
Viewing 281 - 300 of 761 results

Just read about the attack in France... · 11:45pm Jul 14th, 2016

Just read about the possible terrorist attack in France, and right now I'm in a state of shock and sadness for the dozens killed... Can someone please give me something to pep me up a little bit?


Thoughts on “A Trivial Pursuit” · 7:47pm Aug 17th, 2019


Uncle Hugo’s Bookstore in Minneapolis Burned Down During Riots, GoFundMe Open · 6:40pm May 30th, 2020

So this one hit me a little.

I’ve never been to Minneapolis (and this post will not be about the rioting or the situations associated with it, as I’m not trying to invite a firestorm of angry, opinionated people). I’ve never once set foot in Uncle Hugo’s Science Fiction Bookstore. I’ve never even ordered from them.

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What to do... · 5:43pm Nov 19th, 2020

Hey, everyone. Today, I will be trimming my published stories, in order to make room for new ones in the future. This might seem abrupt, but some of the stories I have on site, such as Lost in the Tides, Hunters and Hunted, and Rising from the Flame, are no longer capturing my interest, and I have newer projects I need to focus on.

There are other reasons for this decision based on each story, which I will list here.

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(open discussion) chapter plan... Help? · 2:31pm Jan 22nd, 2019

hello fellow men, women, cartoon horses and Apache attack helicopters, it's your friendly neighborhood ginger here! back again with exactly what it says on the title. I have an open proposition for you guys, as I will explain below.

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Story Approval When? · 3:40pm Sep 10th, 2021

Does anyone know how long will it normally take for a story to get approved? I submitted mine a WEEK ago and I just can't wait any longer. I will be crazy if I continue checking notifications every 2 hours.

I tried to contact the staff members (Spacecowboy and Wanderer D) but they didn't reply. What should I do now? How can I get more help?

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Zaps Apple Chapter 31 editor needed! · 9:36am Jan 16th, 2016

Almost 68 weeks it been since I put up my story and when my friend had to stop doing the proofreading, I haven't been able to find anyone and make this plee to anyone to really help me out here! I don't want to post up a chapter that to be riddled with grammar and spelling errors. I will know they are there but I can't really see them, the form of disability I have seem to effect how I see it, so that where I am really struggling on it.

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Nova Digi Log: FREEDOOOOOMMMM!!! · 7:24pm Jun 9th, 2016



I'M FREEEEE!!!!!!!!

You said it, Jontron! Exams, done. School, done. Graduation ceremony... on Saturday... but I really don't want to go. My school sucks lemon ass! Seriously.

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Looking For An Artist for Halloween Comic · 9:34pm Sep 10th, 2016

So as usual, I'm already ready for my yearly Halloween Comic. This time I'm basing it off the Omen. However, I'm kinda short of an artist to do this.

So is there any artist or knows of a good artist, who would be good for a horror like comic with dark atmosphere?


Spiders and Magic: Infinity delayed... · 5:06pm Nov 3rd, 2016

Okay well reasons as to why is because I'm still planning the whole story out so it I don't have to screw up everything somehow. Also I'll be reading the first and the last of the Spiders and Magic stories to gather notes...... Gosh I never thought I would do that. I'll also try asking for information or stuff that I somehow missed in these stories to help flesh out my story. Adding new characters and old ones that will be unique and of course working on the Mad Titan himself.

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I Screwed Up And I'm Sorry · 1:43pm Mar 12th, 2016


Should I? · 11:51pm Jul 11th, 2019

So, i'm currently typing up a mini chapter that details what happened to Trixie from chapter 3 of 'The Witches of Everfree Manor', and it's basically a "Bad End" for the magician. I'm debating on whether or not I should even post it at all. It'll effectively be the only time I do this kind of thing, since it doesn't make me too comfortable, and I do genuinely like Trixie. For the most part, it's just me stepping out of my comfort zone so that I may grow as a writer, and, hopefully, become a

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The Love Song for Those in Need of Love · 9:07pm May 17th, 2019


Finally!.. Story submitted! Reflection and a where-to-next · 11:36pm Jan 21st, 2019

Finally Bill's got a gun! Finally, after all these months Bill Cipher has a gun my first story is ready to see the world's light!

I mean, FINALLY! It has been about five months, since the idea came! It might have been just four months, but, meh.

As of writing this, the story is submitted and waiting for approval. I hope it passes...

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Co-Author Wanted for a One Shot Valentine’s Day Story! · 5:32am Feb 12th, 2018

So currently I am writing a valentine story about Vapor Trail and Sky Stringer from the episode “Top Bolt” and I’m having some trouble writing the beginning of the story, so if you would like to help please send me a private message ASAP because I want to try and get the story out by Valentine’s Day (or around that day atleast)


The Next Chapter Might Be a Bit Late · 10:54pm Mar 9th, 2016

Greetings, this is Zephyr Spark. I have to make an announcement about the next chapter of "The Measure of a Dragon". I need to take some time to chart out the remainder of the trial including the testimony of a certain doctor, as I am having a bit of writer's block at the moment, largely due to the fact I am uncertain how to proceed with this chapter. I promise that I will not abandon this fanfic until it is finished, but I most likely will not be able to upload the next chapter by the end of

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Need a bit of help with something. · 5:33pm Nov 2nd, 2016

Okay, my good friend Black_Knight suggested that seeing as how I was insisting Rainbow;s father was a abusive drunk, I do a chapter, or at least a song on the dangers of drinking. He suggested some songs, but I have my own choices. Which of these two do you think I should use?


Need New Drawings · 4:42pm Aug 16th, 2021

The DeviantArt account where the images of Sweetie Belle's Soul forms were hosted has been deleted. As a result, the corresponding images in the chapter 119 of A Sweetie Dreamland are gone. :applecry:
So if someone good enough at drawing could draw new ones for me, please...
The images are:
Unicorn Sweetie Belle Soul, with a body entirely made of her magic (so, green colored), flowing mane and tail, and glowing eyes.

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This blog is a bit serious. · 11:44pm Jan 9th, 2020

It finally bit me. I finally found it. I finally found a COPPA attack. And its JoJo.

A lovely channel has compiled all of Jonathan Young's JoJo OP covers and put them over their respective footage of each OP from the Anime. Now, before this COPPA bull, he had a thousand ish subscribers and quite a few comments.

Know how many he has now? 929. Including me.

Check it out yerself!

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In Which Quilla Has Another Strange, Possibly Relevant Dream · 4:22am Aug 10th, 2015

Just when I thought the weird dreams were over, I had another one. I really have no idea why I'm telling you about it in the first place other than the fact that it could give me for an idea involving the orchestra department in If You Give a Little Love. Since we've looked at the costuming and styling departments, and have a good idea of what the producer and director go through, the actors, actresses, musicians, and possibly techies need all the characterization they can get while

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Viewing 281 - 300 of 761 results