
Viewing 281 - 300 of 628 results

Scribbler did a dramatic reading of May Those Who Step Through This Door Know What it Means to Rule! · 3:20am Aug 28th, 2021

I randomly poked my nose back onto FIMFiction today, only to discover that ObabScribbler posted a reading of one of my stories earlier today!

Thanks, Scribbler!


Third chapter of Doctor and Ditzy’s Science Theater is finished! · 7:14am Oct 15th, 2013

Took a bit longer then expected, but I finally finished it. You can find it here.

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Dramatic reading of the first chapter! · 7:04am Dec 19th, 2013

A user named LittleMissBloo just made a dramatic reading of the first chapter. Yes really. It's really cool. I am glad someone likes my work enough to make a reading. Thank you so much Bloo. You are awesome! You can find it here.


Truth Factor 1: The User Who Must Not Be Named Converses About Clay Claymore · 2:10pm Jul 10th, 2016

A few months ago, a YT user named the Illogical Reaper did this commentary on the YT user Clay Claymore (whom I daren't talk about here). Several of the comments were from The User Who Must Not Be Named.

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Night blogging (14): Yes, I'm alive, updates, and concerns. · 7:59am Jul 12th, 2016

Yes guys, I'm still alive and doing what comes to mind. Writing, apparently, wasn't on it (or at least it's been on and off) for the past couple weeks. You may have seen my newest story, "The One Who Is Always There," that's become a WAY outdated Mother's Day special short story. It started out as a way to take a break from my few other main stories I've been updating, perhaps gain some new ideas to how I progress them, and get what I thought was an interesting story out in the open. Now, I've

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PINKIE PIE IS BACK BITCHES!!!! · 1:28pm Sep 9th, 2016

Okay, what if I told you, yes you, that there was a Pinkie Pie group that was actually active. I'd imagine your response would be something like "Well, seeing how the main Pinkie pie group on this site is so much more inactive than the other Main six groups, I'd say my life would finally be complete and I would join it immediately. But, seeing how that's not the case, I will be forced to carry on with an existence that is substantially depleted by the lack of Pinkie Pie."

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WHY!!! WHY DOES HE HAVE TO BE SO SEXY! · 4:35pm Aug 20th, 2015

Gravity Falls spoiler content after the break. If you don't watch it or haven't reached episode 19 of season 1(I think) Then you might want to get out of here fast, because here comes the spoilers.

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nicknack is a pinkie hater in denial · 7:31am Apr 14th, 2016

He is go look at his Taking care of animals fic and Heart of gold feathers of steel fic are all clear signs he has a pinkie hateboner why wont he just admit he hates pinkie and be done with it? he has her being a serial killer and he has gilda having a seething hatred for her being justified in griffon the brush off. hes using his writing to

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The Hat Man Reviews: "Obsession" · 4:25am Mar 22nd, 2017

Recently, I got a request from Unclever Hans to be a pre-reader for his story in light of my occasional reviews.

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Ok, this I can make a fanfic of. · 6:17am Aug 8th, 2015

Now, this is not MLP related. But a few of my followers or the people I follow(Im looking at you especially, KellogsCookiecrisp) [You too Otaku, but nopony has to know that.

Now look at that badass drawing, and if you don't know what it is, then too bad but still admire the amazing artistry, if you do, then you'll know exactly how much this made me fangasm. And squee like a maniac.


Chapter 13 of Doctor and Ditzy's Science Theater is finished + news! · 10:23am Sep 30th, 2014

Hello again! This is the final part of the Starlight Saga. Today I will be riffing Starlight Saga; ‘The Legend of Starlight-Book 3: The Good, The Bad, and the Trixie’ and ‘The Legend of Starlight, Book 4: To Love and to Lust’. Somehow I found myself rather liking the Starlight Saga.

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Chapter 6 of Doctor and Ditzy's Science Theater is finished! · 8:05am Jan 1st, 2014

Hello! Happy New Year Everyone! Chapter 6 is done. It covers chapters 1-3 of Darkness of Love by Grimm Reaper.

It's separated into three parts for convenience. I plan on doing the whole story. It shouldn't take too long since I plan on doing 3 chapters per episode. I had a lot of fun doing this story. Thank you Grimm Reaper for letting me do your story. I hope you enjoy it.

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Obligatory Review of the 100th Episode (Spoilers) · 9:00pm Jun 14th, 2015

I finally watched it. It took some loading, a bag of tortilla chips, some cheese dip, and a big glass of strawberry milk, but I actually watched it. And, I'm proud to say, I managed to avoid spoilers for the most part. I was almost one hundred percent blind going in. And what did I think of it? Well, now that I've ceased my childish fangirling, I can give a calm, honest review.

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A Poem So Real · 4:29pm Mar 2nd, 2017

I think I'm awake... I just had a weird dream that was similar to the poem I wrote. There was a blood moon, millions of stars, one brighter star that looked more like the sun and lies.... So many lies!! I was nearly hit by a car and my boyfriend was there to hold me in the mud that I jumped in. It went from day to night. From there, everything got weirder. I started speaking in other worldly tongues and had a serious breakdown on the ground. My boyfriend kept repeatedly saying he loved me and

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Welp. · 2:45am Sep 16th, 2015

I have a dozen ideas on how to write the next chapter, but I can't bring myself to write it yet.

Also, for everyone who is confused about my story at any moment:

Fast Agility is fast.


Happy Veterans Day, everyone! · 11:47pm Nov 11th, 2016

So, it's that time of year again where we honor those veterans who served our country during any sort of war, either it be the World Wars, Vietnam, the Cold War or even the wars that are going on now. Even I have a veteran for a father. Let me tell you my story. My dad, this day, it's very important to him as he was a soldier in Berlin during the days of the Cold War, guarding the trains that ran there. So, I say to you happy Veterans Day to you dad, and salute you for what you did for our

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today we take a moment of silence to remember those who lost there lives on this day 9/11/18 · 7:28pm Sep 11th, 2018

today is September 11th Tuesday, of 2018, marking 18 years to the date of the September 11th terrorist attacks on our country by the now defunct terrorist group AL-QAEDA when they flew 2 passenger jetliners into the world trade center twin towers in new York and 1 plane into the pentagon, and one into a field in rural Pennsylvania. over 3,000 people lost there lives in those attacks, i ask now that we take a moment of silence to remember those brave men and women, and first responders who

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It Has Begun · 12:17am Sep 13th, 2019

Source (YouTube Link)

Surely y’all remember my last blog post. Or maybe the one before that, I can’t remember.

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Episode 28 of Doctor and Ditzy’s Science Theater is done · 10:14am Oct 31st, 2017

Hey again. Happy Halloween/Nightmare Night! This is my famous Halloween episode I do every year. Okay, fine. I'm lying. It's a normal episode, but it does have some horror based elements. Good enough right? Next year I will try to actually do one. It will have a horror story and horror based story segments! I will have to actually plan things out for once. Hey, I might be able to pull it off. Miracles can happen!

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Weird, odd week · 12:21am Feb 10th, 2018

Second week of Weirduary and stuff is quite weird indeed.
But nothing for this week on here, even though it is still quite nice to hang out.
Meetin' ponies and chewing grass.

But also getting really tired, so might need a bit of a rest.

Sep and Tia wishes you a great Filthy Friday and a good night.

Viewing 281 - 300 of 628 results