
Viewing 281 - 300 of 410 results

Ranking the Rainbow Dash Songs (From Worst to Best) · 4:23pm Jan 9th, 2022

Rainbow Dash did manage to ultimately get seven songs to herself, the same Applejack, giving Ashliegh Ball a combined total of fourteen songs (not counting the group ones). But which songs for Rainbow Dash were the best at showing her character, and which ones told us little or nothing about her? Well, let's find out. As always, this is just my personal opinion.

7. Can I Do It On My Own? (Flutter Brutter)

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My top 10 favorite songs from Sonic games · 9:11pm Jun 25th, 2021

10. City Escape (Sonic Generations)

9. This Machine (Sonic Heroes)

8. Reach for the Stars (Sonic Colors)

7. Endless Possibility (Sonic Unleashed)

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Make Your Mark Specials Ranking (G5 Spoilers!) · 3:50pm Jun 16th, 2023

This should be a pretty straightforward and easy to do list. I probably also don't need to put up a spoilers tag for this one, but I'm going to cover my bases just in case there are those who haven't kept up to date with Make Your Mark. And as always, this is just my personal opinion, though I imagine my opinion on the overall rankings is probably very similar to the majority of the fandom's right now. In any case, please respect it.

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Star Wars Films Ranked (From best to worse) · 10:44pm Jul 23rd, 2020

1). Revenge of the Sith

2). Rogue One

3). Solo

4). The Empire Strikes Back

5). Return of the Jedi

6). A New Hope

7). Attack of the Clones

8). The Phantom Menace

9). The Force Awakens

10). The Last Jedi

11). The Rise of Skywalker

*The remaining ten films will be reviewed as well.*


Top Ten Make Your Mark Songs · 4:26pm Dec 2nd, 2023

Probably don't need to keep the spoiler tag up considering it's been over a week since Chapter 6 came out, but there may be those who haven't been able to see it yet and are waiting to do so, so I'm just being careful. Anyway, this is going to be the last list pertaining to G5 barring some sort of continuation of Make Your Mark, which I don't foresee happening. But I'm closing out these lists on a high note. I held off on doing a list like this for quite a while given both how few songs there

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Make Your Mark Specials Ranking, Version 2 · 3:09pm Nov 27th, 2023

Chapter 6 gave us one more special in the form of "Secrets of Starlight", weird how they would choose a fourty four minute special to go on out, but I digress. How does it stack up compared to the other specials we've gotten? Well, let's find out. As always, this is purely the result of my personal opinion, so please respect it.

4. Make Your Mark Special/Make Your Mark Pilot (Make Your Mark, Chapter 1)

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5. Ferdinand

4. Epic

3. Robots

2. Rio

1. Ice Age


Top Ten Background Ponies, Version 2 · 2:58am Dec 14th, 2015

After "Slice of Life" and "Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?" there was no way I could not rank the background ponies again, seeing as they got quite the chance to shine. "Amending Fences" also gave a few background ponies a chance to shine, so those three episodes alone warranted updating this list.

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Top Ten Pegasi, Version 3 · 1:45am Dec 9th, 2015

Just like with the earth ponies, the time has come to do another top ten list for the pegasi. Just like with the earth ponies, Here's the second version, pushed out after Season 4 had just ended. Let's see who's staying, who's leaving, who's joining, who's moving up, and who's moving down. There weren't that many pegasi introduced this season though, at least in terms of memorable ones.

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Top Ten Potential New Members of The CMC · 12:37am Nov 14th, 2016

I suppose I should explain what I mean by "potential new members" considering I already did a Top Ten for colts and fillies, and ranked the CMC including Gabby and Babs. This list is exploring ponies that haven't officially joined the CMC yet in canon, but have a strong potential to do so or could benefit from being included. I did a similar list to this a year ago involving ponies who could replace Babs Seed for the fourth member, but Babs really doesn't deserve to be

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Top Ten Colts and Fillies, Version 4 · 6:44am Nov 10th, 2017

Sorry for this coming out a bit late, personal issues delayed it. Anyway, it doesn't seem like there were a whole bunch of newcomers (only three named ones to my knowledge), but at least two warranted an inclusion here. Here's the third version, from the end of Season 6. Time to see what's changed, but first some honorable mentions (they are: Ruby Pinch, Dinky Doo, Featherweight, Button Mash, Lilly Longsocks,

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Top Ten Earth Ponies, Version 4 · 6:18pm Oct 30th, 2016

Here's the third version, from the end of Season 5. Let's see who stayed, who moved up, who moved down, and who left. And of course, since there's only room for ten some of the earth ponies that didn't make the cut here can be considered honorable mentions (they are as follows: Countess Coloratura a.k.a Rara, Double Diamond, Filthy Rich, Babs Seed, and Coco Pommel).

