
Viewing 241 - 260 of 641 results

Boo! Should I write something? · 10:15pm Mar 28th, 2018

Still alive! So I'm going to be quitting my job soon, as noted by Fuzzy in this blog post..

Should I write something? I still have a few things left unfinished... hmm.


Because I want to and i can 2.0 · 8:19am Mar 5th, 2019

Pokemon diamond and Morgan Freeman chapter of my favorite stories always have the energy to do something about that one of those things where the sonic Rainboom came up with the noise and goes crazy trying out for you to finish the game is a little taller than the average of my favorites but the bullet doesn’t come to an end of the best chapters in this fic reminds me of the story again just wanted you to know about this is my reaction to a friend of mine and the other hand was completely

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New Chapter Release - I'm Still Here - Sunrise: Part Two and Three · 5:08pm Sep 18th, 2019

Alright, the two new chapters, both a part of the Sunrise Section, are now available for the viewing! Massive thanks to Skyward Sword for giving me his feedback and general thoughts on the story!

There are going to be further chapter releases per week, so stay tuned to see where it's headed!

Sunrise: Part Two

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#SaveYourInternet Still Going · 8:30pm Jun 10th, 2019


Haven't done much updates on this for a while since the EU Parliament election, so I guess about time. Journal link here gives finer details and links on our current status.

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pony love/"sexuality" headcanons · 12:11am May 6th, 2019

okay. so.

I think that in the canon of Family Tree, there are some ways that pony society views romantic/ etc. relationships that i will explain here in this post, as promised, but the explanation has no place in the story as of yet, without seeming like a lore dump

and we ain't got time to dive into gender, just sexuality today kiddos.

so here goes:

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Another Update for Ranger · 4:51am Aug 7th, 2023

Still alive, summer has been brutal and my motivation to do stuff after work has been pretty low.

However, I have done some larger copy editing for the general flow of some later chapters. Right now I'm working on actually adding a new chapter or two to help fill out where the story is and better the overall flow. This also gives me more time to do what I should have done when I wrote this part of the story before. Which is do more with introducing the city and the town Moony is staying in.

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Feel Free to Take a Sneak Peek · 12:39am Sep 15th, 2015

It's been a while since I've done this (years, I believe), but it's also been ages since my last update, and I keep thinking of more details to add to this chapter, ever extending past my own deadline. :raritydespair:

As such, here's a short preview that I hope can tide you guys over for the next 1-2 weeks whilst I finish up. I don't want to reveal too much, but hopefully the first few paragraphs should at least give you all an idea of the chapter's tone.


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Spoilers! Amending Fences · 6:26pm Jul 4th, 2015

Alternate title: Twilight renews friendship with Twilight beta.

The show continues to throw me Twinkie fodder. It's like they know what I want!

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State of the Fuzz: September · 3:31pm Sep 2nd, 2016

tl;dr: Slow, but I'm still alive.

Bit more in-depth ramblings and the look ahead below the break.

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Celestia? Is that you? · 5:25pm Jun 20th, 2019

When you've been stuck down in the depths of a gray, metal box for almost two weeks and finally get to step outside.

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New Series Excerpt! · 10:43pm Apr 7th, 2017

Twilight Sparkle, M.D.
Ponyville Hospital, Day 1

Every city has some particular little slogan that defines them. In Manehattan, it’s “everypony for themselves.” In Canterlot, it’s “shape up or ship out,” and from what I’ve seen in Ponyville thus far, theirs has to be “anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.”

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Just reminiscing on the fact that my username is a failed attempt at spelling lasagna. · 9:53am Jun 10th, 2016

Oh boy. So when I was first making a username, I didn't know what to call myself. So I asked my brother what to do, and he said, and I quote, "Choose something you like and spell it wrong." And that's the story behind it.

"But wait!" you say, "It doesn't match 'lasagna' phonetically!" In reality, I failed on multiple levels. You see, I forgot the "n." It should have been "lazaunya."

It still haunts me to this day.


Nothing big, just a life update. · 1:03am Jul 11th, 2020

So, just a quick blog.

I've been thinking about it for a few months now, and after a significant amount of soul-searching I've decided gender is bullshit and I don't like 'em. Not one bit. They're fine for other people but like olives on pizza I just tolerate it without complaining instead of enjoying them the way other people do.

Pineapple on pizza is valid, by the way. Anyone who believes otherwise is not welcome in Flavortown.

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Hey there a romance contest out and I feel obligated to join so— · 7:12am Sep 18th, 2021

Can someone like, explain to me what romance feels like?


2018 in Retrospect · 3:05am Jan 1st, 2019

I'm doing things different this time around. I'll tackle the stuff I wanted to accomplish this year in this blog, and post my resolutions tomorrow. Let's see how I did this time.

1) Get a second job/pass classes with at least a B. Check!
2) Reach 100+ followers. Not quite. Got 92, though, and that's more than I thought I would have when I started on this site.
3) Reach 200,000+ words total. Almost, but not quite.

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Monday, already? · 3:57pm Aug 29th, 2016

I was so busy this last weekend editing things for myself and others, that I forgot to do a blog post. Wouldn't be the first time I've posted on a Monday. I'm just glad to be keeping busy. I'll have to keep this short, mostly because I don't really have much to say, but I don't plan to specifically miss a week of blog posting. I've successfully posted once a week, every week, since January. I don't plan to stop now.

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Is it Hoovesteps or Hoofsteps? · 1:42pm Jan 4th, 2017

Pony terminology is confusing. What's the alternative for "handiwork" or "craftsmanship?" Is there one? And if there is, are there more like this? Do we switch "hand" for "hoof" and "man" for "stallion" or "pony?" They seem like a pretty gender ambiguous culture--but still use "guys" as a way to call a general group, typically between friends. On the other hand--or hoof--they also have pretty serious gender roles. Hell, ninety percent of the male population is in the guard. Ever wonder why

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New Chapter Release for I'm Still Here - Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash Reconcile! · 12:38pm Oct 3rd, 2019

WARNING - This chapter is, for a lack of a better word, saucy...

Chapter 12 - Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy Reconcile


Witchy's Continuing Covid-19 Saga · 9:19am May 6th, 2021

So... I've officially been down for a whole month with this nastiness... It wouldn't be so bad, except the fever keeps doing this fragging Yo-Yo thing where it'll go away for several hours (usually between going to bed and just after waking), but then it'll spike back up to low-grade fever territory...
My doctor will not allow me to go back to work until I've been 24hrs fever free, and yes, that includes the low-grade, 99.5 I occasionally spike up to.

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New chapter update for I'm Still Here - Manehatten · 4:48pm Oct 9th, 2019

Welp, this is what we've all been waiting for! You've all wondered from the start who Scootaloo's parents are and what happened to them, and this new chapter will reveal it all!

I'm Still Here - Manehatten

Viewing 241 - 260 of 641 results