
Viewing 241 - 260 of 628 results

If You're Gonna Work as Water Park Lifeguard · 2:29am Jul 11th, 2015

When you're the one watching the slides to make sure it's fine for the next person to go, actually wait until the person currently on the slide has gone all the way down.

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Doctor Whooves: The First Act - STATUS: COMPLETE! · 12:26am Jul 29th, 2016

A whole story complete! *Mind explodes*

With a total word count of 33,824, it's probably the longest work of fiction I've ever written!

Still, I'm planning on, I dunno, maybe 10 more of these? Not counting all the side stories and Christmas specials I have in mind as well.

We'll have to wait to find out.

Never completed a story before either! I've written one other fic which was pretty... bleh. You wouldn't know about it.

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It's Just A Prank, Bro; aka, "Why April Fools Is My Least-Liked Day Of The Year" · 2:48am Apr 2nd, 2016

In which I be "that girl" and demonstrate my inability to "have fun".

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New story incoming · 1:22am Jun 11th, 2021

So.. I have a new story coming out next week and it has a bunch of weird and cool details attached to it as to how I came about writing it. If you're interested in the details you should keep reading.

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I wrote a Playing House song · 1:51pm May 8th, 2021

Caution: Spoilers for Playing House and technically all subsequent stories in The Who We Become Series by Krickis.

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New Looking Glass review, and I've been involved in a (non-writing) charity project · 11:25pm Jul 1st, 2021

Hey, so, first off let's start with the fact that PaulAsaran has done a review of Looking Glass! A while back he did a review of my story Great and Powerful, Darling! and had issues with the pacing (which were fair) and I pointed out that I've never fully gotten the hang of pacing shorter stories, and am better at novels. To that end, it makes me very happy that he's read and reviewed one of my novels. If you've read

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Five Times the Doctor's Fam Suspected She Had Tentacles, and One Time They Were Proven Right · 8:57pm Jan 23rd, 2019

Hey, all. Do you like fanfiction? Do you like Doctor Who? Do you like weird horror that is actually light comedy wearing a squid mask and struggling to pronounce Nyarlathotep?

I mean, if you're here reading the stuff that I write then you probably like at least one of those things.

So yeah, I made my first foray into fanfiction that doesn't involve ponies in any way whatsoever, and I guess it's pretty alright. Updates every other day. Description and link below.

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Ten Years of Doctor Perseus · 2:28pm Oct 21st, 2022

Today marks the tenth anniversary of me creating my account here on FIMFiction. It feels incredibly surreal to type that out. Sometimes it almost feels like yesterday when I was a bright-eyed Brony entering the world of MLP fanfiction for the first time. And sometimes it feels like another lifetime ago.

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*Sneaks Stealthily In* · 6:16pm Jul 11th, 2020

Fimfiction and the Blue Angel Story:

Haha, pretty much.
Sooo.....guess who's still alive?

Ok, goofy humor aside, I'm here to report on my ups and downs of the past two years since I last made a peep on this site, as well as made promises that I obviously couldn't/didn't keep.

Some life events since I was last here:

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Rewriting and Updates · 9:53am Sep 6th, 2018

As the title suggests, I'm rewriting the 'Bright Flight and the Mysterious Colours' from start to finish. That's the main reason why it was on hiatus for the longest time. Hopefully, this gives you some insight on what will be happening for the next few weeks and holidays are nearing (for me at least) so I will possibly have more progression completed by the time that session rolls around.

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Obligatory "im not dead post" · 6:04pm Mar 6th, 2023

Of all my followers who aren't dead. Sound off.

Also I might release a chapter for a story soon.


Epic Rap Battles of Equestria: Pharynx Elytron V.S. Ocellus Iris · 4:44pm Jan 28th, 2021

“Why do you have to be so annoying?”

“Hey! I’m just trying to explain it to you! The history of the language is-”

“Long and boring. Also, unnecessary to learn.”

“...Fascinating and intriguing.”

“‘Fascinating’ and ‘intriguing’ mean the same thing!”

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I think there's a story in that · 8:52pm Jan 10th, 2022


Third chapter of Doctor and Ditzy’s Science Theater is finished! · 7:14am Oct 15th, 2013

Took a bit longer then expected, but I finally finished it. You can find it here.

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Dramatic reading of the first chapter! · 7:04am Dec 19th, 2013

A user named LittleMissBloo just made a dramatic reading of the first chapter. Yes really. It's really cool. I am glad someone likes my work enough to make a reading. Thank you so much Bloo. You are awesome! You can find it here.


Truth Factor 1: The User Who Must Not Be Named Converses About Clay Claymore · 2:10pm Jul 10th, 2016

A few months ago, a YT user named the Illogical Reaper did this commentary on the YT user Clay Claymore (whom I daren't talk about here). Several of the comments were from The User Who Must Not Be Named.

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Night blogging (14): Yes, I'm alive, updates, and concerns. · 7:59am Jul 12th, 2016

Yes guys, I'm still alive and doing what comes to mind. Writing, apparently, wasn't on it (or at least it's been on and off) for the past couple weeks. You may have seen my newest story, "The One Who Is Always There," that's become a WAY outdated Mother's Day special short story. It started out as a way to take a break from my few other main stories I've been updating, perhaps gain some new ideas to how I progress them, and get what I thought was an interesting story out in the open. Now, I've

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PINKIE PIE IS BACK BITCHES!!!! · 1:28pm Sep 9th, 2016

Okay, what if I told you, yes you, that there was a Pinkie Pie group that was actually active. I'd imagine your response would be something like "Well, seeing how the main Pinkie pie group on this site is so much more inactive than the other Main six groups, I'd say my life would finally be complete and I would join it immediately. But, seeing how that's not the case, I will be forced to carry on with an existence that is substantially depleted by the lack of Pinkie Pie."

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WHY!!! WHY DOES HE HAVE TO BE SO SEXY! · 4:35pm Aug 20th, 2015

Gravity Falls spoiler content after the break. If you don't watch it or haven't reached episode 19 of season 1(I think) Then you might want to get out of here fast, because here comes the spoilers.

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nicknack is a pinkie hater in denial · 7:31am Apr 14th, 2016

He is go look at his Taking care of animals fic and Heart of gold feathers of steel fic are all clear signs he has a pinkie hateboner why wont he just admit he hates pinkie and be done with it? he has her being a serial killer and he has gilda having a seething hatred for her being justified in griffon the brush off. hes using his writing to

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Viewing 241 - 260 of 628 results