
Viewing 261 - 280 of 761 results

All good things.. · 7:05pm Oct 12th, 2019

Well, today we say goodbye to G4 of MLP.

Can't say I'm that surprised, or sad to see it go. I mean, I stopped watching around Season 4, mostly due to my personality and interests changing.

But I still owe it to the show for getting me into my creative writing career for this fandom and even more such as Sword Art Online, Clone Wars, Snow White with the Red Hair, and more.

So, a salute from me and a fond farewell to Friendship is Magic, Generation 4.

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I did books! · 3:11pm Feb 15th, 2017

Hi folks!
Sorry there's been little fanfic appearing lately. I've actually got 6 chapters of Friendship is Joker ready to post, as well as the spin-off movie Friendship is Joker the Movie: A vs Z: Legend of the Shadow War. But they're all waiting on my editor right now. If you want to see them faster, maybe someone else could volunteer to help me with the editing?

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In Need Of A Few Editors · 7:18pm Oct 22nd, 2017

Hello everyone, I have decided to finally come back and do some writing. I am making a lot of progress of my story which I renamed 'The Sun's Damage', but I am in need of some editors. I want to start publishing stories again, I am finally getting my spark back. I will need editors for either teen rated stories or mature rated stories. Just drop me a message if you think you are up for it, or if you know of anyone who is willing. I have two more chapters written and are ready to be given a look.


Goodbye for a little while. · 4:42pm Jul 19th, 2020

This recent upheaval of drama within fimfiction has caused everyone's tempers to flare and put politics and beliefs front and centre over horse words. I've already lost contact with three acquaintances who I was on cordial terms with before, and I'm just seeing so much hatred everywhere I look. I'm gonna take a break from the site. I will be writing in the meantime but I do not intend to log on again in the meantime. I just need a breather. My favourite website has gotten embroiled in politics

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Back from the grave. · 7:53pm Feb 1st, 2019

Guess what's coming back, as of right freaking now?

A Cydonian Affair.

It's back up on site, thanks to FIMFetch, and I'm going to keep it up.

Check it out, as a new update should be coming soon.


GoFundMe for Uncle Hugo’s Bookstore Open Once More · 8:22pm Jun 2nd, 2020

Quick update to the post from this weekend concerning Uncle Hugo’s Bookstore. The GoFundMe is officially open once more and being run by bookstore folks (confirmed on Uncle Hugo’s Facebook page here). So if you’d like to help donate to Uncle Hugo’s in the wake of this

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A Brief Look Into The Insanely Detailed World That Is Paul's Mind · 3:48am Apr 28th, 2019

Greetings, you curious readers! Seeing as I frequently get questions regarding when/how things will happen with my weekly review blog, I’ve decided it’s long-past time to show exactly how I organize everything. This blog will be a rundown of my methods for selecting what stories to read, when they are to be reviewed, and so on. It is, basically, a direct walkthrough of my actions, following along as I schedule a blog for this week in realtime. This will likely be a long and winding path, and

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CtS: I need to fill Quantum's social life · 9:23pm Mar 13th, 2017

OK so, I've run into a problem. I've dropped Quantum into this education schtick, and I have no idea what to do for classmates, friends, enemies, etc. Of course, I have Twilight, Blueblood and Duster for now, but I need to think of new characters for other classmates, teachers and friends. There's just one problem.

I suck at making new characters.

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Them's Fightin' Herds! · 5:37pm Sep 21st, 2015

Hey remember that My Little Pony fighting game that Hasbro shut down, like, over a year ago or so?

Remember how the devs instead got Lauren Faust to join them and then scored the Skullgirls engine to make an original game instead, with Lauren-designed characters?

Yeah they've been at it for a while, but if you haven't been paying attention to their site and Twitter for the past several months, you probably missed it.

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Story Progression (IMPORTANT! PLEASE RESPONDED!) · 3:42am Mar 12th, 2016


Incoming Story - The Wishing Pool · 6:34am Feb 4th, 2016

I have a new story that I will be releasing tomorrow. It is a shorter one, clocking in at about 1,250 words, but I hope that folks enjoy it.

I'm presently deliberating over what cover art and summary to use, but at present, it looks like this:

The Wishing Pool

Comedy, Romance

Rarity has traveled across the length of Equestria to reach the Pool of Dreams.

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I Have a Mighty NEED · 10:23am Jan 23rd, 2017

...for this toy!

Celestia needs to be on my work desk with the rest of my collection.

That's not creepy sounding at all...


New Story - Editors Needed · 6:48pm Mar 17th, 2017

Last night, at long last, I buckled down and spent some time finishing up A Thousand Roses.

The present summary I'm thinking about:

A Thousand Roses
10,740 words

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Corrections to "Chase, Part 4" · 1:14pm Jun 8th, 2017

Hey everyone! Just a quick notification that I updated a few things on “Chase, Part 4,” the latest chapter of The Iron Horse.

For one thing, I added in some references in the author’s notes, including one that nobody picked up on: the song Pinkie’s playing on the AKG-9000 is called “Bronco Rockin’ Beats,” a reference to the song “Block Rockin’ Beats” by the Chemical Brothers.

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I need to say this. No regrets. · 10:12pm Nov 23rd, 2017

I need to say this, guys. I know I have an unspoken rule on my page, NEVER TALK POLITICS, but I can't stay silent anymore.

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Dear EA · 11:50am May 11th, 2018

After uninstalling Battlefront II, I bought a 13-year old game of yours for full price because it's still one of the best arcade racers around and isn't infested with microtransactions.

Just wanted to remind you of a time when EA wasn't complete shit.


A Friend in Need · 7:08am Jul 27th, 2015

Hey everyone, so my friend TheLightLeavesThee is in a bit of fininacial trouble right now and could really side a helping hand, if anyone could help spread the word or even donate so money to the cause that be greatly appreciated! Here is a link to his Tumblr post which contains more info including his PayPal.


Oui... · 3:37am May 23rd, 2016

I knew better than to post my story early.:facehoof:


Cannot Sleep, Must Write... · 5:09am Jun 19th, 2016

I have not written anything in 48 hours and it is starting to affect me psychologically.

Many of you don't know this, but I performed a test last week. I finished one job last month and am transitioning to another hopefully very soon, but in the meantime I have all this free time, so i decided to write. For seven days straight

I wrote approximately 43,000 words
over 9 stories

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What an incredibly bizarre feeling... · 4:47pm Jan 13th, 2018

I just binged the entirety of DEVILMAN Crybaby, and while the somber tones of the ending where still settling in my brain, I turned on the first episode of Cyborg 009 VS Devilman.

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Viewing 261 - 280 of 761 results