
Viewing 261 - 280 of 509 results

Context · 11:35pm Mar 23rd, 2016

"Hmmph!" Flurry Heart crossed her stubby hooves, disappointed that her dictatorship had been overthrown.

Enter Shining Armor, the prisoner's accomplice.

"She'll be alright, right?" Shining Armor asked, a crazed look in his eyes.


Seldom been so glad to see a fic Jossed! [Spoilers for Hearthbreakers under the page break] · 5:38pm Oct 24th, 2015

When you come up on an episode that will probably Joss your fic, I guess you can have two different attitudes: excitement or fear. My unfinished story, Command Performance, is all about different winter holiday traditions: how different families celebrate the same holiday, and how some don't celebrate the same holidays at all. But my Pinkie already had a solution, rooted in being a party pony:

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The Philosophy And Meaning of DMC 3 (+ Mini Reboot rant!) · 12:55am Aug 15th, 2015

Now I know fighting and action/adventure games aren't usually the deepest of stories out there. Devil May Cry is no exception, but people still miss out the core ideas at the heart of the title. This covers the original story only and excludes the reboot for reasons I will explain later. I will be running through some points in chronological order of the games.

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Found a great portrait of the Pie Family · 10:20pm Jun 11th, 2015

I like this. I do.

Edit: Bonus pic!


Academic purpose got an audio reading! · 10:13pm May 25th, 2017

Made by Lotus Moon, the same person that did my AJ fic.

Check it out right here
Give her some love!


Might be Time to Bring Back One of the Greatest... · 6:35am Mar 6th, 2018

Hello everyone!

So I have been thinking, I thought it might be time to bring back one of our greatest comedy stars in history to Ponyville.

His name is...


When I was younger, I watched "Family Matters" all the time and Steve Urkel brought me so much joy.

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Hiding Out · 3:19am Jan 26th, 2016

I've excused myself from my family's bullshit for the night. :ajbemused: I don't want to listen to my in-laws work drama, nor do I need to concern myself with my mother's self-absorption. You wanna know what I WILL concern myself with? This super-cute RariPie fic I found, my warm cozy bed, and a king size Kit Kat bar. :eeyup:


Yo · 6:05am Jul 21st, 2018

I was doing a little bit of fine tuning on some of the background aspects of Hero Souls: Awakening when I decided I didn't mind sharing what I had done. So get ready, minor/major spoilers ahead.

I've finished developing all of the characters who will have Hero Souls, or at least to the point that I'm confident in my ability to write them out for most scenes. However, while going over this, I realized I made a bit of a mistake regarding the titles for the Hero Souls of the Mane 6.

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Loneliness? Spankings? Other heavy topics that this week has brought up. · 10:06pm Aug 16th, 2019

This week has been so weird. I've been suffering from insomnia the whole Summer and for some reason, this week things clicked after I'd once again been awake for something like 30 hours... and I felt like writing. Then I noticed I'd posted a full fic in just a few hours. And the next day, I felt like something was missing, and continued writing, adding a sequel

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Meanwhile, in the Heart of Darkness... · 10:26am Nov 20th, 2017

Hello everyone. While I have my whereabouts public in some select places, I haven't really done so on the site, so I'll make the announcement here.

I am currently in the Heart of Darkness Africa to visit my family. As such, while I am not completely cut off from the world, my connection to everything is considerably more limited.

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Apple Family Names Updated · 9:44pm Feb 22nd, 2019

Well, it's been over four and a half years since the original, and the site has rearranged a little in the past few months (I don't know when I checked it last: maybe around summer?), so I've decided to update the blog and re-post the information as well.

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New Chapter - New Life · 12:58am Jul 19th, 2016

I hope to be getting the 2nd chapter done by this week and have it published by this weekend. If you could take a look at the first chapter and let me know what you guys think of it, that'll be great! It's my first story since I registered for the site and I wanna make a good impression!

Thanks again

Link to story:



Last month, we got a new puppy, and she's strange! · 1:47pm Sep 27th, 2019

Our family dog, Lenny, has been gone a while now. Much to my displeasure, everybody else seemed to forget about him almost immediately, and it wasn't even four weeks or so later that we adopted another dog, this time, a ten-month-old husky puppy named Akira. I've heard that huskies have very unique personalities and they do strange things other dogs don't do, but let me tell you, I sincerely find myself to be loving this cute ball of walking fluff and cuteness.hat

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Her Name Was Forgetful...And Today Is Her Birthday! · 1:09pm Oct 13th, 2021

Little Friday The 13th Reference There, lol.

Serious as cereal!

Today I'm finally 21!

And should feel like this...

But if we're being serious, I actually feel more like...

It's a mixture of emotions.

My sister and I made up.

I can see my nieces again, super awesome!

But dad's no longer here.

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Finished Another Rough Draft XD · 7:17am Feb 26th, 2019

Finished the rough draft of the original fiction story I've been working on for the past week or so. It's just over 21k words and I'm very happy with it so far. It's something that I've wanted to write for maybe about five years now, but I just couldn't make it until now. It originally started out as a fanfic delving into Fluttershy and her family, but then Hasbro did the impossible and actually started to cover the mane six's families so I had to scrape that idea. Sad too because the original

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M.L.G. Character Profile: Gray Ghost's Family · 5:30am Jan 23rd, 2022

Figure I may as well whip up profiles for the rest of Gray and Ebony's family while I'm on today. Here's some background music while you read this. >^_^<

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I wrote a story featuring Apple Bloom, a classic car, her parents and the love of family · 5:09pm Jan 7th, 2020

As the title implies, this story involves The Apple Sibling's deceased parents, a classic car from 1955, Apple Bloom and a four-wheeled tribute to the love of her parents.

This was written this morning because I had the idea knocking around and I wanted to put it out there just because. Don't expect regular story releases, this is only a one-off. It might happen now and again, but never daily or anything like that.

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Meg beats up Peter and the bullies · 7:47am May 25th, 2020

This is one of the most satisfying scenes ever in Family Guy. With all the bullying and ridicule Meg experienced throughout her life, I honestly can't blame her for getting revenge on those who treated her like crap.

P.S. The thumbnail is clickbait.


Question of the Week #56 · 2:20am May 17th, 2022

Sorry, for the VERY late Question of the Week blog. I must have contracted some sort of bug, and as the week went on, I developed a head cold... so I forgot. :pinkiesick:

Well, I may still have a head cold, but here is the question of the week. :pinkiesad2:

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Question of the Week #132 · 3:24am Nov 29th, 2023

Hello everyone and welcome back.

First... December 1st is drawing near and with it the conclusion of the Cyberpunk Equestria Nightmare Night Story Contest, so if you are planning to participate, your time to submit the story to the appropriate folder is drawing to an end. :rainbowderp:

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Viewing 261 - 280 of 509 results