
Viewing 261 - 280 of 10,585 results

Rogue Sun chapter 13 Sneak Peek · 3:24am Apr 7th, 2019

It has come to the deadline I have set up for myself to have posted a (real) new chapter of Rogue Sun; I am almost done with this most recent chapter but not yet, and I feel a little guilty for leaving you guys off with an April Fool's day chapter depicting the end of the story when the actual end of this "episode" is the very next chapter. So, I decided to give a sneak peek of the first part of the true ending of Rogue Sun.

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Report Jninja15 · 267 views · #update

ILY and ET cancelled. · 8:04pm Jun 25th, 2017

I can't write comedy and I found that out the hard way - writers block. I just can't find a solid plot to a comedy story. It drives me nuts.

So I'm not gonna use the comedy tag at all in my stories. Unless it's s**tposting in which that may be an exception ;)

Report TheWindrunner · 207 views · #Updates

Daughter of Gensokyo: moving forward · 2:41pm Aug 25th, 2017

So, in a couple more chapters, Paradise Lost: Daughter of Gensokyo is going to change dramatically. In fact, it's going to have such a drastic shift, that once chapter 15 is uploaded, I'm going to have to submit a part 2 with a new set of tags. Paradise Lost: Daughter of Terra will be rated mature and will have the sex and gore tags, but because Alexandria is only 16, the sex tag isn't for her, otherwise I'd be breaking the site rules. I don't know how many of you are going to

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Report Maziodyne · 234 views · #update

Update-Dingos. · 1:29am Jun 14th, 2020

I knew it was coming for like totally a month.

My job laid me off, oi.

We officially completed all our contracts, and I went the way of the dodo.

Lol, seriously though.

I've been stockpiling my funds, just in case of this happening and even though it bounced here fairly quickly, I'm Okies.

This is a chance for me to focus on my writing, both Fanfiction and original!

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Report Forgetful · 211 views · #Update.

No chapter this week, have some art instead. · 4:52pm Dec 18th, 2020

*Fimfiction isn't working with me right now, can find the image in the link below.
Full resolution


Story Updates · 6:56am Dec 17th, 2020

So I know I haven't published anything in a while but I just wanted to give a quick update on what I'm working on and that I'm not dead. Currently, it seems as though my clopfic writing mood shifts between four stories: The Zebra Conspiracy, Total Changeling Domination, Canterlot High’s Secret Somnophilia Craze, and a new story. I'll just go through them one by one.

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Report Very Sleepy · 575 views · #update

New chapter posted. · 4:13pm Jul 10th, 2016

My latest chapter for tears of gems has been posted please go check it out here.

Enjoy the art in life my friends.

Report Mesiagamer · 311 views · #Updates

Midnight progress update · 9:50pm Jun 30th, 2020

Almost done (I think anyway) Currently sitting at 4.7k words

Anyway just wanted to give you guys that update as I have been hard at work writing this chapter


So good night and maybe hopefully probably I will be finished with this chapter tomorrow. Then it just needs to be edited and you can all enjoy my longest chapter I have ever written

Stay safe and Goodnight :heart:

Report LSTS Connor · 173 views · #Update

All my bookshelves are now private · 10:20pm Jul 18th, 2020

As of recently events on discord and ect I’m not allowing anyone to see my reads I’m sad to say no one needs to know my liking any more until I feel like showing again.

Dms are now close on this account unless it’s important like co writing

Report get fucked retard · 261 views · #Update

Still Ali-- · 2:22pm Oct 8th, 2018

Okay, not really the best idea to have that title at the moment.

Just to let everyone know, the last two weeks I've been busy working on finding a new job (which I did), trying to put up with the bullshit from my former job until I quit and trying to chip away at multiple fics at the same time. On that note, I don't have any sort of timeline for chapter releases for anything. But I'm working them so please stay tuned.

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Report pabrony · 164 views · #Update

Happy Fallout Day and 4th Anniversary! · 12:06am Oct 24th, 2020

Stage: First draft
Word Count: 8,426

Holy cow, Of Shadows was published four years ago? And New Vegas is now ten years old? :pinkiegasp: Where on Equestria does the time go?!

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Report nyxOs · 327 views · #update

I Sleep... Real Sh- · 1:45pm May 2nd, 2020

Boss: "Hey, we're cutting hours for the entirety of next week, you're one of those people"


Boss: "But you get paid leave"


Yes, so expect an update or two, let's see how hard I can smash out this story of ours, aye lads?

Report ExaltedFiction · 343 views · #Updates

Life Update (New Story?) · 4:09am Dec 1st, 2020

Howdy, y'all! :ajsmug:

I dunno how many people will see this, but I thought I'd make a post anyway. If you've seen my account, you'd know I have two stories up, and they're pretty much just one shots. I have some followers (shout out to all 6 of you :D) and so I feel obligated to give some kind of an update.

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Update · 6:23am Jul 13th, 2021

Hey guys to wanted to let you know..

Report Blackwatch9 · 93 views · #Update

Chapter 12 is live! · 4:42pm Jul 15th, 2021

Chapter 12 is now out for Ranger of Seamane, bit lighter on the word count but that was due to it was originally one longer chapter and now split into two smaller chapters. Trying to keep things from too often hitting the 10k mark, or really going over 6k.

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Report Moonlight Grimoire · 84 views · #Update

Sunday Update. · 4:46am Jan 8th, 2018


Sorry I’ve been out for a while. I got stunned by ice first of all, my porch was frozen over and I fell on my backside to the ice. Knocked the air out of my lungs to say the least, after that it took like a day and a half to start feeling myself again.

The other day?

Well I just got a case of the lazies!

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Report Adorkable · 255 views · #update

Update 04/09/2017 · 10:35am Sep 4th, 2017

Hello, I'm letting you know what I'm up to and why I haven't uploaded anything in two weeks.

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Report Jackelope · 243 views · #Update

What's been going on. · 9:06pm Oct 25th, 2016

SO. Several months ago, I updated my phone. When that happened, I started writing on my new phone and my old phone was left to just sit. Those who know me know that I do ALL of not MOST of my writing solely on my mobile device. SUDDENLY I found how little memory that new phone had, and I went to unlock the phone...

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Report AppleGothic · 267 views · #Update

Where are those new chapters? · 1:00pm May 16th, 2016

Hello everypony

Those of you who are tracking me are probably wondering where my new chapters are. I've been sidetracked by a commission recently and I want to get that out of the way before continuing. It'll be my next ambition to update The Cutie Mark Crusade: Warm Beginnings. :twilightsmile:

AJ is best pony,

Infinite Affection

Report Infinite Affection · 234 views · #update

Update on latest story · 7:08pm Oct 15th, 2017

Hello all!
Just a quick update, since it's been a while. After much coffee and consideration, I've decided to combine my story ideas into one almost-anthology story. It's halfway done, too! Sitting at what looks like 6 chapters, it follows the experiences of 4 ponies as they tell their favorite memories from The Clocktower Society! Featuring two pet play stories, it's a tale you won't want to miss!

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Report Silent Whisper · 224 views · #update
Viewing 261 - 280 of 10,585 results