
Viewing 261 - 280 of 399 results

058 Frenemies Talk: Crusaders of the Lost Mark feat. DuncanR and Manaphy · 10:10am Oct 12th, 2015

S5EP18 (October 10, 2015) - Crusaders of the Lost Mark
(Reviewers: Core Team + DuncanR + Manaphy)

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A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge (1985) · 7:10am Aug 24th, 2015

The Cutier Mark Crusaders are on spiritual or philosophical quest to discover the self. Some philosophers like Descartes, refer to the self as an individual entity expressed by the conduct and discourse of said individual. In the case of Descartes he came up with "Cogito ergo sum," or I think therefore I am. Lao Tzu philosophized that, "Knowing others is wisdom. Knowing the self is enlightenment. Mastering others requires force. Mastering the self requires strength." Plato argued that

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TLC Finale Progress Update · 8:05pm Jun 8th, 2015

I figured I should probably keep you guys in the loop a bit seeing as I'm still pretty new back in the saddle.

I have about 1500 words of the finale done. It would've been more, but I had to move and I had a wedding this last weekend. I have a bit more time this week, so I anticipate on getting more done. How MUCH more done is still up in the air, but I hope to make a significant dent at the very least.

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Review #59 - The Cutie Mark Crusader Boys, Overlooked, Hoardsmiths · 4:40am Feb 21st, 2017

So, yeah... I'm a gonna do three more today, ok? Here they are:

The Cutie Mark Crusader Boys by YuGiOh Brony
Overlooked by Scyphi
Hoarsmiths by Skywriter

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Should Scootaloo Fly? · 8:23am Jan 28th, 2017

:scootangel: Should Scootaloo Fly? :scootangel:

It has been six full seasons and Scootaloo’s small wings still doesn’t carry her in the air. :fluttercry: Will it even be resolved? :pinkiesad2: Leave your thoughts and discuss her options down below. :pinkiesmile: Enjoy!


Pony Talk Episode 16-Are the CMC'S Cutie Marks A Good Thing? · 7:43pm Mar 20th, 2016

So the Cutie Mark Crusaders FINALLY got their Cutie Marks this past season! But now we're left to wonder if that's a good thing or a bad thing?


On Diamonds · 11:56am Feb 11th, 2019

I'm entering the Season 9 Bingo contest. This is a curious fic-writing contest where everyone gets a different prompt consisting of five disparate elements which are deliberately quite hard to fit into the same fic. I had been looking for a contest to enter and this looked like an interesting one (with a relatively gentle deadline – the airdate of the first episode of Season 9). Sure enough, it's been fun.

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News from the Spark · 8:41pm Sep 8th, 2018

Well, my friends, good news is aplenty and forthcoming.
First, in spite of all the delays I've been dealing with, the next chapter of Good Crusader Hunting is being steadily worked on. I would like to thank, once again, Waspinator303 for proposing the idea behind the fic and all of you who have shown interest in it for reading it. And I also thank you all for your patience regarding its update.

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The Great Crusade (Late) Christmas Update · 8:11am Dec 26th, 2023

WARNING: Bare with me here, I'm having lots of fun while experimenting with a trailer-style post!


Coming soon to a FiMFicition near you...

*Equestria Girls theme song starts playing*

The next chapter in The Great Crusade of the Canterlot Movie Club...

*Record screech sound suddenly cuts off the song*

"We are the ones who heal the scars..."


*Rock version of the CMC theme song starts playing*

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Deconstruction is Magic: A My Little Pony Retrospective (S1E12) · 12:54am Oct 23rd, 2020

Grrrrrrrrrrrrreetings everypony, and welcome back to Deconstruction is Magic, my Retrospective/Review/Analysis of every episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is magic ever. Today, we have the official debut of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and it all starts with Applebloom. It's Call of the Cutie! Without wasting any more time, let's get on with the analysis! I am the Mage of Mind, reminding you, as always, that even a cheeseburger can be

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Any ideas for a sequel to Arts and Crafts? · 7:04pm March 3rd

I just started writing I'm about 200 words in and so far it's just a lil scene of Apple Bloom getting off to the idea of Diamond Tiara. I'm unsure what to write now I need ideas for where I should take the story and just overall interesting plot ideas.


So... I've been thinking of creating a story with Gen 3 characters. · 8:11pm Nov 21st, 2022

Hear me out. This story would still be in the Equestria Girls universe and it would primarily take place with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, but I've been thinking about including a couple of characters no one probably thinks about anymore.

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TFI nearing completion... · 12:00pm Aug 24th, 2020

Fast and furious is how I have been updating and posting. Somehow I have maintained the every other day schedule to get TFI finished, and after today’s chapter, there are only three more to go!

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Cubic Zirconia Fanart, part 2 · 2:57am Sep 20th, 2015

I probably could have posted this a few days ago, but I didn't want to get anyone irritated with too many blog posts in a short period, and I've also had a really long week, so I was generally pretty tired after work the whole week anyways.

After my last blog post, about Robsa990's fanart for Cubic Zirconia, he saw my suggestion for a scene I personally would like to see, and he decided to draw it:

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You want to watch this! · 7:57am Nov 12th, 2015

Yes, you do. Yes, you really do.

Bronies React: Crusaders of the Lost Mark

Even if you're not a fan of the Bronies React series or of reaction videos in general, this one's special for a number of reasons. If I told you why, it would ruin the surprise. So just carve out a half an hour of your time and watch this.


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Crusaders of the Lost Mark and Cubic Zirconia · 6:33pm Oct 10th, 2015

Well, that was something.

I mainly thought a reminder might be in order that Cubic Zirconia already says on it that nothing after Season 3 is canon, and that very much includes the latest episode. Spoilers after the break, both for the episode and Cubic Zirconia.

For anyone not reading the spoilers, I'm not planning on trying to work the changes from this episode in, except possibly shoehorned in in au ways...

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New updates · 5:05am Oct 11th, 2015

Well, that's one story off the list. The Immortal Question is officially finished.

Now comes more news about Thine Own Self. Yes, the Crusaders got their Cutie Marks, and Diamond has been reformed. However, I still need them in their old ways for the purpose of the story, and I can't have them suddenly have cutie marks or for Diamond to be reformed. Think of it as an alternative universe. What if things played out differently?

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After The Mistletoe is edited · 1:09am Feb 10th, 2016

Chariots, chariots. I don't know because some of the audio is getting cut off but that Rainbow Dash Doll is evil. I didn't even notice until now. That doll just went though my stories causing them to go bad, of chose.

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New Story: Colts Will Be Colts · 10:30pm Jan 4th, 2016

I've just posted my Secret Santa minific, a story with deep personal significance for me (just like every story I post, lol).

Colts Will Be Colts

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I'm Sorry · 1:39am Oct 18th, 2017

Hey guys I want to start off by apologizing. I would like to apologize for my last blog. I did not act mature about it and lashed out. I have been dealing with some personal stuff these past couple of years I don’t wish to discuss and went to dark place that took me awhile to get out of with the help of some people close to me. So I would like to ask for your forgiveness for attitude and if I offended you as I try to work to being better.  I would also like to apologize for not updating any of

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Viewing 261 - 280 of 399 results