
Viewing 281 - 300 of 10,585 results

The Prince of Griffonstone, Update 7 · 2:01am Jun 12th, 2019

Chapter 8 is now up. Again, sorry for the longer wait; aside from other project's I think my job is actively trying to kill me. 🙂 This time around we spend some time with Gilda as she gets a surprise visit. We also get to see Cliff Haven and learn a little more about some creatures past that will be further explored down the line. Enjoy.

Report Marezinger Z · 96 views · #Update

Oh Yeah, We're In The Filly Arc Now If You Didn't Know · 5:42am Mar 15th, 2019

Thanks again to PencilPen

My master told me to write the next line.

Report HeideKnight · 253 views · #update

Change of Heart update - Chapter 4! · 10:40pm Feb 20th, 2018

Chapter 4 is up! You can read it HERE!
Warning: contains snails

Report Silent Whisper · 247 views · #update

Rolling Back into it · 4:46am Jun 12th, 2018

Hello there fans and readers,

As you probably noticed a few weeks ago, I finally updated my chapter after about a year of no updates. This was due to me being in the army and in Korea which, though I did get progress and some writing done, led to difficulties. Luckily I'm back in the States and as the title of this post implies, I'm slowly getting back into it.

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Report icebraker · 364 views · #Update

Chapter is up! · 10:20pm Aug 17th, 2015

The new chapter of Friendzoned: A declassified survival guide is up!

Gonna finish the epilogue soon, so this fiction will remain being tagged as 'incomplete' for now.

Report Marshall_Evergreen · 149 views · #update

Update on Existing · 8:02pm Sep 28th, 2022

Hey, so I am still alive and around, mostly doing art and working on my physical and also mental health. I have high hopes for a new job soon which will help with both. Beyond this, I found out that how I was sleeping was affecting my physical and thus mental health.

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Report Moonlight Grimoire · 95 views · #Update

Updates · 3:03pm Dec 3rd, 2021

Heya everypony. ^-^

I'm here with an update on what's happening in the crazy world of Faded Echoes.

As of last week, my WiFi is officially online again, thanks to my new ISP.

Now I promised that I'd be back to regular updates once my WiFi was back, but that is only going to happen next year sometime. I'll explain shortly why.

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Report Echo Breeze · 159 views · #Updates

It's been a while · 2:20am Mar 13th, 2020

It's been a good minute since I posted..... Anything. That's what a lack of motivation and becoming busy with real life will do to you. Anyway, I noticed that Spirit's New Life is about to reach 30 likes. If we can get a few more likes on it, I'll make another chapter be a priority. Sounds fair to me.

Report SoulSpirit · 156 views · #Update

WIP, Update is coming · 7:57pm Feb 1st, 2020

Things have been a bit hectic this past month, someone very close to me passed away very suddenly and I've been struggling to focus. January hasn't been a fun month for me, but hopefully the rest of the year will make up for it. I should have the newest chapter up sometime this week, (feb 2-7th) it's been brutal, if I'm honest. I want to get back on track and on schedule, but loss is a painfully hard thing to deal with. No matter how many times you lose someone, there's always a new way for it

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Report Salem Tales · 167 views · #Updates

Where's the Next Chapter? · 1:38am Jun 10th, 2020

In a sentence: Still in progress, but there's an important update.

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Report AF FireFly · 164 views · #update

NOTICE: I May Not be Able to Put Out Chapters/Stories as Fast For The Moment · 11:26pm Sep 21st, 2015

Ello. As you may have read, or have noticed on my latest work of fanfiction, my update speeds have gotten slower. There is a reason for this. Well, many reasons for this.

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Report TheUnknownPerson · 148 views · #Update

Today's updates · 7:36pm Jul 4th, 2018

Since I needed to mentally recharge from a family reunion type thing that happened over the weekend ( family can be fifteen kinds of crazy sometimes) I haven't kept up my daily posts so today there should be at least two updates...Maybe three if I can manage it.

Report Midnight_Song95 · 141 views · #Updates

Chapter 3 and Onward · 4:34am Aug 1st, 2022

I decided to release the 2nd chapter shorter than I anticipated since it felt like there was more that could be added into another chapter.

As soon as I released the chapter I instantly began work on the next. I wanted to waste as little time as possible to get the job done this time.

A 3 week wait wasnt the best in my eyes so now im going to try for 1.5 weeks or less if I can

Thank you for your patience and sticking with me

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Report Lunar Hymn · 62 views · #update

Next Chapter Progress and Such · 9:37pm Aug 25th, 2022

Hello again all seem like little old me got in a bit of a predicament with some personal problems, had a bit of familiar issues that took a bit of time to resolve so for I'm behind schedule. Not going to rush the chapter out like the last time so it will be late, my main goal is to get it out at least on my birthday being Monday or Tuesday of the week.

Sorry for keeping you all waiting and I'll see you all then

Sincere Apologies,
Lunar Hymn

Report Lunar Hymn · 59 views · #Update

The Oracle Infinium - Chapter 1B · 11:40pm Apr 29th, 2017

Dearest unnamed,

Your journey continues in Chapter 1B where more untold, unforgiving stories await. There, you will encounter someone that may prove to you helpful on your travels.

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Report TwiWonderfilly · 150 views · #Update

Monthly Update #6 July 2021 · 2:00pm Aug 1st, 2021

Firstly let's check over my schedule from last month

1. Under a Violet Moon Chapters 2-4 -

2. Daughters of Dusk Chapters 2-3 -

Well... University hit me like a freight train. I'm working on my Dissertation, which so far has been hell. However Ch3 of Daughters of Dusk should hopefully be releasing soon, I'm about halfway through it.

Next! the fics I'm hoping to get done this month

1. Daughters of Dusk Chapters 3-4

2. Under a Violet Moon Chapters 2-4

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Report PoneFluff · 170 views · #Update

BIG NEWS!!! · 3:17pm Jan 29th, 2019

Hey guys, we're close to 10 followers. So, as promised, a Q&A 2 will be coming soon. Only if we get 10 followers. Thanks guys.

Report PenHeart3 · 184 views · #update

The Crystal Story Update · 3:58pm Aug 23rd, 2021


I know it's been a while since I last updated The Crystal Story. Part of that is holiday, another part is the fact that Chapter 14 (as I mentioned in the Author's Notes) was very hard to write.

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Report Eltirions · 167 views · #Update

Tough week · 5:31am Jun 15th, 2020

Hey guys, last week was rather rough from having a case of writer's block thanks to work, and I got laid off so I have to find a new job. My grand dad also had a sudden chest pain and was rushed to the hospital, but he was quickly rushed to the hospital and nothing bad was found thank god, but it was rather nerve racking. But I think I will resume work on chapter 13 now since I have nothing else to do but send out applications. Sorry about the long wait, but I think the flow of each chapter

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Report CoronaBorealis · 147 views · #Update

(Yet, Another) Cold Update! · 5:27pm Mar 22nd, 2017

Okay, so I've got the next few chapters for Cold written, I just need to go over them, and then have them edited, but I'm not so sure how soon this will be, I am extremely busy today with a choir performance and that literally takes up my whole day and I won't be back till late, and I also have other things IRL that are this week, but I will work as fast as I can and get them done when I can.

Report Script Singer · 195 views · #Update
Viewing 281 - 300 of 10,585 results