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Top Ten Colts and Fillies, Version 3 · 4:46pm Nov 4th, 2016

This time around there are some newcomers that are going to make the list. Season 6 may have also been sparse when it comes to new colts and fillies, but at least two made a lasting impression. Here's the second version, let's see who made the list.

10. Petunia Paleo

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Top Five Strongest Writers of FiM, Version 4 · 5:39pm Oct 27th, 2019

You know the drill, and this is going to be the last of the official ranking lists that I've been putting out since the show wrapped up with Season 9. I know there's still the Equestria Girls special that's been leaked, and it airs this coming Saturday in the U.S. I may review it early or I may wait until it hits U.S. airwaves since it's so close. Anyway, I covered the weakest writers in my opinion and now it's time to cover the strongest.

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Top Twenty Worst Opening Sequences of FiM · 6:41pm Oct 24th, 2019

Season 9 gave us a few more opening sequences, but not all of them were winners. Some of them for one reason or another didn't work out and join the ranks of opening sequences from seasons prior that are also not very good. Of course the actual episodes involved could be good or bad, a bad opening doesn't necessarily mean your whole episode is going to bomb (though a poorly done opening sequence can kill a lot of hype and interest). I decided to round up to a top twenty even though there were

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Ranking the Season Finales (From Worst to Best), Version 2 · 2:27pm Oct 14th, 2019

Well folks, it's time. With the final finale behind us it's time to see how all the season finales stack up and where the last one lands. Do note that I'm going to include "The Last Problem" alongside "The Ending of the End" since ultimately all three were bundled together and "The Ending of the End" does tie in loosely with "The Last Problem" when all is said and done. And remember that we're not only looking at how these episodes fared individually but also how they function as a send off for

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Ranking the Twilight Sparkle Expys From Worst to Best · 1:59am Oct 11th, 2020

Ten years ago today, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic debuted to the world! Hardly anyone thought it would be a big deal, no one imagined it would last a decade and change so much. But it did! And in keeping with the joyous celebration today, we're going to be looking at (and ranking) all the Twilight Sparkle expys. Like Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, Twilight ultimately got eight, though unlike them she had Equestria Girls counterparts/parallels to compare to. So that means Equestria

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Ranking the Mid Season Finales (From Worst to Best) · 3:49pm Mar 16th, 2019

With the exception of Season 3 (which was a half season) every season has run on for 26 episodes that can be said to be divided into two halves of 13 episodes a piece. At the least since Season 5 it's become a trend to split the season into those halves, and that means the first half is a finale unto itself, a finale that has to tide fans over while the hiatus is ongoing. But we'll also be considering those midway points from seasons that didn't need to break up the run time so heavily (and

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Ranking The Writers of FiM, From Worst to Best (Version 5) · 4:19pm Oct 26th, 2019

One last time for this list, one last time of ranking all the writers on the show. As there's over 35 different writers now, trying to explain even briefly why each one ends up where they do would take forever. So just ask if you're curious. Here's the previous version, from the end of Season 8. Like always, I mean no disrespect to any of the DHX staff, and just like before I'm not counting

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Ranking the Equestria Girls Films/Specials (From Worst to Best), Version 3 · 3:35am Oct 14th, 2020

How did I not do this before? It's been almost a whole year now since the Equestria Girls franchise abruptly had the plug pulled on it and I haven't updated this list since "Spring Breakdown". Well, in the time since we got both "Sunset's Backstage Pass" and "Holiday Unwrapped" so the list definitely needs updating to include them at least. So, where did these new specials end up and how did the other movies/specials fare as a result? Well, let's find out.

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Viewing 281 - 300 of 410 results