
Viewing 261 - 280 of 1,470 results

Funny Thoughts and Not So Much · 2:58pm Feb 24th, 2017

One funny story, and one not so much-

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Story Update - 9/02/2017 · 6:07am Feb 9th, 2017

Looking gwood.

I'm thinking...If there's one thing I may need to go over once the story is done it's Cadance’s character and influence on the story...hmm. Ostensible, she’s the Gaston of the story. (Still haven’t used that line, “No one does love, like Cadance.” Cadance said.)

And, aah….Ch. 5 is haunting me still….aahh. Not particularly happy with it but it felt necessary to kick the story forward...where o where art thou noble editors and critics…

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Finally started on season 9! · 11:54pm Oct 21st, 2019

Only five episodes in. Thoughts so far:

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Think of a Title · 2:53pm May 5th, 2018

For my book.

It has to be completely original, nothing like the Lord of the Rings' books' titles. More like, something from your thoughts.

This is because, when the team over at Inkitt wants authors to get a new title for their books, they'll have to get something more decent. A new title for the published book.

Now, it isn't like I have submitted my book just yet. I am only on chapter three of it. Twenty more chapters, then I'll submit it to Inkitt.

Report Dawn Darkness · 195 views · #Title #Thoughts #Book

y'know what confuses me · 6:05pm Jul 8th, 2021

when antis say "NOOOO TWILIGHT DIDN'T WANT TO BE A PRINCESS IT'S CRUEL TO DO THAT TO HER" - like... how do you know what she does or doesn't want? do you know her personally or something? seriously just because the tulpas in your head tell you things doesn't mean it's true

anyway that's my gripe for today


My Thoughts on G5 · 12:35am Oct 1st, 2021

If you haven't seen MLP A New Generation yet, don't click on this until you watch it as this contains minor spoilers.

So, the movie was released a little while ago. If you guys remember, I post an unpopular opinion about generation five being in the same timeline. I still thought about that while I watched the movie and it seems like the two shows are connected whether I like it or not. I'm not saying the movie was bad because of this, far from it.

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Report PonyPixel · 247 views · #Review #G5 #G4 #Thoughts

The end of my timeline issues, and a possible first fic incoming... · 2:48am Feb 19th, 2022

Well... after what happened last time, I probably shouldn't be as hasty to declare that the issues with my timeline are over and done with... but this time, I really think they are. I had to come to a few unexpected compromises regarding some things, but the solution probably turned out for the better. Hopefully readers will like it once the relevant fics are finished and posted.

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Let's Go To The Movies! · 2:21pm Mar 22nd, 2022

Been able to watch a few movies lately, some old and others new. So I've decided to share a few silly thoughts on each one and give a rating.:heart:

Scream 2022: 8/10

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Report Forgetful · 244 views · #Movies #bored #thoughts #fun

Any thoughts on Obi-Wan Kenobi? · 1:49pm Jun 15th, 2022

It’s a pretty great show in my opinion. It’s looking awesome so far.

What about you guys?


🍓 Those Moments. 🍓 · 4:07am May 17th, 2021

"Night-time is always quiet around here, my thoughts seem to run away on me."

"Aren't we too old to be fearful of the dark?"

I'm not afraid of the dark, but more of what is on the horizon. "

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Report Strawberri · 155 views · #Late night #thoughts

Thinking about... · 10:05pm Mar 19th, 2020

- I have story, and not a single one, but they need translations. Ans suddenly I feel a little fear to make that translation bad. With mistakes and some stupid miss-tapes in them. That can make stories worse than they are... and readers don't like them because of it. Seems I need to prepare myself to really hard work...


Unseen, Unheard Reading · 4:25pm Oct 12th, 2022

Hello, everyone!

I’ve had this on my mind for a bit and wanted to see if you guys were interested.

I’ve been thinking about starting a channel (probably YouTube) where I read the story chapter by chapter for you guys. The thought came up as I was thinking about disability accommodations, which led to access to the story and I really want to expand the reach of the story to those who may not have the best visual day-to-day experience. So, I figured, why not make it an audio story, too?

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Thoughts and Discussion on A Blade Reforged on a Twilit Hill · 11:20pm Jan 2nd, 2023

To start off, props to whoever decides to dig this far into my profile due to the story and interest in it. I've decided to make this blog just to have a space for anyone looking to discuss anything in regards to the story. This way I avoid the issue of using author's notes or comments to answer every question people may have. I'll also use this place to occasionally put out my thoughts on the direction of the story and the like. For now have some of my initial thoughts on the story and why I

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Just a Thought #2 · 2:12pm March 6th

Appeasing hateful people or otherwise letting them get away with their hateful actions only gives them fuel to keep being hateful.

History proves this right (ex: Adolf Hitler and what had caused WW2).

Deal with hateful people fairly and decisively. Don't wait.

This has been a thought.


Skulduggery Pleasant #1 — My Thoughts · 6:20pm Nov 29th, 2016


New Doctor Who Spin-Off Announced! · 12:53am Oct 2nd, 2015

Today, it was announced that a new Doctor Who spin-off will begin airing next year. The spin-off will be called Class and will focus on students at Coal Hill School crossing paths with various alien threats and villains. The first season will consist of eight 45 minutes episodes.

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Upcoming Movies This Year That I'm Interested In (Volume 3) · 1:29am Aug 16th, 2015

This seems to have become a tradition of mine to share the films that I'm looking forward to around this time of the year. So here's the list of films and their respective trailers.

Regression (August 28)

A thriller starring Ethan Hawke and Emma Watson. Should be interesting...

Captive (September 18)

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Just saw Planes and Planes 2: Fire & Rescue... · 11:06pm Feb 5th, 2016

And... really? This is supposed to be the devil's own hand-made gift to animation? The franchise that 'ruined' PIxar?

To be brutally honest... I thought Up was a worse movie then this.

Don't get me wrong, the series ain't what I'd call all-time classics, but I had fun with them. Some neat world-building, neat designs, interesting characters, beautiful visuals...

Cleanly above average at any rate. Really don't get the hate.

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Fisking an Anti-Amazon Article From the New Republic · 8:50pm May 10th, 2017

Oh boy. I woke up this morning to see this article on the front page of r/books, and you know … I’ve never fisked anything … but this piece couldn’t be ignored. For those not in the know, a “fisking” is when someone replies point by point to the salient points of an article, offering a piece by piece rebuttal. I’ll let you read

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The Cart Before The Ponies · 6:11pm Aug 6th, 2016

Applejack is now so stubborn, obnoxious, and stupid that she's infecting the other characters in the episode. I was excited about this episode and then AJ made it clear that it was not gonna go down like I thought.

I shouldn't be so hard on her. Dash and Rares were equally retarded this whole thing.

Also, the f*ck do you mean "why didn't you speak up?" The Crusaders said about three times each what they wanted. F*ck, you three, what is happening?

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Report chillbook1 · 320 views · #IRL #My Thoughts
Viewing 261 - 280 of 1,470 results