
Viewing 261 - 280 of 896 results

Letting Go · 1:49pm Oct 12th, 2018

New story, but just a little minific from the last Writeoff.

ELetting Go
Pinkie Pie deals with the loss of a special friend.
Trick Question · 1k words  ·  77  9 · 2k views

I'm still swamped with work. I'll probably finally be unswamped next weekend.


So, what happens now? · 9:42pm Jul 17th, 2016

With my main attraction now rounded off after almost two years of procrastination, what am I doing with my life now? How am I occupying my free time, what am I doing to further entertain you guys?

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...And The Affair Has Ended · 11:39pm Aug 19th, 2017

Well guys, Crystal Affair is finally done.

After three years of working on it, off and on, multiple authors, editors and so on... it's complete as of tonight. It was a fun, fantastic journey and helped me meet tons of friends, get a lot of readers and introduced me on a new level to a great friend in Tidal, my primary co-author.

I love you guys and hope you enjoy the ending. :pinkiehappy:

TCrystal Affair
When Shining Armour has an affair with Rarity, Cadance and Spike decide to team up to get some revenge.
FamousLastWords · 30k words  ·  968  89 · 17k views

A Very Upsetting Outcome · 4:12am Sep 21st, 2017

Normally, I would not point fingers at anyone nor would I give anyone a bad rap, but what this one person did to me was so upsetting and left me appalled that I can't hold it back anymore and need to warn others from making the same mistake.

It only started when I was just looking at artwork on FurAffinity when I came across a beautiful depiction of a Gypsy Vanner called "Pangur Ban". I searched for the user who owns it and was successful.

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Rewrites and Adoptions · 4:12am Jan 17th, 2018

I'm planning on rewriting all of my works once I'm finished with writing the official novel of A Wizard's tale and finish helping Mrkillwolf666 with his own coming stories. Of course that would probably mean that I need to both clean out my vaults and have even less time to work on the site I love so much and the various stories needing my attentions thus leading me to put out one last call for adoptions before I go even further down the rabbit hole... red pill is real man.

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Its 2020 · 7:51pm Feb 22nd, 2020

Holy Shit what am I doing with my life?!?!?

I haven't made anything for a long time.....


Post #39 · 2:16am May 20th, 2020

Just a quick thanks to everyone reading ‘MLP EG Forever’—both long time and new readers—and thanks for all the recent faves/follows as well.

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new art (spoilers) · 9:14pm Jan 19th, 2019

some (sloppy) new art to fill out the new chapter:

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Doom OST - E2M4 - They're Going to Get You · 5:52pm Apr 12th, 2018


Dead By Midnight · 9:21pm Nov 10th, 2020

It's here everybody. So buckle up.


Hiatus · 10:56pm Apr 13th, 2022

Those of you who have followed me for some time already know that I'm sporadic at best with my updates, and there are a number of reasons for that. But right now, I just feel like I have a lot going on in life-- I'm pouring a lot into the end of my spring semester, my situation at work could be more stable, and my mind is as cluttered as my room. So gimme a little bit to get things in order. To improve some grades, pay some debts, reorganize, and take care of myself. I hope to have everything

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Doing Stuff Again! · 5:59pm Nov 13th, 2023

Well hello all you guys, gals, and non-binary pals! It's time for an update!

As many of you have known, depression has been a thing in my life for a long while. It still is and probably forever will be, but now, we might have found the right cocktail of meds, therapy, and other stuff to maybe, maybe get me really going again!

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September Blog: Better Late Than Never (Warning: Swearing In Included Video) · 4:07am Sep 15th, 2023

August didn't treat me well.

So far, September hasn't been much better. The physical side of it hasn't been as relentless now that the weather has cooled, though my migraines have still been nasty, along with some other sources of pain.

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Today, I go on holiday! · 12:50pm Apr 12th, 2022

Hi, everyone!

Today's the day that I go on holiday. I'll be gone from today to April 25th. While I am gone, I would highly appreciate it if you could provide constructive comments to my fic "Starlight Glimmer's First Student: A Human?!"

TStarlight Glimmer's First Student: A "Human"?!
Starlight Glimmer finally graduates from Twilight's program, and is told to find a student of her own! Twilight recommends going to a new planet, inhabited by "He-you-mains". She tries to make a friend, but finds something more!
Clockwork2003 · 116k words  ·  287  33 · 5.7k views

. I want to improve my writing and make the fic better and more authentic as I write, so any comments are highly encouraged.

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The last research paper I worked on has published at last. · 11:07pm February 14th

The process is REALLY slow. I finished all my work on this 3 years ago.

This one uses a lot of my histology and in-situ hybridization with RNAscope results.

But no more science for me. Now I build houses and driveways... and rip them apart too! It's a sort of yin-yang thing I've got going here.


Tape Deck's Mixtape: Track 31 · 3:32pm June 11th

Dear listeners, I forgot one.:facehoof:

Finding You by the Go-Betweens, from the 2005 album Oceans Apart.

They had some popularity in the 80s, but I know them because when they had a bit of a revival as a band, the new drummer is also the drummer for Custard.

(Glenn Thompson.)


The first few minutes of my Undertale experience in a nutshell... · 5:29am Dec 9th, 2015


I killed Toriel.

I am a terrible human being.

I was seriously not prepared for this.


So where I've been... · 4:48pm Nov 14th, 2016

Okay, so some of you may have noticed I virtually vanished from FIMFiction at around 8:00 to 8:30. Well, I had a very good, if not extremely concerning reason. At around 8:30, trouble began for me. First I felt as if I had a really bad stomach ache, and then I started coughing and soon, the vomiting started. Next thing I knew, when I was trying to lay down in my bed on my mom's advice, I hadn't even made it out of the Man Cave, when I collapsed on the floor and couldn't get up. From what I

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Making a blog on On We Go - What's it about? · 8:19pm Nov 21st, 2016

So yesterday, I released an animated intro for an upcoming story of mine, On We Go. This blog will basically describe what it's going to be about.

The story will be set in the alternate "Crystal War" universe seen in season 5. However, it will be set a few months following the end of the war - and a few months after a plague laid waste to civilization.

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The Hell Year Known as 2017 · 7:54am Jan 12th, 2018

I cursed myself.

It was my fault, really, for assuming anything better than the worst for the year that opened with the swearing in of possibly the greatest embarrassment of the Great Experiment known as the United States. But I had yet to be crushed so completely and fully, and so I started the year out with an act of hope. I'll warn you now, this is gonna be a long ride, and not a fun one either. It has not been a good year for me.

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Viewing 261 - 280 of 896 results