
Viewing 261 - 280 of 429 results

This Amazes Me · 5:02pm Mar 11th, 2022

I know that the "Steamed Hams" meme from The Simpsons has gone past its prime now, but I still want to share this, because I am just that impressed.

This guy here... did a "Re-Animated" version of the entire sequence with Skinner and Chalmers, and changed animation/cartoon styles every time the camera changed angles. :rainbowderp:

And he did it all by himself. Took him the better part of four years to put together. Talk about dedication to a goal.

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Site Post » S5E25-26 - The Cutie Re-mark · 11:12am Nov 28th, 2015

Starlight Glimmer returns to seek vengeance on Twilight and her friends and has acquired a spell that could change the past, present, and future of Equestria forever.

Princess Twilight's efforts to stop Starlight from altering the past continue, but she fears that they may be in vain.

Thought I might make early today since it's the finale! Is everybody suitably hyped?


So that episode happened... · 8:28pm Nov 28th, 2015

Spoilers follow! A lot. Like, don't even look if you care about the episode and haven't watched it.

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The Cutie Re-Mark Review [Spoilers] · 3:26am Nov 30th, 2015

Well, here we are.

The end of the line.

For season five, at least...

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Anon Vs. The Nightmare Moon Timeline needs an editor · 5:46pm Feb 19th, 2017

This will be my 200th story, so I want to make it somewhat slightly more decent than usual. So, I need a few editors to look over it. It's a joke story where Anon enters the Nightmare Moon's Timeline from The Cutie Re-Mark. The story is more or less done, just needs a few editors.

Anon Vs. The Nightmare Moon Timeline

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My Story Recommendations - Stories I personally plan to re-read. · 1:16am Jul 12th, 2017

I’ve decided to share my list of fics that I plan to re-read with you all, yay!

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My first book has be re-released! · 4:10pm Jul 6th, 2019

So, after a lot of hard work and preparation, I have begun the cycle of getting my original works out there under one consolidated name. As such, Landasy Reality is OFFICIALLY out once again, with another original work planning to be released coming next month.

As such, if you love my work, haven't read the first and would love a chance to show your support, now is the time to do it. Thank you, everyone!

Amazon page: Landasy Reality


Re-Revisions Galore! · 7:30am June 18th


Forces of Friendship - Update · 10:27pm Dec 9th, 2016

I know it's been several months since I last updated Forces of Friendship, and there is a reason for that.

I haven't felt the story is really up to scratch, the same reason why I deleted A Mare Called Missy and The Constant Drums. Unlike the last two, however, I do want to continue it. Thus, the story will be taken down for now and released later on with the plot revamped, though the current released chapters will retain most of their current content, if updated a bit.

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Episode-a-Minute: The Cutie Re-Mark · 7:55pm Nov 28th, 2015

Since it's the season finale and all, I thought to postpone the usual week post until after the episodes aired. Mixing it up for all of you loyal followers!

So today, for the first time, I give you an episode summary in under a minute. Will I do more? Maybe if the fancy strikes me. This is a fanfiction site.

Obviously, spoilers below the break.

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Discussion - Should Rainbow Dash Be The Leader? · 1:13am Dec 2nd, 2015

The finale got me thinking. IMHO, other than Twilight, Rainbow has always been the second-most important cast member. She's the one that's got an ongoing storyline with the Wonderbolts, along with Rarity and to a lesser extent Fluttershy, she's had some of the most significant character development of the six, she's the one of them most famous after Twi herself, and her human counterpart is given higher prominence than the other four.

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Season Finale Woes · 6:10pm Dec 19th, 2015

Due to IRL commitments, I was forced to miss all the airings of the Season 5 finale. I only have basic cable, so I had to have my mother record it. Because her service is unreliable, her DVR only managed to record part 2. I have been hoping they'd air it again, but the folks in charge of programming seem to have been on a nostalgia trip since then, airing nothing but Season 1 episodes and G3 movies, with an occasional early Season 2 episode here and there. Having to dodge spoilers is getting

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Did the Rainboom Cause Other Cutie Marks? · 10:28pm Dec 9th, 2015

Something has been bugging me. Admittedly it has been bugging me ever since I first watched The Cutie Mark Chronicles, but the recent season 5 finale has brought it back in full force.

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Scooby-Doo Where are you? In... SPRINGTRAPPED! | VOICE ACTOR RE-DUB · 2:18pm Nov 16th, 2023


Shrek Retold · 9:31pm Jan 2nd, 2019


Cutie Re-Mark Results · 6:07pm Nov 28th, 2015

With the finale of Season Five of My Little Pony -- "Cutie Re-Mark" -- having now aired

A couple things I expect/hope to see:
AU with Starlight Glimmer as the element of magic.
Starlight shipping:
Starlight and Twilight (obvious).
Starlight and Moondancer (both are unicorns who shut down after losing their best friends)
Starlight and Trixie (former villains)
Starlight and Sunburst (for the romantics and the fact they used to be friends)

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The Cutie Re-Mark: Deleted Scene · 3:52am Nov 29th, 2015

This was originally going to be it's own other fanfic, but I got the feeling someone else is already going to post it tonight or tomorrow, and this is relatively short. Minor spoilers ahead. F.Y.I., Great finale, especially with the alternate timelines.

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Bruh.... · 1:40am Nov 21st, 2016

So I have been re reading 'Stuck' lately and, let me just say... bruh. It is SO bad! Seriously, how does this thing have 99 up votes again? The plot is fine, but the execution is just so god damn awful. The dialogue is very messy, the show and not tell aspect isn't super prominent, I'm using parenthesis too often, character interactions are not well executed, I am disappointed in my 17-18 year old self. A 17-18 year old who took HONNORS english his junior year. I thought I was writing a good

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Fic-A-Minute: Bearded Lust 2: The Re-Beardening · 11:53am Sep 2nd, 2016

Beat the odds! Ogres and Oubliettes is now show canon.


So in celebration, I give you beards. Wonderful, manly beards.

You're welcome.

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The Cutie Re-Mark thoughts and observations · 5:07pm Nov 29th, 2015

I was gonna do something like this earlier but I thought it would be better to wait until I had watched the eps a second time, and I’m glad I did! Just a bunch of thoughts in no particular order, some observations, and some fangirling…

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Viewing 261 - 280 of 429 results