewer discretion is advised. · 2:28pm January 17th

I pulled the door further from its latch, peeking through the gap to find nary a change in the scenery from last I saw.
Ava slipped out first, and after a few seconds, waiting to see if anything would come out, I caught up with her. Side by side, we resumed our trek down the root-ridden roads.
A cold wind howled softly in my ear as it brushed over the city. All else was quiet as we were.

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Comic Updates: ATN-Shadow Combat Part 3 (Dark and AU) · 2:30pm Mar 20th, 2016


Critique Review: Eternal Blaze: Of Sun and Shadows · 8:24pm Mar 9th, 2016

You know what, I fucking give up…

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Patience for the other Crossover. · 4:43pm Feb 22nd, 2016

As you read in the last chapter, Cyberlord4444 and I are having a crossover involving my Merc with the mouth with his displaced Shadow Ranger. It's probably gonna take a while, but please, be patient, and enjoy some more funnies, now with some DC mixed in! (Trust me, I don't hate DC, I just think they're late on the Superhero movie-crossover bandwagon)


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The coming on Diamond Shadow · 2:04am Jan 2nd, 2016

Seeing how I detailed my thought process for my OC Autumn Galerina three years ago and how I am yet again huffed up on painkillers and I kinda want to have a more positive Blog-wall for the new year, I think it is time to explain how I developed Diamond Shadow and ultimately, how her relationship with Autumn "works".

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Shadow of an Empire Reward Copy Woes · 5:45pm Jun 4th, 2018

Got some rough news before today’s Being a Better Writerfolks. Friday, June 1st, Shadow of an Empire launched (it is doing pretty well, by the way; have you read it yet?). Which meant Thursday night at midnight I was doing what I do when a new book comes out: sending out thank-you and reward copies.

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Amazonian Advertising Practices: Part 2 · 8:25pm Jul 12th, 2018

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: There’s a lot going on this week. Hence some daily posts. Today’s topic of choice? More on Amazon’s Advertising System.

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February Patreon Supporter Reward News, Shadow of an Empire News, and Other News! Basically News. · 8:44pm Mar 2nd, 2018


New story idea I thought of. · 12:31am Nov 17th, 2017

I call it "My Little Pony: The Wrath of Princess Tundra".

Here's a little summary:

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How far will you go for Roam? · 4:43pm Aug 13th, 2017

I'm proud to announce the unveiling of a new comic by myself and the amazing Rainbow Survivor, set in the post-apocalyptic Zebra Lands of Fallout: Equestria.

Here's the first comic:

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Shadow of an Empire Release Date! · 7:01pm May 3rd, 2018

So, you might have noticed I’ve been a bit quiet this week. Well, I’ve had good reasons. Because I’ve been hard at work editing away on Shadow of an Empire, editing page after page after page and getting it ready for its public appearance!

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Quick News Post · 8:36pm Feb 6th, 2018

Sorry for the lateness. Had work yesterday and I've been battling a gnarly chest-and-throat cold that refuses to die. Now, really quick, some news!

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Alternate Hearts: Shadedheart, Quiltedheart, Liarheart, Tornheart, Leadheart · 4:45am May 8th, 2020

I'm on a roll with adding these things. And at the time of posting this, it's like twenty minutes till the next day. So I'm gonna do some more! Welcome to some of the inanimate object versions!

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Who is Your Favorite Character(s)? · 5:39pm Jul 16th, 2019

As we chug along in Book 4, and I write Book 5, a thought occurred to me. Who are my reader's favorite characters? It's time to weigh in! This is also for my Dragon War series! (I know what the next story is, I just need to write it.)

*I'll get to the layout of names in a minute, but I wanted to thank you all for reading, silent or not. I know that I am still learning some things with my grammar (oops) and I don't have an editor. I do it all on my own.

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Unsure how to continue · 3:38am Sep 18th, 2020

After what happened with my work for the story Glow writing contest I feel unsure about what to do. I did plan on my main story getting darker as it continues. The only saving grace was going to be that everything would work out in the end.

My mind keeps swirling with wondering why my Cozy Glow story got so much bad reviews.

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Viewing 241 - 260 of 699 results