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Kind of an explanation · 4:09am Oct 6th, 2015

While I did create this for my youtube channel I thought I would post it here to for you guys as well.

Because of this I am tired and a little bit worn out. However, don't worry the Smiling Stallion will be released in time for Nightmare Night (October 31st) and I am hoping to release a youtube trailer for that soon.

Thank you all for reading. Thank you all for following me here and I hope you all have a good day.


What I Thought About "Make New Friends, But Keep Discord" · 5:32pm May 17th, 2015

Spoilers. Episode review

Man, that was a fun one. I honestly don't have a lot of thoughts about this one, but I'll see what I can find to say.

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Comic Review - Friends Forever #18 · 10:32am Jul 4th, 2015

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. My OTP. Oh come on, it's so obvious! Lyra and Bon Bon was just obvious trolling, but the writers have been friendshipping RD and Flutters since Day 1. How can this comic go wrong? Well, getting Christina Rice, writer behind Main Series 30-31 and the Tirek issue, is a good start. Jay Fosgitt as artist, drawing ponies with necks like hourglasses, is another. Getting a sinking feeling here...

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New Story Incoming - I Have This Friend · 10:44am Jan 21st, 2016

Going back through my catalog of unfinished stories, I realized that I finished a story more than two months ago, and then neglected to ever ask anyone to edit it for me, and consequently, the story has been sitting unreleased on my hard drive.

I Have This Friend
Romance, Comedy
2,000 words

Twilight asks Celestia for romantic advice.

You know, for a friend.

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Rainbow Riff Reviews: Fall Weather Friends · 11:38pm Feb 21st, 2016

Brass Polish presents some thoughts, jokes, and observations about the biggest bad loser in the show.


One Follower Away From 100! · 3:51am Feb 23rd, 2016

This is a dream come true! Thanks, everyone!


REVIEW: Fluttershy and The Fine Furry Friends Fair · 1:43am Sep 6th, 2016

I want the new G. M. Berrow book about Starlight Glimmer. I hear it's pretty good. I'd rather be reading about Glimglam, so out of spite I'm delaying the Discord book another week.

Let's get one of the weaker ones out of the way instead.

Fluttershy and The Fine Furry Friends Fair
by G. M. Berrow

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Buckball Season review · 8:14am Sep 5th, 2016

Hello there. another week another episode. This week we saw the appearance of a sports game that sounds pretty dang fun, Buckball. I'm honestly not that big of a sports person but the concept of Buckball sounded like it could be a pretty entertaining one. We've never really seen any sporting events in the show except for Wonderbolt shows so it was nice to see another aspect of sporting in Equestria (even if not very many have heard of it). I usually talk about how the episode shows some kind

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Birthday Present · 8:42am Oct 15th, 2017

Birthday Today! :pinkiehappy::yay::pinkiehappy::yay::pinkiehappy::yay:

Getting Middle-Earth: Shadow of War. Just made the next few weeks of my schedule full.
But I'd like to show you all this amazing Birthday Gift by my friend and follower, Cherry-Lei!

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Okay I swear the next blog post will be about Bronycon but I gotta blog about this. · 5:44pm Aug 14th, 2017

So like, a year ago I was in Walgreens buying… something, and I came across this.

So fast forward to today, just over a year after I made that original blog, and a friend who requests to be not named sent me something after I said $1.50 was outside of my budget.

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Guys! Help my fraaaaaaiiiiinnnnnnnnd. · 2:13am Aug 7th, 2015

Hey, I'm back! Still alive and kicking! And I've got a teensy request. Click below to break because I love wrenching internet people from their regularly scheduled monkey dances. *rubs hands evilly*

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I'm a reck · 6:00am Feb 22nd, 2016

I've lost my friends. Now what...


I don't know what...

I don't know what to say...what to do... What to feel

I... I just don't know


30 Follower Special! My Journey On FimFiction...So Far. · 9:22am Dec 26th, 2017


Moonlight here! I just wanted to let all 30!

Yeah you heard right, 30 followers know this is my thank you!

I had another blog a bit ago to celebrate 21 followers, because I kind of didn’t notice my follow rate increase and missed the twenty part by one.

So back then I hosted an open Q&A! Let’s see how that turned out.



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Report Adorkable · 326 views · #tale #rant #sis #pixel #friends #30

The Inspiration Behind Friends With Benefits · 2:47am Aug 24th, 2020

Surprise! It's Not a Self Insert!

The last week or so, I've seen some interesting new readers to Friends With Benefits. I am slowly but surely working on the next chapter, but the Muses have taken a holiday somewhere in Majorca or somewhere adjacent. When they're coming back is up for debate. Given some of the comments I've been getting as of late, I decided to share some of what inspired me to write this story. And yes, it's not a self insert.

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Which Background Pony Would Be My OC's BFF? · 10:17pm Apr 10th, 2018

Who would be Sketchy Clouds' (me) best friend? It cant be one of the mane six or princesses. It has to be someone like Cloudchaser or Strawberry Sunrise.

Tell me in the comments! I need to know for a new story i am writing.



Two year anniversary · 9:21pm Sep 9th, 2016

Tomorrow marks my two year anniversary posting stories here on fimfiction. I know that not all of my stories have been good(Let's be honest, some are complete crap and I have NO idea what I was thinking) but for the most part, a large number of people really like my stories. I would like to thank all of my fans, as well as my fellow writers whom I have collaborated with/shared ideas with. You are the ones who remind me why this fandom is so great.:pinkiehappy:


Having a Confused Night · 5:05am Dec 13th, 2019

I umm... I'm confused now...
Two people whom I have the utmost respect for; are reading my work and enjoying it. I expected them both to be more critical of it but both are actually enjoying it.

Lightning Bliss and Forest Rain are the two in question and I look up to them for inspiration.
yet here I am receiving phrase from them.
This a surreal moment... I am just confused by this; I'm still convinced my work isn't amazing.
But if so many of you say so; what can I do to argue?


They Call Him "The Ripper!" · 9:18pm Mar 1st, 2020

One of my first, and best, friends on this website came out with a story today. If all you lovely people could maybe give it a chance and read it for him, I'd be super appreciative. Plus, ya know, Wallflower Blush is pretty dang cool, right? Here's the link:

I Burn First

With Love

~ Not Enough Coffee


Story I dea that I had this week · 9:55pm Oct 9th, 2021

So, earlier this week I woke up with a a story idea in my head. What if the imaginary friend that the parents had as a child gree up to become the monster under their child's bed! What do you all think of this idea?


A friend who turned out to be fake · 2:11pm Dec 12th, 2021

As some of you may or may not know, I'm more active on Tumblr since September 2021 where I post blogs about my fictional crush and comfort character, Balan from Balan Wonderworld.

After I posted my first blog about Balan, a certain individual befriended and followed me. I followed them in return and they were the first friend that I made in the Balan fandom, that is until yesterday.

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Viewing 281 - 300 of 763 results