
Viewing 261 - 280 of 531 results

*Update* When Gems Break Chapter 4 · 10:23pm Jun 17th, 2022

This is just a quick, long overdue, and deserved update. Yes, I'm still alive and so is this story. To be honest as to why it's taken so long, it's mostly my fault. Sure, there was some finals I had to study for and stuff but mostly the delay was caused by my own procrastination of the chapter mixed with a bit of writer's block. Yeah, I'm not happy or proud about it either but it is what it is and I can't take it back. Luckly though I've gotten some inspiration and cleaned up my act. Part of

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LB: Lunch Break & Dinner Repair · 11:56am Aug 7th, 2016

So a bit over a year ago now, (June 14, 2015) I wrote up and published A Few Days Prior, which was intended as a little prelude to the movie, and so I could have fun developing my guesses for the Shadowbolts' characterizations based solely off the toys' boxart.

Not long after, the first actual trailer came out, and revealed this:

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Tropes Page Made · 9:54pm Oct 1st, 2018

I have a tropes page now! Guess it'll be a continual work in progress, especially since I'm still learning the ins and outs of the sight. Hopefully I can inspire the rest of you to add to it too. Please feel free.



No Progress Whatsoever :D · 1:32pm Mar 29th, 2017

Yeah, sorry but it's been a pretty exhausting week and I don't think I'll do much. Right now there is only one story that I'll be working on. It's been on hiatus long enough.

A New Beginning shall return.


Next chapter could take a little longer... · 11:15am Jul 7th, 2018

No, not that long! I'm not talking about weeks or something, just a few days ^^.
Instead of maybe today or tomorrow, for example, expect something like Tuesday or Wednesday.
Don't worry, it's nothing serious that is holding me off or anything, I just want to be a little selfish and do something else which is completely unrelated to writing or anything and you all have to suffer because of it (Muahahaha) :pinkiecrazy:

That is all ^^.
See you all!


Here we go again. · 3:24am Feb 6th, 2021

You know, I'm really starting to think that February is just a bad month for me.

Last year I decided to take a break because my writing spirit was out of whack (then again it was 2020 so who could blame me.) And now...


I'm sorry, guys. I know many of you are waiting on the next chapters of Kingdom Hearts and Spider-Girl, but for some reason I just can't come up with anything for them at the moment. I'm stuck.

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Oh look! · 3:53pm Dec 6th, 2019


Absolutely unproductive today · 3:02am Mar 21st, 2020

Spent the whole afternoon napping in a hammock.

I need a longer spring break...


A break from writing · 12:58pm Feb 6th, 2022

So... yeah, I know I said I would try to step up with writing, but the truth is... aside from a few first days of 2022, I hadn't wrote at all.

The reason behind that is, well, reading for a change. No video games, no work, but reading actual books.

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Return of the MLP Writing Break · 5:46am Mar 4th, 2022

With the completion of The End of an Era's eighth main chapter, and the whole story's second part, I have cleared up my current schedule for typing up fan fiction pieces, along with some concept documents unrelated to Pony stuff. For the rest of the month of March, and part of April, I intend on taking time away from writing My Little Pony material in any form, just so I can feel as mentally rested as i'd like to be in the eventual process of crafting the Part 3 chapters. Now, before I totally

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Q&A Session 2 · 2:51am Jun 24th, 2022

Happy 31st anniversary, Sonic the Hedgehog! I was hoping to get this out before today was over. Better late than never- Now, as promised, here are some questions from you the readers and their answers.

Could Eggman team up with other villains or he's going to do it alone?

There will be some others involved. But I wouldn’t say they’ll be so hospitable to call them team ups.


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Equestria Girls: Spring Breakdown · 4:41pm Mar 30th, 2019


My break starting this time for real · 5:54pm Aug 21st, 2022

So after chapter 11 I decided to take this break now since I did said I was going on break and now I'm going to this time.

I'll most likely come back on during the weekends most likely but it will just be editing and all that stuff but of course I will work on Chapter 12
since it will be the last Chapter of course but considering that it will be long I have a lot of typing ahead of me along with a part

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Improvements! · 6:04pm Mar 20th, 2016

So, for those of you who may have worried, no, I'm not dead, I have just been extremely busy with being a full time grad student and working 20 hours a week. Writing and self-editing new chapters and stories takes a lot of time. Time that I do not usually have. However, this is spring break for me, and while I have plenty of other work to catch up on I do have enough time, this week at least, to make some progress on my stories here. I am currently making some major edits to An End to

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Fic-A-Minute: Upheaval: Breaking Point · 11:39am May 20th, 2016

If only last week's episode had been pushed back a little more, we could have had Christmas in July. Bah.

A missed opportunity but hardly a breaking point. Speaking of...

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I'll be writing all day today · 5:59pm Jul 18th, 2015

Time to stop dawdling and get back to work! As such, I probably won't be on nearly as often today as I have been. But, on the bright side, if things work out today, I could have a few new chapters of stuff, and maybe even a whole new story, by the time I'm done! :pinkiehappy:

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Time for a Switch · 6:55am Feb 1st, 2017

So, first of all, I've submitted a new story that's currently being reviewed by the moderators. Just a quick little thing, similar to Small Changes, that will once in a while get some attention. Keep an eye out for that.

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The pallative power of writing in action led to a new story. · 8:45pm Jul 16th, 2017

So I’ve been having some pretty bad back pain for the past few days. Showering under hot water helped it some, but it came back with a vengeance. But then I came up with the craziest idea:

I would write about a character experiencing back pain and have it alleviated over the course of the story.

Being me, of course, I made it a sequel to the story where Flurry Heart hits on her father.

Experience more borderline-creepy-incest shenanigans below!

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Chapter 9 of Fallout Equestria: Black Cat is done. · 8:30am Sep 15th, 2016

Hey again. The ninth chapter of Fallout Equestria: Black Cat is done. I am staring to write more on this story and I promise to get moving to the main part of the plot soon. I have been so busy working on my Lunaverse story that this one has been a little neglected. I plan on fixing that. Anyway, enjoy the fic.

Chapter 9


GX Edits · 8:37am Feb 17th, 2018

Both chapters of Equestria Girls GX are edited and published. Chapter 1 has been entirely overhauled with Chapter 2 being edited to fit it into continuity.

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Viewing 261 - 280 of 531 results