
Viewing 281 - 300 of 450 results

Planning a rewrite of "Broken Diamond" · 6:12pm Dec 14th, 2016


Stuck Update #6 · 2:02am Dec 28th, 2016

Chapters 15 and 16 have been polished. Nothing too substantial, but it looks more readable.


Don't forget to love each other!

'Til next time!



Stuck Update #3 · 12:19am Nov 28th, 2016

Alright fackbois, chapters 7 - 9 have been updated and polished. They should look more decent now. Don't expect this to be a daily thing though. I'm doing these at work, and business is slow at the moment. Tomorrow is Monday and throughout the week, I'll be up to my eyeballs in assignments and other things. But hey, during the past week, I was able to polish up and improve the first nine chapters. Feeling really good about these edits. Enjoy guys!

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I like to tweak... · 5:47am Jan 4th, 2017

Fixing a punctuation mistake here, rewriting for clarity there, I tend to return from time to time to stories to fix things.

Sometimes I miss things because of the strange mental sequence that causes us all to fill in the gaps because we know what we meant to say. That's why an outside editor is important.

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SNE finally makes an update · 7:51pm Mar 24th, 2016

Don't worry, I'm not taking anything down. But I have decided to go in and refine the story's beginning. FTCtH is going to have a rewrite that involves mostly changes to world building and character backgrounds no more shitty world jumping convoluted stuff with Coalback, yay! which basically means that you won't really need to go back and read them. I will take down chapters and post their replacements in their place, chapter number should remain roughly the same. I've also

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Forced to say it out loud · 8:05pm May 7th, 2018

I am not a terrible writer; there I said it as promised. We hit 100 likes and haven't even gotten 10 dislikes on two separate stories.
So as promised, I am okay *COUGHS HEAVILY!* Good *COUGHS MORE!* at this. There I said it, please can we stop batting me with the news papers?
If they have to continue you can all BITE ME before you slap me with them at least? Make it kinky or something.

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Plans for the Future · 6:31pm May 18th, 2018

Few things I want to shoot out in this blog post.

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Fixing the Finale Group · 3:50am Feb 6th, 2020

Put together a group for all rewrites and fixfics about The Ending of the End and The Last Problem. This isn't only works in a single canon or continuity, but if a shared canon proves popular we might well have to make a folder for it.

EDIT: We hit #2 on Trending!


Possible rewrite of New Tricks? · 5:36pm Jun 29th, 2019

Some of you may be wondering, what's "New Tricks" and what has brought this about?

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should i rewrite my story? · 11:06am Oct 19th, 2017

Some of you might remember the Sunata story I wrote for the sunset shimmer shipping contest that happened not too long ago. For a rush job, the story was alright, but not great. There are plenty of ways I could improve it.

What I'm wondering is, should I? Should I take the time to fix it, or does it not matter? Will anybody read the fixed version? Please let me know one way or another.


Fallen Knight has fallen · 3:18pm May 1st, 2020

I am currently writing the last chapter of Fallen Knight.

Though it is going slow, I want to finish this story as I don't want to leave it ending on a cliff hanger.

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The Great Rewrite is under way! · 8:09am Sep 29th, 2018

Every chapter following "Split Lives" (with the exception of the prequel chapters) are now undergoing rewrites. The current versions of the chapters have been transferred over to a separate, spinoff story, and will be deleted once that story is published.

However, in order to keep a stable update schedule, the rewritten chapters will not be published as they are completed, but instead will be published all at once, coinciding with the publishing of the new story.

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Punch out update · 6:05pm Jan 21st, 2018

So I'm rewriting chapter 6, it sucked. I'm also rewriting the entire story, I don't like it anymore. It shouldn't be that different the plot will be the same but the characters leave character a lot and it's kinda cheesy at times so I'm fixing it. I'll also be finishing the entire story before I post another chapter, I'll update the current chapters once done of course but other than that I'll be finishing the story entirely before posting a new chapter. Sorry for the wait, I got tired of

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So I would like ya'll to vote son something... · 11:15pm Apr 22nd, 2019

I want to rewrite my story, Halo: Fourth Ring, due to the chapters just being so short, and I feel I've written not very well.

To 'vote', comment on whether you want me to KEEP the original story, or to DISCARD and REWRITE the current one.
This is Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Jahbraz-117, signing off.:rainbowdetermined2:


And Now Some TLC to Gloria Celestia · 11:59am Oct 15th, 2021

Heyo everyone! I edited some of Gloria Celestia.

Don't worry! If you already read it, you don't need to again! Even less was changed than when I updated Forbidden Melodies earlier this month. I don't think I missed anything in the editing, but send a PM if something doesn't read correctly. I didn't run this or Forbidden Melodies by AP, so I might've missed some things.

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Need Feedback- HPat6OW Rewrite, try to Continue, or cancel? · 4:24am Jul 11th, 2021

So, I'll state front and center, my general motivation to write has been wanning, not just for this story but for other things as well. Even my own Undertale AU. But its also been affecting this, and it hasn't been helped by the fact that I've been kind of stumped with how to begin the next chapter (I've tried writing it out about five times now)

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Sunsong Revision/Rewrite · 4:29pm Mar 17th, 2021

After some rereading of my fic Sunsong. I realized that my writing had been rushed back then, very rushed. So now that I have (slightly) more time to write nowaday, I'm planning on rewriting both of my fics starting with Sunsong. So the chapters are going to either be taken down all at once or one at a time to be looked over and rewritten. As well as the fic's storyboard adjusted to account for new MLP and new Destiny lore. See you guys later, ps. Stasis sucks Dawnblade for life.


Featured already! · 3:24am Jul 31st, 2021

Wow! Thank you to everyone for helping make this a possibility! Even if it doesn't stay up long, Fall of the Lich King reached the feature box!

I'll take this as confirmation that the new rewrite was a success... and I won't let any of you down!

[Adult story embed hidden]


Rewriting A Sweetie Dreamland · 12:51am January 31st

I'm going to start to rewrite A Sweetie Dreamland, essentially to change the verb tenses. I'm also going to change "Dreamland" to "Dream Land", maybe change a few lines here and there, and so on. I don't know how long it will take, but I think that I should be done before the end of February.


Young Six Rewrites (Updated) · 7:16am Dec 21st, 2021

And the most requested episode is
A tie between Yakety Sax & 2 4 6 Great

I don't know if I'll write these in the future, but it's something that I might enjoy.

Viewing 281 - 300 of 450 results