
Viewing 241 - 260 of 937 results

Riding Out the Storm · 7:29pm Apr 16th, 2021

Life has been … chaotic lately. That’s why there haven’t been as many posts on other topics outside of Being a Better Writer.

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Oh my gosh, Ponies! · 10:18am Mar 14th, 2016

So, hello! How are you all? it's been a while since my last update and i'm sorry about that. I haven't really been doing much from then till now it's been rather boring to be honest. I went to go see Deadpool though! (Admittedly that was a while ago but still!) and I loved it! I was going to go see Star Wars but meh, I'll wait for it to come out on DVD instead! Deadpool is a must see though! I can't wait for it to come out on DVD and apparently the sequel has been confirmed to be in production

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Things are Changing, Fast · 9:49am May 9th, 2019

What? they are! I mean have looked around recently? If not, I don't really blame you, but that's not actually the kind of change I'm going to talk about anyway, yeah, sorry if your one of those people who love talking everything changing, maybe next time (probably not)?

Anyway, what I am actually going to talk about is changes to my story (duh:trixieshiftright:), "But That Weirdo (heh, weird) what's there to talk about?" Well 'member when I said stuff like,

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I updated some art on Derpi · 7:49pm Mar 13th, 2018

It's NSFW, so I can link it here, but you can find it under my artist tag. Or with this: 1679266

Otherwise, just as a general update, I feel like death warmed over today. I am very tired and very much in pain. But I'm going to try to get some words down before I head out to Uber like my life depends on it. The next Beanis fic is like...90% done? So that should drop real soon.

Stay not disabled, kids.


A goose breast for Present Perfect - the recipe. (It's the Danish cake 'gåsebryst') · 2:41pm Dec 10th, 2020

So Cel, what are you talking about?

A while ago, Present Perfect asked about this:

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Ultimate Guide to Free Fun at Niagara Falls: Activities and Attractions · 4:36am Dec 9th, 2023

Niagara Falls stands as a timeless wonder, captivating millions of visitors with its awe-inspiring beauty and majestic grandeur. While the Falls themselves are an iconic sight to behold, exploring the Niagara region doesn't always have to come with a hefty price tag. Join us on an exploration of the enchanting Niagara Falls area, discovering a plethora of free activities and must-see attractions that offer an

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Sat down and watched the new episodes · 2:38am Nov 25th, 2023

Felt incredibly quick with Opaline but boy there's ideas for stories all over these episodes

Dragons. Auroracorns. Whatever nonsense Allura is.

Comet is best new character.

Doubt I could figure out how to work the Auroracorn into a long story cause the show keeps dropping a lot in only a few episodes- but there's always chances at a one shot at some point.


What is The Thing? · 12:24pm Sep 14th, 2017


My Thoughts — Every Little Thing She Does · 4:15pm Sep 24th, 2016

I've normally got a hair-trigger being creeped out by mind-control, but somehow this episode worked for me. Been quite a while since I laughed so much at an episode.

Think it's that Starlight's a clever idiot that thought that would work, and that there was zero ill-intent in the whole mess, but that she still made amends for it. Good lesson there about cleaning up even the well intended messes you leave behind.

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Hugo Award Nominees for 2017 have been announced! · 3:28pm Apr 4th, 2017

The nominees for 2017 Hugo Awards, presented this summer at Worldcon 75, in Helsinki, have been revealed!

Here's the official announcement video, from Worldcon 75's Youtube channel:

And if you prefer to get it all in a text format, you can go check it out at Tor's website, here:

Hugo Award finalists announced.


Quote of the Week · 12:23am Feb 18th, 2016

"It is already mine. I was always mine. It will always be mine."
King Sombra

Five Things that Never Happened to Twilight Sparkle


I guess everyone else is doing it. · 12:07am Jul 7th, 2016

So I'm going to Bronycon on Thursday. I'm going down with MidnightDancer, who's driving, FoughtDragon01, who's riding shotgun, and I'll be in the backseat with Megapone, where all sorts of things may happen.

(Probably sex things, because fuck your labels or the comfort of the people in the front seat.)

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I Met Another FIMfic User On the Internet · 11:06pm Mar 9th, 2016

So I was playing SMITE (a MOBA) (gathering footage for a hypothetical gaming channel), and who should end up in my game but Csquared08? In the after-match lobby, they asked if I had any other accounts anywhere, and FIMfic came up.

Sometimes, you let a particular community get so cordoned off from the rest of your life, that's it's a bit interesting when it bleeds over into other things. It's a small internets after all.


Some Grand News! (Mostly about a new story) · 6:14pm May 22nd, 2017

Yes, yes, I've published yet another story. It goes by the name of The Keeper of the Grove, and I've spent a lot of time and effort putting it together so far. It's meant to be a sweet little romance fic with not only a changeling as one of the main characters, but one other being from a species of hooved mammals that definitively needs more screen time on this site - DEER. Eurasian red deer, to be precise.

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Seventy Five More... · 9:49pm May 15th, 2017

...until I finally posted 1000 blogs!!!!! What should I do? I'm thinking I'll save my thousandth blog for either right before or right after Bronycon, since it'll be my first time going. What do you think?


I ain't dead yet! · 8:57pm Nov 8th, 2017

I actually wrote something related to ponies, and a whole bunch of other stuff on other websites! Hurray!

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Horizons "Elephant in the Room." · 9:38pm Dec 31st, 2017


Things I hate about boomers · 9:19am Mar 3rd, 2020

1. They don't take responsibility when they did something wrong
2. They refuse to apologize for the mistakes they made
3. They don't admit their faults for hurting others
4. They pretend that these things never happened
5. They always use the "I'm old" excuse to get away with wrongdoings

The time to break this toxic cycle is now. Stop sweeping stuff under the rug and start acknowledging the fact that when you're wrong, you're wrong. Not only to boomers, but to people from all generations.


Favorite animator still kicking. · 9:27pm Jan 26th, 2016


What am I doing right now? · 11:43pm Oct 28th, 2018

Running Handbrake again to re-encode Rainbow Rocks into a low-res mpeg-2 file in a futile attempt to get the movie to play smoothly on my mid-1990s era computer that's sitting in the corner of my room.

It looks weird when it's paired with a 1920x1200 screen that's outputting sub-480p video, but my only problem so far has been the audio getting desynchronized with the video.

Viewing 241 - 260 of 937 results