
Viewing 261 - 280 of 1,956 results

Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle · 1:56pm Jul 18th, 2018


This song was so underrated! · 10:48am Aug 12th, 2019

Seriously this song is cute as Hell. Why was it not longer and more popular? Must I do everything myself!?

I was so adorable in those scenes too!


Sidestory Inbound! · 3:48am Oct 11th, 2020

So, ended up distracted today with a bit of an idea, courtesy of a prompt in one of the Discord servers I'm in. An hour later, I had the 1000 word rough draft of a one-shot set in the Rubicon Universe. My editor and I are now in the process of hacking it apart and rebuilding it into something worthy of being posted here. The first two paragraphs have already transformed into almost a thousand words on their own, lol, so...its going to be quite a bit longer than it started, lol.

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Ask questions · 2:32pm Aug 3rd, 2020


Equestria Girls · 11:06pm Jan 29th, 2022

The first two movies are great, but I'm really not interested in EQG.

I love the concept of following pony characters around in their world. Transposing their world back into a version of ours kills the appeal for me. I'm not interested in teenage humans. I'm interested in ponies. Especially the ones who have lives more inline with adults like the Mane 6, but still within the fantasy setting.

I went to high school. I don't need to see it again.

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Sunset Shimmer Theory! Why she never met her counter part. · 11:21am Feb 26th, 2018

OK, so I had a thought. Could Sunset really be from the human world?

So for a bit of background;
-It is likely that they were all in their junior year in the first movie, making them 16.
-The fist movie was in 2013 so, this is going to be considered the origin year.
-if they were all 16 in 2013, that would mean they were born in 1998
-The portal opens every 2.5 years
-assume the formal is in october

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Companion Story to Asriel Dreemurr, Prince of the Night, in the works! · 7:19am May 13th, 2022

For those of you who have enjoyed what I have so far of my story mentioned in the title above, I am currently working on something that may excite you all~!

A companion story! While Asriel is in Equestria and getting to bond with Luna and learn more about a new world, I am going to have a story detailing Frisk's life as the Monsters get settled in the City of Canterlot back on Earth, since Ebott has turned out to not be so welcoming.

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And So It Begins… · 6:37pm Apr 23rd, 2023

That's right, the sequel to Dashing Through Paranormalities is now published! It will touch what the series is all about and probably be an even longer fic than the prequel, so stay tuned! :derpyderp2:

[Unpublished stories cannot be embedded]


The Friendship Games · 8:09am Sep 27th, 2015

So . . . it was indeed a thing.

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Happy Monday! · 8:45pm Oct 5th, 2015

The mother of all oxymorons to most of us, but not so to us foodservice workers, where weekends rarely exist.

Today's discussion:

How do you want the meeting of the Twilights to go down?

Give serious or silly answers, or both!


This... · 8:31pm Jul 2nd, 2015

...actually looks decent?

Am I seeing this right?

I mean, the music sounds really watered down and shitty, but I mean, hot damn! This actually looks like it has some potential! A familiar story that actually appears to be taking risks, actual mystery and a sense of not knowing everything that's supposed to happen?

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EQG: New Character Reveal · 9:01pm Feb 12th, 2016


Equestria Girls: Cyberpunk. · 11:16pm Jul 18th, 2016

I'd been planning EqGverse as cyberpunk for a while-- Shadowrunish without being a direct shadowrun import, with the Awakening being semi-artificial, the result of the events of the movies. Grungar3x7 asked why none of the alicorns were futa, and stumbling along the way, I hit on Sunset Shimmer, whom I had only the vaguest of intentions about (though they're even vaguer with EqG Twi).

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My reaction to the Flashlight ship sinking · 2:12am Aug 10th, 2016

WWWWWWHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :raritycry: *really loud sad diamond dog noises*


Celestia's Stable Update: Whatcha wanna see? · 2:53pm Sep 27th, 2016

Hey everyone! I'm going to be working on the next chapter of Celestia's Stable tomorrow/this evening, and I have a few ideas rolling around my head. From the ground up it's been a story that's taken reader feedback into consideration, and I'd like to consider that trend now that it's here on Fimfiction. So I have a few thoughts in mind for the next chapter, and I'd like to hear which ones you prefer.

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Oh yeah, there's a cartoon, isn't there? · 2:52am Feb 19th, 2018

I mean, the last time we had NEW PONY was back in October, between the movie and the season finale and all.

BUT. I guess with Hasbro Toyfair and/or PresentPerfect's enthusiastic endorsement, I've been watching more of this silly little pony show lately. Catching up on old eps I missed the first time around, for one.

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Coming Later This Week · 1:16pm May 10th, 2018

... Sunset, darling, I think I've found one...

...You seriously expect us to take on one of the most powerful men in Las Pegasus, steal something he wears all the time, and just walk out of town without him even knowing who we are?...

... I'm investigating the theft of the Amarezon Carcanet from the Canterlot City Museum a couple of weeks ago...

... Don't test me, young lady. I can be your best friend, or your worst enemy...

... I think I'm going to stay here in Las Pegasus...

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Human Gaiety 2: Anthropic Boogaloo · 3:15pm Nov 5th, 2017

Just an FYI, three more shorts have gone up on Discovery Family's site. There will be forty-five of them in total, so I'm going to let them keep accumulating for a bit more before making plans for review blogs. This one will be interesting. Five seems too few and nine too many, so I'm not yet sure what I'll do.

Also, for those looking for this batch, be advised that one of them is the Timberlight short.

Mini-reactions and links to the videos follow, as do potential spoilers:

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YU-GI-OH EQG (Planning a Fic) · 6:09am Dec 3rd, 2018

Eeyup, I've got the itch, and the ideas are multiplying rapidly in my head.

UGH!! I still have to finish Darkness of Dimensions... Starfleet Season 8... then make another Starfleet HUMANS movie fic (If Season 9 of MLP comes/finishes by then... I'll have to make my own Starfleet Season 9)

and now this too. *Sighs* The work just keeps piling up, but this is too good to pass up...

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A Nyx and Sunset update - Ideas I came up with. · 10:54am Mar 20th, 2017

I came up with concepts!

Since the "completion" of Nyx and the Sunset, I've been thinking of ways to continue it, and I've come to the conclusion that it is inevitable. The story is going to spiral into bleak darkness.

So, I figured I would match this dark take by adding different themes to reflect this, concepts such as death, abandonment and fear would be the most common, but they boarder on mature, therefore breaking Pen's rules.

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Viewing 261 - 280 of 1,956 results