
Viewing 261 - 280 of 391 results

Diminishing Returns on Firefly · 2:57pm Jun 13th, 2022

I’ve noticed before that when I release multiple chapters of the same story in rapid succession, the later chapters tend to do more poorly than the initial ones in terms of views and comments. Such was the case here as the fifth Firefly chapter was released with very little apparent interest. There were only three comments on the content, and two of them were to complain about my choice of closing quote. :facehoof:

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Ending the month on an ill note... · 6:15pm Jan 29th, 2023

Because I’m ill. :pinkiesick: I started getting sick last Monday and by Wednesday I was down hard with a severe cold. Not COVID, and not the flu, but maybe it was that RSV thing that’s been going around. I’ve only been slowly getting better, taking two and a half sick days off from work, but sleeping has been an apnea-filled adventure at times with my nose so stopped up, and my energy has been very low. As a result, despite all the time off, I haven’t been writing much.

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Eros announcements · 4:50pm January 21st

Heyo, folks. Just wanted to let you know that the next Eros chapter is now with prereaders. Weighing in at 10,000 words, it's actually a little light on sex after the initial section, but as the reason involves some character development and worldbuilding, hopefully you won't mind too much. But that's not the only thing I wanted to mention.

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Just a quick note... · 7:35pm February 20th

To thank everyone who replied on my previous blog. The outpouring of support I received was very much appreciated, and very much needed for the mood I was in. I will take pains to reply to everyone that commented in the next few days, but first I wanted to make an announcement that I’m sure a significant number of readers will be eager to hear:

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Next C&C chapter well underway... · 9:28pm Oct 10th, 2022

While I’m waiting to launch the latest chapter of Unleash the Magic - Midnight Rising tonight, I worked on the next chapter of Feathered Hearts - Continuation and Chronicles heavily yesterday and especially today. It’s already up over 6,000 words, and among other things, I’m trying to work in parts of the original story’s chapter 9, as I haven’t included anything from the source material in a while. You’ll get to see the Marines, griffies, drakinas and Ibex in action as they work

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Running range extended to 8 miles, next Midnight Rising chapter with prereaders... · 8:43pm Oct 1st, 2023

What does the former have to do with the latter? Nothing except to remind myself that despite being recently diagnosed with high blood pressure (for which I’m on medication and have altered my diet), my heart is strong and stamina is growing. I can do a 10k with ease now, I hit 8.22 miles today without a problem, and I may consider seeing if I can run a half-marathon (13.1 miles) before long.

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No rest for the wicked... · 4:41pm Dec 11th, 2023

The first chapter draft for C&C is off to prereaders, weighing in at a whopping 17,775 words. So far I’ve gotten one of those prereads back with another in progress, and the initial feedback is favorable. As I’m still picking at it and slipping stuff in, it’s likely going to be approaching 19,000 or more words when all is said and done. But I don’t think I’ll reduce its size by splitting it this time. It’s a climactic chapter, so even as a clop chapter, it will be of climatic chapter length.

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Slow start on Midnight Rising... · 8:00pm Jul 31st, 2023

For two reasons. First, work is picking up again, and it may stay that way through August as we have an important September deadline for my team to hit. Second, I found I needed an extended break from writing after the last two Eros chapters for all the effort I put into them. Needed to mentally rest and emotionally recharge from it before starting something new.

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I have reached a decision on Midnight Rising... · 7:15pm April 3rd

Thanks in part to one final comment that came to me over PM last night. It wasn't a mean comment. In fact, it was nothing but a simple, politely asked question from a reader I hadn't heard from before: do you have to read the griffon chapters to understand what comes after?

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Midnight Rising update; Feathered Hearts C&C teaser... · 5:04pm April 25th

Hey, folks. Here’s my weekly writing update. I’m tagging this as C&C since that’s what the teaser below is about, but the blog is about both it and Unleash the Magic - Midnight Rising.

Unleash the Magic - Midnight Rising

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President's Day Story Priorities · 10:20pm Feb 12th, 2016

After an unpleasant couple weeks of work, I've got a three day weekend to unwind and take advantage of. Here's my writing schedule to come, in order of priority:

1. Unleash the Magic:

Thanks to the long weekend, the next Unleash the Magic: Midnight Rising chapter draft should be finished by Monday or sooner, and will be posted as soon as it passes prereaders. Needless to say, I think you all know what happens next... :twilightsmile:

2. The Lawyer and The Unicorn

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Just had a thought · 2:48pm Oct 26th, 2015


Destiny: Rise of Iron Archon's Forge Tour · 9:29am Aug 30th, 2016


Fic Feedback #3 – A Year of Seasons · 1:53am Jul 20th, 2015

Last fall, the FlutterDash group ran a contest for stories about FlutterDash and the four seasons.

It only had one entry (though HoofBitingActionOverload eventually finished his entry as well.

I had agreed to go over the winning entry and give the author feedback.

I never did, even though I put it on my “to do” list.

That ends today!

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Unleash the Magic - Nightmare Night: Status Update and Teaser #2 · 9:44pm Oct 25th, 2017

With T-minus 5 days to launch, status of the new story is as follows:

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Rise of the TMNT · 2:07pm Jul 22nd, 2018


Okay, So, Read Up About What Happens In Rise Of Skywalker · 8:25pm Dec 19th, 2019

As a person, I don't mind spoilers but I won't give you any.

But overall, in regards to the final Star Wars looks quite fun actually.

I get why people don't like the new Star Wars films but I do feel those people do take it way too far.
Hence why I left the Star Wars group this week until they've been given a chance to simmer down after the new film.
I can see it getting...mixed reviews. But not in the same way Last Jedi did.

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Best Laid Plans... · 1:56pm Mar 29th, 2021

Are subject to change, and mine have, but in a good way. The next Midnight Rising chapter is nearly ready and will launch tonight. I originally said I had two chapters in progress? Make that three. I've decided to solve the dilemma of which scene to leave for another chapter by giving them all their own full chapters, and their deserved spotlight in turn. First up is our fair lady Rarity, newly minted dragon aficionado.

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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker review and update… · 1:12am Dec 21st, 2019

Apologies for around 7 months since my last blog post, a lot of crud has happened, real-life stuff and the like, but for this post, I’ll focus on two things to write about; the future of Pokémon - The Equestrian Chronicles & my thoughts on Star Wars: the Rise of Skywalker. I’ll start with the finale of the Skywalker Saga…

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Holiday Plans · 2:11am Dec 14th, 2020

Well, in terms of travel, they're nonexistent since my parents told me to stay away. No Christmas with family this year, though I know I'm hardly alone in that. But as for writing...

Well, I've decided a couple things. I think, after nearly four months of doing it continuously, I've burned out on clop. That's bad news for the Unleash the Magic series, but good news for Firefly. And possibly one other story.

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Viewing 261 - 280 of 391 results