
Viewing 261 - 280 of 1,106 results

Whatcha doin? · 10:11pm Jul 1st, 2020


Moonlight's inktober (Week 2) · 1:35am Oct 15th, 2018

This is pretty fun!

8- Star
9- Precious
10- Flowing
11- Cruel
12- Whale
13- Guarded
14- Clock


I might be the only student exited for Monday! · 4:36am May 22nd, 2016

Because I am getting the third game in the Ace Attorney series: Trials and Tribulations!

Uhm...that's all...

You can leave to go about your business now...

Doc, OUT!


In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 2 -- Long Night · 1:19pm Jun 23rd, 2018

This must set some kind of record. These are the very first sentences in the chapter:

“I miss you already.”

“I don’t need to leave. I can stay…”

Four words in, and CM + 1. Wow. Even by this series’ standards, wow.

It’s the night before the wedding, and our resident codependent couple is in the middle of a kissing session. Quite a clingy one, too:

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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 3 -- Big Day · 12:48pm Jun 24th, 2018

Bella wakes up and is, for some reason, annoyed with herself for having that dream about the immortal child, as if she could control what she dreams. After breakfast, she and Charlie get ready, and Alice arrives to help them put the finishing touches on their clothes and make them look presentable. There’s an interesting bit where Alice mentions that, to keep the tradition of the groom not seeing the bride’s dress before the wedding, she’s been very careful to not think about the dress when

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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 11 -- The Two Things at the Very Top of my Things-I-Never-Want-to-Do List · 10:46am Jul 2nd, 2018

These four books are at the very top of my Things-I-Never-Want-to-Read-Again List.

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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 27 -- Travel Plans · 10:36am Jul 18th, 2018

Most of this chapter is a sort of montage/summary of the first three months of Bella’s vampirization. It’s perfect, of course. She claims to take mythology a lot more seriously, which could be interesting, but it’s only so she can make a too-long metaphor about the Fates’ loom and the color of the threads of herself, her family, and her friends. Nessie keeps growing quickly and she’s adorable without having any character. Alice and Rosalie make a scrapbook of her growth to create the

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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 4 -- Gesture · 11:07am Jun 25th, 2018

The reception begins as Bella looks over all the people who’ve come. A lot of it is listing off names of the obligatory guests — friends and family who don’t play much of a role in the rest of the series. In spite of being a werewolf, Seth is genuinely enthusiastic that Bella and Edward got married. They go through the cake-cutting, the pictures, the dancing, everything. (I’m kind of curious who’s the poor schmuck who got stuck serving the beer and wine. When my brother got married, I, being an

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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 36 -- Bloodlust · 10:43am Jul 27th, 2018

Hmm. “Bloodlust” implies a throwdown. Could we actually end this series with a big vampire fight? Here’s hoping!

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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 25 -- Favor · 10:52am Jul 16th, 2018

Bella and Edward pork all night, and she’s still not satisfied. It takes Edward saying Nessie’s name to snap her out of it. They get changed; we get another mention of how the closet is filled with lotsa clothes and can’t ANYTHING come hard to this couple?! In the middle of changing, we get yet another reminder of how so frigging hot like whoa Edward is that somehow manages to double as a reminder that their sex is TOATELLY GRAET EWE GAIS:

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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 30 -- Irresistible · 1:16pm Jul 21st, 2018

Bella’s stressing out about everything: the Volturi, Alice’s desertion, the fact that she’ll have to learn how to fight, J. Jenks, the vampires who’ll be coming over, everything. She tries to talk to Edward about it, but before she can get the words out, he’s kissing her. And then she just forgets about asking questions for the night.

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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 15 -- Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock · 10:33am Jul 6th, 2018

Snide phrase that connects back to the chapter title in some way.

While Jacob and Seth are on patrol, Jacob wonders why the Cullens just don’t take Bella somewhere else, away from Sam. Seth says he’s already asked that; the Cullens have too many medical supplies to transport easily, and collecting them takes a lot of time. This debate takes two whole pages. I hate this book.

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Stressed... · 9:31pm Mar 29th, 2017

I don't know why but there's this weight of stress on my back from lack of school. I've been trying to get back to school and I'm still mad at my mom for getting me kicked out. I also feel like I did something wrong but I don't know how or what or if I can even fix it. There's this feeling of abandonment inside me and it doesn't make sense to me. I just don't understand.... I really don't.... :fluttershysad:

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Leading the charge: cover art. · 2:09am Jul 16th, 2016

Alright everypony, I've been thinking. I'm considering getting some cover art for my story: Leading the charge. In case you were wondering, my ponies talent is art, so I'm wondering if you guys want me to make my own cover art. If so, I will start as soon as possible. If not, I am open to cover art recommendations. Thank you. Have a pony good time my friends:pinkiesmile:


Soup🥫 · 4:01pm Mar 15th, 2021


“Hey Pharynx, what's up?”

“I need your, help, can you come here?”

“Uhh, I can't, I'm buying clothes.

“Alright, well hurry up and come over here.“

“Uhh, I can't find them.”

What do you mean you 'can't find them'?

“I can't find them, there's only soup.”

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Ladies, I have a question for you that's baffled me for years that only you can answer about guitarists... · 6:14pm Aug 25th, 2020

Okay, ladies, answer me a question that has baffled me for years:

Why do girls find guitar players / musicians attractive?



Just Why · 5:35pm Aug 4th, 2020

I'm wondering something, this what some might call a Minor thing, why do stories have a Max limit of 5 main Characters? It makes very little sense, a story can have more than 5 main characters as easily as it can have 1 or 2, so why is that limit even still there? Especially with the wide breadth of characters the series and franchise has now.


Stocking Stuffer 5: Tyrion the Schlong · 4:44am May 11th, 2017

Journeyman: It's that time again.
Journeyman: It is Christmas.
Journeyman: Only instead of Christmas, let's have mothers and horses.
Journeyman: Or we could mix it up and have humans instead of horses.
Journeyman: And make it super gay while we're at it. Like... okay, I really can't come up with anything for super gay right now.
Journeyman: Help a brother out.
Journeyman: Wake thine ass up, Pizor, what do your elf eyes see?

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Spoilt For Choice · 2:44pm Aug 7th, 2017


I have seven stories vying for my attention right now, begging to be written. Five are already in progress, and the the other two have been planned for a long time but have yet to be started.

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Stocking Stuffer 6: An Immortal Genghis Khan with a vag · 4:27am Jun 15th, 2017

Journeyman: It's that time again.
Journeyman: It is Christmas.
Journeyman: Only intead of CHristmas it is Dadmas day.
Journeyman: How do we make Father's Day a massively day affair?
Journeyman: And gay affair.
Journeyman: Enough lesbian horses, let's bring out the dudes.
Journeyman: Fuck it, let's put it in EQG while we're at it.
Journeyman: ;_;

Pizor: Hey man I'm alive
Pizor: Sorry work has been a disaster

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Viewing 261 - 280 of 1,106 results