
Viewing 241 - 260 of 1,106 results

In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 10 -- Why Didn’t I Just Walk Away? Oh Right, Because I’m an Idiot · 12:46pm Jul 1st, 2018

Why didn’t I just stop reading? Oh, right, because I’m a glutton for punishment.

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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 37 -- Contrivances · 12:31pm Jul 28th, 2018

That describes most of the book. Most of the series, actually.

Aro and Caius, another one of the Volturi, discuss Nessie, and Bella overhears. Aro is adamant that Nessie isn’t an immortal child and the Cullens don’t deserve to die for that. Then Caius brings up the werewolves:

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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 32 -- Company · 10:43am Jul 23rd, 2018

More and more vamps start hanging out at the Cullens’. Naturally, they need to hunt humans. Jacob’s miffed at the killing, but he shuts up for Nessie’s sake. In the space of three sentences. Really:

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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 26 -- Shiny · 10:43am Jul 17th, 2018

Before Charlie leaves, he and Bella briefly talk about how much to tell Renee. They decide no more than is necessary; Charlie says he’ll think of something. He asks to hold Nessie for a moment, and… Ugh, this is creepy:

I could see it in his face — I could watch it growing there. (I know, you just said it.) Charlie was just as helpless against her magic as the rest of us. Two seconds in his arms, and already she owned him.

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In Which I Beg For Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 6 -- Distractions · 11:43am Jun 27th, 2018

Edward keeps Bella busy on the island for days, with things like snorkeling and hiking and birdwatching, and she’s tired a lot. One night, Bella suggests waiting a little more for her to be turned; she wants to try out Dartmouth a bit, stay human for longer than she’d expected. Why? So she and Edward can bang some more. Hate hate hate.

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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 12 -- Some People Just Don't Grasp the Concept of "Unwelcome" · 10:52am Jul 3rd, 2018

Some authors just don’t grasp the concept of “unedited”.

It’s morning. Jacob and Seth have been patrolling off and on throughout the night, one of them sleeping while the other runs. Jacob’s wrenched from his fitful sleep by Seth’s howling; Leah’s also joined their pack. For some reason, Jacob and Seth both act like this is a bad thing.

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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 23 -- Memories · 12:43pm Jul 14th, 2018

We don’t get to see Bella and Jacob throw down, which might’ve been impressive. We don’t even get to see them get pulled apart. We cut to after the incident, where Edward and Seth have already intervened and stopped Bella, although Bella broke Seth’s arm. Edward praises her for keeping control over herself for as long as she did. Shut up with the amazing control part. I don’t care if it’s true, I’m tired of hearing it. Bella tries to calm herself down from her spat by thinking over some

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Why You Should Read … The Robots of Gotham · 10:15pm Dec 6th, 2018

Been a while since we’ve seen one of these posts! In fact, this is only the second one.

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Sorry · 11:25pm Dec 19th, 2020

Hey guys, It's me. Yeah I know, I haven't really been posting anything new recently, or really posting anything really. That's for a few reasons, so I'll just go through them one at a time.

The first reason is obviously the year in general and more specifically Covid. It's taken a lot of time away from my hands and made it much more difficult.

The second one is applying and searching for college, which I will be attending next year, so that's also taken time out of my schedule.

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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 5 -- Isle Esme · 10:55am Jun 26th, 2018

Bella’s and Edward’s honeymoon takes them to Brazil; specifically, Rio de Janeiro. They head to the ocean docks on the western edge of the city. The ocean on the western edge of a city in Brazil. Really:

The taxi continued through the swarming crowds until they thinned somewhat, and we appeared to be nearing the extreme western edge of the city, heading into the ocean.

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Huge List of Ebay Pony stuff, and MORE to come! · 9:48pm Jan 15th, 2022

Some of the Pony items I have up. I accept offers on all of them, and if you want to negotiate here, I can alter the listing or even make separate listings with items all bundled together especially for individual buyers. I'll have even more stuff in time... but honestly, I have a FULLY PACKED ENTIRE ROOM OF ITEMS of everything on the planet jumbled together from my own collection, my parents' things that we're going through, and TWO grandparents' houses. Close to a THOUSAND things in total

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If they whine about it, they'll eventually recieve it. · 8:09am Apr 15th, 2022

You know, I really wish we could give antifa the fascism they crave so much within the US. Giving blm the oppression they crave would be awesome as well.

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Budget Cuts VR Is An Absolute Nightmare - This Is Why · 9:33pm Jul 26th, 2018


I just don't understand some people..... · 2:06am March 29th

I was only out to buy some simple things today. I had some change left and I went to a nearby park to give it to a homeless person. I couldn't find one and went back to the train station and mall where I started. A man was standing there in front of the entrance, with heavy luggage, a huge backpack and a big suitcase. He asked me for change and said he has no place to sleep. I was unsure about giving him the change at first, because I thought he's a stranded tourist or traveller (which didn't

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Whiners! · 10:37pm Apr 29th, 2016

So many blogs posts on here seem to be about people whining about something in their life, seriously, so many depressed low self esteem people here! Eat more broccoli!


So that episode happened... · 8:28pm Nov 28th, 2015

Spoilers follow! A lot. Like, don't even look if you care about the episode and haven't watched it.

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When you make the mistake of updating a story · 1:02am Oct 25th, 2016

Really? Does this have to be a thing every time I post a chapter to something?


The final chapter of Sol Point... · 6:52pm Oct 5th, 2017 in its 3rd re-write. I just can't make my mind up on this damn thing.
This was supposed to take, like, a week at most to write.
Whatever. I guess the final product will be better this way.
I do apologize for the wait... as I always do. Have no fear, though, for this epilogue shall certainly be finished by time November rolls about.


In Which I Read Twilight: Chapter 22 -- Hide-and-Seek · 2:37pm Feb 15th, 2018

Bella, Alice, and Jasper head the airport to meet with the rest of the Cullens. Bella keeps going on about how difficult it’ll be to lose them, and I’m still wondering why she doesn’t tell them what’s up (especially since Alice has just had a vision that Bella doesn’t know the contents of but she guesses is showing her meeting James). However, she has a spot of luck: she knows the airport terminal better than any of the Cullens. Before Edward’s plane arrives, she goes to a bathroom with two

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Story promo!! and also other excitable stuff · 6:54pm Oct 5th, 2018


yo ive been doing a lot of blogposts lately probably because i'm trying to work on being more positive and also because i had therapy yesterday and my therapist BRUTALLY CALLED ME OUT on so many bad attitudes I was having and it was intense but today i feel GREAT (also because I'm going to Disneyland tomorrow and will probably stalk all the Donalds I see)


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Viewing 241 - 260 of 1,106 results