
Viewing 261 - 280 of 703 results

Random Ramblings CCCLXXXIV · 9:25am Oct 1st, 2019

Good morning or evening or whatever. First, enjoy some Babymetal: Metal-meets-Bollywood.

Are you confused yet? You should be. I am, and I saw it live (not the show in this MV; that was in Japan). Follow me.

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Give your Psychopath(s) Closed · 4:16pm Jul 8th, 2020

I finished the VIP wing, so you can stop giving ideas of psychopaths for Apple Bloom and the others to fight in this wing. You can see the result two blogs below this one. Three floors of horror. Good job everyone, thanks for participating.
With this, the castle is almost over. All that remain are three minor parts and it will be done. You will not have to wait much longer :raritywink:.


Thoughts on the 2012 fanfic "The Last Crusade" · 5:55pm Aug 5th, 2023

EThe Last Crusade
Apple Bloom has one last crusade with her friends as a little white filly struggles to say goodbye.
Paradigm Shine · 3.3k words  ·  748  12 · 31k views

Somehow, I had never known about this fic before now. If you haven't read it yet and don't want to be spoiled, don't bother reading the rest of this post.

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Normally, I'm not one for gossip buuuuut · 6:26pm Aug 25th, 2022

If you don't know who BlackGryph0n is, he's this brony musician who also made a few appearances on the Bronies React series.

Now that's out of the way, allegedly, he and Michelle Creber (the VA for Apple Bloom) have eloped recently. Given they collaborated on some stuff, I'm not surprised.

Still, hats off and thumbs up to Gryph0n. The (I assume) first brony to bang a VA from the show.

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Bonus Aftermath chapter... also known as Uno night! · 12:32pm May 22nd

This is just a future "What-if" chapter where Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom(From my Castlevania story) play a game of Uno with some of the Subspace army members ;P

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A History Of Our Great Race · 2:01am Feb 26th, 2022

Over 6 million years ago, our ancient ancestors began walking on two legs.

For some ninety thousand years, we were hunter-gatherers, living to survive.

Becoming civilized for the last ten thousand years or so.

We've written masterpieces.
We created art and beauty.
We've split the atom.
We've altered genetics.

We're reaching out to the stars.
We have engineered the perfect slaves to do our bidding.

We are no longer equal to animals, we are their Gods.

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Apple Bloom Princess of Chaos, a story I hope I see someday. · 5:35am Jan 8th, 2016

Well, I suppose it was bound to happen... I saw a picture on DeviantArt by the talented BellalyseWinchester that I would love to see somebody write, someday.

FYI it is located at

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Before Nightfall · 6:45am Feb 13th, 2016

"Before Nightfall" is my operating title for a series of stories about the Moonlight Six, and other Ponies of Equestria, in the Nightmare Moon worldline that Starlight Glimmer and Twilight Sparkle created while having their Tempus Fugue battle, after the worldline split off in 1490 but before the actual return of Nightmare Moon. At this point, Princess Celestia rules Equestria and NIghtmare Moon is still imprisoned; nopony knows that history has been pushed off the track that Celestia

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[Drowsy Garbage] Random thought popped into my head eariler... · 8:10am Dec 10th, 2015

My brother was blasting some pony tunes. Black Gryph0n came on. I remembered he's going to be at EFNW next year. I got happy! My thoughts shifted to Michelle Creber, since they're pals and stuff. This, logically, leads to Apple Bloom, Michelle's character on MLP. Hence the thought-

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The Road To El Dorado · 8:11pm Sep 14th, 2016

In the city of Canterlot back in the time where Celestria ruled alone having to cast the horrible Nightmare Moon into the moon making her wait there for a thousand years. The ponies were scared, having Discord, King Sombra taking away The Crytsal Empire, Lord Tirek and now Nightmare Moon. One of the princess turn evil, to say most ponies didn't want to trust in the ruler of the sun and now moon will be correct.

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Spoiled Milk Will Never NOT Make Me Laugh (Episode Spoilers) · 6:45am Oct 9th, 2016

Haven't seen the leaks yet, but hoo boy, Spoiled's maiden name. I had to pause the video for like five minutes, I was laughing so hard. And then Spoiled did a "how quaint" just like Mosely's only recorded line on the show...which made me laugh in my own weird ways that few people would catch onto.

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My Predictions for "Where the Apple Lies" · 4:29am Oct 3rd, 2016

I never did a blog post about Viva Las Pegasus. But two things in that episode that happened were what I predicted would happen. (As a side note, the day that episode aired was the same day as I left on a trip to Las Vegas. And the hotel featured in the episode resembles Hotel Circus Circus, the same hotel I stayed at. Hotel Circus Circus is known for it's indoor amusement park.) Anyway, the two things that happened that i predicted were that the episode would actually act as a redemption story

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I wrote a blog post. · 11:52pm Mar 12th, 2015

I've gone too long without making any blog posts. I've intended to, but I have a tendency to hold myself to high standards with stuff I make. Usually, that works well. My desire to make my work better gives me the patience to actually do so. In some cases, however, I don't think it's appropriate. In a blog, for instance. If I try to make each post into an A+ essay, well, I'll be able to, but it will be really slow. I won't be able to share much information about what the deal is

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I'll be writing all day today · 5:59pm Jul 18th, 2015

Time to stop dawdling and get back to work! As such, I probably won't be on nearly as often today as I have been. But, on the bright side, if things work out today, I could have a few new chapters of stuff, and maybe even a whole new story, by the time I'm done! :pinkiehappy:

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Hard to Say Anything/Honest Apple reviews · 3:23pm May 17th, 2017

Warning: Spoilers for new episodes. Also, I decided to put two reviews for this one since I didn't have a whole lot to say about these episodes.

Hard to Say Anything

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Applejack's Parents Episode · 5:47am Jun 22nd, 2017

I just want to say that I cried really hard.

I want to be in a loving relationship like they had but since I am doomed to spend the foreseeable future alone I guess it's time to crack open some cold ones.


Reading for Apple Sense! · 3:27pm Aug 30th, 2017


Quick Question - 09/07/15 · 4:53am Jul 10th, 2015

Just a quick question for SCS readers. I'm currently working on a new chapter, BUT it is 1) a post-SCS bonus chapter and 2) not close to half finished. It is one that I can slowly work on piece by piece because it is about Razzly vlogging about events that happen after SCS ends and the next story begins, thus is a collection of scenes and not a unified narrative, so I can work on another chapter of two while this is brewing. Your opinions are:

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F/F/T3K15 7/22: Not far from the tree. · 1:54am Jul 23rd, 2018

"Bittersweet" is now totally done. Have fun with that.

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Applejack and the genius of the hole. · 8:29am Jun 29th, 2019

You can try running away from the problems you caused, but you'll end up running in circles. Sooner or later, you'll make a mistake and fall back down to the same hole you were trying to escape from, only the hole's grown deeper. Your only chance is to turn around and face it. Applejack's about to learn that the hard way...

In other words, it's time for the next chapter:

TFriendship Is Magic! ... Unless You Are a Human
After a catastrophic introduction, a former soldier is struggling to adjust to his new life – facing ponies prejudice. Observing his ordeal - Celestia is starting to question how kind and forgiving her subjects really are...
Huk · 126k words  ·  282  46 · 6.2k views

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Viewing 261 - 280 of 703 results