
Viewing 261 - 280 of 902 results

My Reflection part 2! · 4:43am Jan 3rd, 2020

So some of you guys are probably worried about me but I guess I owe you guys a explanation of what I was talking about. When I first started to try and help people I was so optimistic but then for the last few years I ended up loosing my self. I looked up and didn't see the person who I was because I killed him. You see I started to understand that a person that I was couldn't be strong enough to make the right decision and in a way it killed him. So I could ended up becoming the person I had

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My Reflection part 3 · 6:54am Jan 4th, 2020

So I have gave my issue some thought but then I realized something. I remember the one thing that I was ready to do for anyone and that was lay down my life but I realized that maybe that is really who I am! I am a fighter and I am destined to die a heroic death and I am glad because I see it in a whole new life who cares if I die doing a heroic deed and no one else will know. I realize that this is me! I will go through hell before I ever surrender and if I end up dying following my ideals

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Signal Boost for B_25 · 11:46pm Mar 20th, 2021

Hey gang, wish this was a story update coming to you right now but I've got one in the works so keep your eyes peeled—however I've noticed my friend B falling into dire straits over the last couple months and after he's helped me multiple times in the past with my own issues, I thought it only fitting I give a shout out to him when he's having trouble.

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I was able to get my meds. · 2:37am Jan 11th, 2020

I was able to get my medication and was able to get it in me. It's not going to work just on a snap on a Dime but I am glad to have it in my system nonetheless. Thank you guys I started to freak out a little bit there.


Bad news · 7:00pm Aug 28th, 2015

I got kicked out of College. Not too happy right now.

Report RaritySimper44 · 119 views · #Sad #school #personal

Other More Active hobbies · 9:24am Mar 14th, 2020

i spend the majority of my spare time playing video games (wow big shocker right there) but one of my other hobbies that is much more productive and interactive is music production i make and play music if you are a music sound nerd like me have a look on my newgrounds

i post a song maybe 2 or 3 times a month just because it takes quite a bit of effort so dont freak out and think i dont do it anymore

Report Treeanta · 154 views · #Personal #Hobbies #Promo

Introduction · 1:24pm Oct 4th, 2016

So, guess I should introduce myself, eh? If ponies ever decide to read this that is.
My name is Bad_Decision_Horse, and I hope to start writing fanfiction soon. I've made attempts in the past, but was never satisfied with the quality of the output. This time, I think i'm ready to start seriously doing this.
I don't have much time to write, i'm currently attending college, a theatre major, so between classes, rehearsals, and performances when they start, I'm pretty much always busy.

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I am suffering! · 7:46pm Jan 10th, 2020

I feel like sh*t and I can barely get up anymore. This is all happening because I take medication for my epilepsy and guess what happened I ran out yesterday night so the day before that I asked my pharmacist to refill my prescription and so they said it would be ready yesterday but when I go to my pharmacy to pick up my prescription. They said that they couldn't refill my medication because there whole entire pharmacy was out of stock on my meds and so I asked them if there was another

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Let’s change things up and get a little more personal. Got a question? I’d love to answer it! · 3:11am Oct 23rd, 2020

I want to try and make some more personal blogs on here, so feel free to ask me anything you can think that’d make for an interesting answer. Or even just the boring stuff. I don’t think I’ll get a whole lot but I figured why not try this out.

Shooting for Saturday or Sunday to make some of the replies

Report TikiBat · 161 views · #Q&A #AMA #personal update

Carefree highway, let me slip away on you... · 3:12am Mar 27th, 2019

Some of you may have read my last story and are seriously concerned about my health status, physical and mental. I suspect a greater portion read it and couldn't give a shit either way, and more still never bothered to read it at all. This blog post is primarily for the first group I mentioned.

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Report Longhaul · 156 views · #personal #life #update

Personal update · 1:43am Jan 20th, 2023

So, I first off wanna apologize for the slowness of chapters and activity of late. The reason I've been slacking is that I was recently hospitalized due to a severe anxiety attack. To say as little as possible, the doctors said it was one of the most severe that had been recorded on file. So that's something I guess.

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28th April: Random Thoughts, Music and Pony. · 11:33pm April 27th

"Stop right there, in the name of pony law!"


"Oh Sol, Oh Sol, Oh Sol..."

"It's ok, ma'am, you had no choice. He wouldn't stop approaching. We will inform the human authorities."

"Why wouldn't he stop! OH WHY WOULDN'T HE STOP!?"

Harry Otter

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29th April. Random Thoughts, Music and Pony. · 6:46am April 29th

Green stems harden into brown
Roots take hold in the ground

I only understand 0s and 1s / 0と1しか分からない
But you taught me to understand "I" / ワタシに"I"を教えてくれた

Kimi Wa Dekinai Ko / 君は できない できない できない子

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Hello everypony · 2:10am Oct 2nd, 2023

Hello everypony, it's a me once again. :) I hope you're all doing well and that life is treating you well. Anyway, I've got an announcement to make.

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May be a little personal... · 12:48am Apr 6th, 2023

I just wanted to share my feelings real quick. I love mlp and everything involved but hate myself for not having friends. It's not normal to be stuck on the internet, or at least online, without friends? Not even here do I have friends. Lol. :derpytongue2:
(this felt rewarding but i might delete later)



Regarding Weasels and Hedges · 12:24am May 4th, 2021

I wrote first about about hedge aka weasel words in Start, begin, almost, just, maybe... Removing weasel words from your novel. Questions arose about them because of my previous blog on

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S5 episode ranking in my opinion · 4:49pm Nov 30th, 2015

Rank in order of best to worst episodes and why (in my own personal opinion)

1) The Cutie Re-Mark- Legit WAR in canon, LOTS of conflict!
2)Slice of Life- wonderful silly humor and a canon lesbian couple with Lyra and BonBon! Those looks they gave each other weren't just 'best-friend' looks...
3)The Cutie Map- creepy cult leaders anyone?
4) Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?- Princess Big Mac, a new monster, and the very weird Equestria dreamscape.

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Blatant LOPE Ripoff Sixteen (Where is Everybody?) · 12:00am Jan 25th, 2017

Wednesday the Ninth. It's starting to feel like summer. The temperature spiked today. Yesterday it was in the sixties so far as I could tell. Today it's in the eighties definitely. And it's not even twelve PM yet. This will be fun, especially to forage in. We have enough pork rinds and beef jerky to hold off for two straight weeks without having to go out. For the early part of this morning, I was once again reminded of you-know-who. She just can't seem to keep her hands off of my ass

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Blatant LOPE Ripoff or Where is Everybody? nine · 7:59am Dec 19th, 2016

June second. Today, Vinnie and I went out together for the first time to have a drink of rum together, and away from the others. It wasn't the best experience.

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Where is Everybody? · 2:48am Nov 11th, 2016

On May fifteenth, I would never have dreamt what would happen during my off period. I came home from the shopping mall and would not be coming back in ten days. Yet something real unusual happened between now (May 25) and then, and my break would become anything but. It was 8:15 AM, and dawn was present. I was up watching one of my favorite cartoon shows from the 1980s, one I enjoyed as a kid, and do even more as an adult. One which furthermore was rebooted. It was on my desk

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Viewing 261 - 280 of 902 results