
Viewing 261 - 280 of 5,087 results

Ultimate Gaming Idea · 2:22am May 1st, 2018

So an idea I've been working with, I'd like to share. Now, I'll say before I tell my idea that I've looked it up; no such game exists. Nothing exactly like it exists anywhere. There are similar games which are actually not games, as they are not mass produced or they are merely short arcades. This idea is a full-fledged, multi-platform, mass-produced video game.

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Report Dandereshy · 228 views · #My idea #UltimateVR

So Let's Talk About the Recent Magic Story · 3:09pm Mar 27th, 2018

In the most recent Magic Storyline segments, we get some interesting bits of character development for the main Gatewatch members, but a couple parts of it might pose some problems for what I have planned for the MLPlaneswalker series,
after the initial quadrilogy is completed. Namely (spoilers below)...

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Movie Question · 4:37am Oct 11th, 2017

Did anypony else that has seen the movie happen to catch the Hungry Hungry Hippos plug? :rainbowhuh:


Story Writing Style · 10:18pm Oct 11th, 2017

I decided to integrate something so it'll be easier for myself to write my stories. A sort of signature style of my own when writing, and while experimenting different kinds of writing styles are okay, I feel this will ground my way of writing for a while; with that this is my way of writing my stories for the coming future:

Dialogue – Short conversations include characters’ name
Long conversations don’t include characters’ name

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Report Animatorsnake · 312 views · #my own style

I Just Saw The MLP Movie · 9:33am Nov 9th, 2017

So I just saw My Little Pony: The Movie in theatres and overall, I really enjoyed it. A review for the film is in the works but in short, as a fan of the show I thought the movie was pretty good. I thought the animation was visually stunning, and in my opinion I thought it was one of the most visually pleasing animated films I've seen in a while. I thought the movie was pretty funny, with quite a few jokes that will go way over kid's heads and some jokes and references that only bronies would

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Story Updates · 4:12pm Aug 11th, 2017

Okay, so many of you know I try to update Cold as much as possible. But, many of my other stories are not complete. I would like to finish a few of them before I write the sequel for Cold, but also want to hear from you guys. What do you think? Finish a few stories before the sequel comes out, or just do something else? I would still occasionally write the sequel, but not post it till I think it would be ready, or maybe not till it's finished. I would really like to finish Shining Heartbreaker

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Friendship: the Gathering, Villains Edition · 7:55pm Aug 26th, 2018

I realize I sorta haven’t posted anything here in a while. Let’s fix that! Here are some cards I’ve designed that may or may not appear in the future.


Once-Queen Chrysalis 4BB

Legendary Creature — Insect Horse Shapeshifter

Flying; menace; changeling (This card is every creature type.)

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Don't think I am going to be writing for a while computer almost broke · 6:49am Jan 8th, 2018

It's probably going to need to be replaced and today it's just been crashing and almost said I couldn't start it up cause an important file was corrupted or something and now it's running super slow and 90 percent of the time is a black screen. Thank goodness I back up my writing in Google or here else I'd want to die cause spending a month on a silly passion project like i have been doing and if I lost that it would completely make a month of work completely meaningless.

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Something I want to talk about.... · 7:41pm May 13th, 2019

(Haven't done a blog post since late March 2019.....)

-sigh- look everyone.... why is that y'all have to constantly down vote my stories?!!!! Y'all just don't know for a fact that I have been going through so many transformations online ever since my first transformation, aka Pony Sunset Shimmer, in September of 2016! It's my living for it!

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Nerf'd! · 11:48pm Apr 22nd, 2018

Rarity’s card has been nerfed a bit, with the amount of life gained from her effect reduced to half the amount of life loss it causes, rounded up. This is mostly intended to make her less ridiculous in four-player commander games, but otherwise her intended design is entirely unchanged:

Rarity, Gem Weaver 1URB

Legendary Creature — Unicorn Vampire

UR, T: Target opponent gains control of target permanent you control.

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The Mirrorverse ( My version) · 2:37pm Jun 18th, 2018

It's time, the Mirrorverse is here. I decided to put this one up because I already have a story for it but no Au blog, but that changes today. It's finally time to check this world out.

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Birthday Boy update · 4:09am Sep 10th, 2019

Hey all,

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;) Draconic is the Best Language! · 9:25pm Jan 26th, 2018

si vsist renthisj Vs'shtak tira wux vucot batobot?(probably ti!)

Wonder How Long It Will Take You To Find A Translation For It!


My Little Pony: The Movie PITCH MEETING (Parody) · 1:06pm Sep 5th, 2018

“So, you have an animated movie for me?”

“Yes, sir, I do. It’s for a My Little Pony movie.”

“Oh, haven’t we made a bunch of those recently?”

“Actually, those were all Equestria Girls movies.”

“What’s the difference?”

“Well those were technically movies for a My Little Pony spin-off series that we never actually made.”

“Seems like a weird way to do things.”

“Yes, but we’re doing a proper pony movie now, so the all build-up is going to make people even more excited for it.”

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The My Little Balladeer sequel · 6:49am Feb 26th, 2017

Yeah, sorry. it's hit some temporary snags due to my editor getting hit with a bad dose of the flu that's passing around. I am very sorry about that. I will have to ask him if I can post the first few chapters that have been edited just so you folks get some of what's been promised.

I can say that the rough draft is completely written down, it just needs some editing. But some chapters are done, though my editor dislikes posting a story when it isn't 100% complete.


Hey I Still Exist (UPDATE) · 5:26am Sep 8th, 2018

Hey there, everyone. It's been a while, hasn't it? About six months, actually. Sorry about being kind of inactive since March. Well, scratch that, I've been plenty active :rainbowlaugh: . I just haven't been doing things that are noticeable to anyone unless they pay real close attention. Which I hope none of you are actually doing, that'd be kind of weird :rainbowderp: .

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More headcanon! · 3:00pm Apr 26th, 2020

I'm rewatching season five right now, and I realized there are a lot of tertiary characters named "Flare". So...

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Something's coming up... · 11:50pm Jul 22nd, 2018

So, I'm going to take a crack at writing a EqG story. Not sure of a lot of the details, but it will be a crossover.

With what?

I'll let this suffice...for now...

Yep, your favorite Freshman Ninja (Technically now a Sophomore) is meeting the cast of EqG.

Report Mkchief34 · 208 views · #Ninjas #Sorcerors #Oh my!

Hello There · 8:33am Mar 22nd, 2020

I'm sure everyone knows what I'm referencing there! :)

So yes, it's me here after being away for about a month straight, and if you're wondering if I've been hoarding toilet paper during that time, that'd be a no.

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Report That Weirdo · 145 views · #Stuff #my story

Looking over my blogs · 3:33am Mar 18th, 2021

Me to me: “All you do is b**ch.”

Viewing 261 - 280 of 5,087 results