
Viewing 241 - 260 of 1,042 results

Computer Wallpapers · 12:36pm Oct 9th, 2017

Hey, guys!

Anyone know of any good MLP dual-screen wallpapers? 3840x1080(ish). Currently running a non-pony background but that's clearly unacceptable.


Poll · 6:59am Aug 8th, 2017


Look! There I am! · 3:47pm Aug 26th, 2015

I created a self OC, sue me. Ignore the eyes. I didn't mean them to look so weird, but now I look like I'm related to Derpy. Also, fun fact, that trench coat is based off a coat I actually own, and the mane is styled off my own real life hair.


Fall of Equestria · 7:31pm Dec 31st, 2016

So, I touched upon this in Sunset's Return, but as of late I've gotten a bit of a fascination with the Fall series.

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State of the Rytex - 2019 · 4:30pm Jan 2nd, 2019

Hey guys. Happy new year, happy holidays, etc. etc., you know the drill.

So, just kinda wanted to outline my goals for the year. Stuff I want to get done, progress I want to make on my fics, the usual. Not to mention, places you might get to find me offline.

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On the Rebound · 11:05am Jul 18th, 2019

While Group Precipitation does a great job of providing Oversaturated World content on a consistent basis, years of that consistency have made it nearly unnavigable. Even I need to download the text file to find anything. Given that, I'm going to try to find more visible homes for some of the more relevant stories contained therein. On that note, Sugarcatharsis has an epilogue.

What? No, this isn't setup for a MoonSugar story, what are you talking about?


Story Teaser · 4:48am Jan 28th, 2019

I decided to release the flag design for the Griffons Empire, in the book, 'The World is my Sandbox'.

Can you guess what the colours represent?


So went to the hospital yesterday... · 10:34pm Nov 20th, 2016

I'm suffering from
-Degenerative Disk Disease (Lumbar)
-Right Leg Pain

So about 5 days ago now, my right leg crapped out on me. Hurts to even think of putting any weight/pressure on it. So I've been limping around and about 3 days ago I bought a cane to make it easier to walk around. Yesterday while walking home on my break from work I had a sharp pain in my chest that kinda caused me to panic a little so I went to the hospital to get checked out

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My heart goes to Ukraine. I'm doing my part. · 11:24pm Feb 25th, 2022

Not by ignoring.

Not by downplaying.

Not by circle-jerking.

Not by virtue-signaling.

Only through dialogue can we find a solution for the crisis the world has found itself in. Help us understand all sides and find a solution to this conflict. Be part of:

[Adult group embed hidden]


Country Equivalents Series- Asia · 12:01pm Aug 18th, 2018

I'm something of an Etymology Enthusiast. I love finding out how words came to existence, where they came from and what they mean when you take them apart.
So I thought I might try my hand at creating a real-world equivalent series of the world's countries.
Feel free to use these (Though please credit me)

West Asia- Ashwar

· Armenia: Erivara
· Bahrain: Lalura
· Iran: Khayla
· Iraq: Duraq
· Israel: Nesora (Little Miracle)
· Jordan: Kimira
· Kuwait: Abarath

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Status report · 12:53pm Mar 31st, 2021

Hello everypony,

I am not sure if you noticed already, but the status from Child of two Worlds recently changed from hiatus to incomplet. I actually sent ch. 10 to the editor a few minutes ago. I  may not be one for big spoilers, but I think there is no harm done when I say that I'll drop a big bombshell on you.

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Hey, you! Yeah, you there, reading horsewords! I got a Worlds Reset question to ask y'all: · 12:54am May 4th, 2020


It's kinda obvious from these past couple months that Worlds Reset is far out of my center of focus at this point. I've changed my plans from treating the story as flagship-status to seeing it as any other story, as well as tightening up the timeframe for the story.

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I need some advice about world building. · 10:38pm Nov 14th, 2019

Ever since I decided to join the fandom I have tried to catch up on every single piece of Mlp lore. And it has been overwhelming to say the least. Not only 9 seasons of episodes but also several comic books and other expanded material which just so happens to include both contradictions and several alternate realities.

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World Building part 3, inspiration · 5:23pm Mar 29th, 2020

Real life happened... and is still happening.

oh well

So I was on the group about changelings and Chrysalis and I was struck with inspiration on how to set my world up. The things I want is ponyfinder changelings to be mlpfim changelings and a reason for the ponies to be where they are and in the reduced numbers I envision. I feel I have just what I need...

What did I have?

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Rewrite Permission · 8:37pm Dec 8th, 2021

I know I already wrote these two separately, but I was wondering if I could maybe make them both into one story and add the Daring Do part and maybe add some references from A New Home 3 by APoeticHeart, and maybe have Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon be the bullies, but maybe have Heidi Turner and Butters Stotch from South Park be in it, but with Heidi as Thomas’s friend in the human world and Butters as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon’s spy and perpetrator for the school, and maybe add Jennifer

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Deities of AssassinationVerse: Mesmoria, Unisex God/Goddess of Changelings (Flutter Ponies) · 2:54pm Apr 14th, 2017

4. Mesmoria, Unisex God/Goddess of Changelings (Flutter Ponies)

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Working on stories lately · 1:38am Jun 4th, 2018

Horrors of War Cover art... I do not own these art, they are belong to their original owner

Been working on about WWI stories, and well... you guess it with PONIES!!

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I decided to play TWEWY · 11:28pm Feb 8th, 2016

My brother actually had a copy (he said he only got to day 2!), so I borrowed it and began to play it. I just finished day three of week one! And let me tell you, the battles are really difficult. There's a lot of multitasking involved... Anyway!


Yet more Minty errata: G3 pegasai can fold their wings, albeit not to a comfortable position · 7:34pm Feb 3rd, 2018

Straight from the G3 books:

Here's contextually male (there was a spelling/continuity mistake in the original book) Star Catcher folding her wings as she talks to Twinkle Twirl:

So it looks like I was wrong when I said that the G3 ponies can't fold their wings at all, but it DOES look like they can't fold them to their sides for comfortable sleep al-la G1 or G4.

And here's a couple of examples from G1, and G4:

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Spectral Shift · 4:12pm Feb 9th, 2020

In case you were waiting for my latest story to finish before reading it, good news! It has.

ETransmission Spectrum
Sunset Shimmer was the nigh-omnipotent Spirit of Harmony... until the day she wasn't.
FanOfMostEverything · 25k words  ·  192  5 · 2.4k views

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Viewing 241 - 260 of 1,042 results