
Viewing 281 - 300 of 914 results

the show must go on · 6:39am June 5th

my life has been up in the air since late last july, to be honest. it got really bad over the winter, and i'm still trying navigate as best i can. some of my work has resumed for penalt, some i've had to beg relief from and he tries to keep his works churning for his reader base. i've had zero desire to write, despite two different stories being set up (remember the song story i talked about? that's one of them). it's hard to be creative when you're just trying to survive.


Never Forget. · 2:13pm Sep 11th, 2015

Today, is a very somber day. All American users may know what I'm talking about. It started like any other morning 14 years ago.

I'm of course talking about 9/11. A very tragic and depressing day. So I want to take this moment and remember those we've lost.

My prayers and condolences go to those who've lost loved ones that day. I can only imagine the sadness and depression people have felt on days like these.

As I said, lets remember the lives that were lost 14 years ago.


My husband is the best. · 1:08am Feb 14th, 2017

I have a Twilight Sparkle bracelet I wear it every day I wore it when I got married, wore it as a bridesmaid, everything... I've worn this bracelet for three years since my husband bought it for me. A few minutes ago I was tugging at it like I always do and it just... snapped!

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I'm Back (And with a story too!) · 12:40pm Aug 30th, 2016

Hey everypony

Sorry ive been inactive so long, just found myself a new place to live and preparing for the next year of university. I appreicate the good feedback as well and Ive managed to gain a respectable 50 followers, yahoo!

Im going to be releaseing a new fic too! It's a Twidash sadfic so id preapre the tissues :fluttercry:

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What's On Tap, Commission Retrospective, And State Of The Author · 8:20pm Dec 10th, 2018

So, it’s been a big couple of months for me. Prepare for long posts.

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Working on another story! · 7:23pm Aug 18th, 2016

This one will be a sad one. I have 2 chapters planned for sure but It will probably be a 4 chapter story.
Will release it in this week I think (Probably not. Don't really feel like writing most of the time)


Cough Syrup · 3:37am Dec 20th, 2019

I lost it. My necklace. The necklace that has been with me through everything the past two years.

I never take it off. But the necklace had a hook and eye piece for a chain. It's been known to come undone. I've known every time. But not this time.

The necklace holds the first picture of my baby girl she ever sent me. I never take it off. I only take it off to shower, and I haven't done that yet today. And it's gone.

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Late Night Entry 1: · 6:04am Nov 25th, 2015

I don't know how long this will be.

Currently I'm battling depression and anxiety. I was diagnosed with it about a year ago, but I've suspected that it's been there longer. There are days where I just feel like life means nothing and that mine is a waste.

Right now it's after midnight and I haven't even gotten up out of my bed to get ready. I dunno why. Sometimes I feel like the struggle is worse than I say it is. I dunno.


DAMNED COVID!!!!!!!!!!!! · 3:26pm Apr 23rd, 2020

This morning, I woke up and went to work. After working for about an hour, I was called in for a meeting with a bunch of people, to be told that due to COVID's effects on economy, our company's profits had gone down by almost half. Because of these, they laid me and the others off.

So now COVID has robbed me of both my dream vacation (going to Hawaii) and now my job. IT PISSES ME OFF!!! :flutterrage:

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I'm done. · 1:52pm Dec 27th, 2016

I think I'm done for today.

Just watched the finale of a Let's Play of the game 'Life is Strange'.
Such a sad and touching ending!! :raritycry:

I'm just so 'crashed' emotionally ... and LiS is definitly one of the best games out there! If they leave you like this afterwards, then the developers did something right. Also the soundtrack is awesome.

See you all next time.


πŸ’”πŸ˜₯ Oh my gosh, NOT FAIR!!! · 2:04am Feb 26th, 2022


What If Discord DID Commit Suicide? · 12:14am Jun 18th, 2017

Hey, this is just an open forum to get my thoughts out there. I'm currently working on a much darker explicit version different from "Discord, Don't Die"

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Report KIDX · 2,077 views · #Suicide #Discord #Forgiveness #Sad #Dark

Happy Easter! πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸ‡πŸ₯š · 11:15am Apr 21st, 2019

Hey Everypony!

Happy Easter to all! Have a wonderful weekend celebrating with your family & friends in this joyous occasion. (You might want to keep an eye out on TheMysteryMuffin who might be the Easter Bunny this year :raritywink::raritywink:)

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I have returned...again... · 7:04pm Jun 8th, 2023

FINALLY getting bac into doing things. Feeling very bad and feeling like i wasted so much time so now abttlign depression and anxiety regarding that, but i have started work on a chapter for one of my stories so we'll see when it's ready c: hopefully it doesn't take me another four years to finish things .3.


State of the Me + story rec · 6:06pm May 4th, 2016

I finished my class, and started publishing stories. (Not in that order, but there was some causal link.) I remember when I published "Keepers" in, gee, 2014, and it got only 500 views, and I began to worry. This week, "Displacement" and "Twinkie" each got a little over 200 views.

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Report Bad Horse · 1,021 views · #sad #stories #recs #sweet #zombies

New Story: The Price of a Smile · 12:10am Jul 11th, 2015

I recently won The Writeoff Association's "A Matter of Perspective" short story competition (first place of 57 stories! :yay: ) with this tale, and below is the final product. It has been greatly expanded from its humble beginnings. I hope you'll enjoy reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it.

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Report Trick Question · 504 views · #dark #sad #au #adventure #story

What is my life · 7:08am Oct 21st, 2015

I was just about ecstatic when I saw episode 18 today. Yeah I know I'm way behind, whatever. But it was a great episode! I couldn't possibly have been happier with how it turned out! And then... I went to get something out of the fridge. And I started thinking about what their special talent was. And then I realized what their special talent was. And all those memories from those cramped little offices of frustration and pain just came rushing back to me.

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Report ferret · 451 views · #sad #drama #commentary #brain worm

Low · 5:20pm Feb 17th, 2016

Having one of those days...


The sequel for Dying Flame is up! · 5:26am Jul 25th, 2015

Good day, everyone!

The (apparently) much-awaited sequel for Dying Flame is now up and ready for reading.

Go find it here:


Good Times Forever Lost · 6:34am Feb 16th, 2017

I've never made a blog on this site before despite the near four years of using this site. It's depressing to see such good stories go. Even more depressing to see all the ones I've booked marked and never read from the beginning. This site, the show, and the fandom have seemingly faded out of my memory in recent years. Back in 2012 I was hyped for the show, the premieres, merchandise, etc. I slipped out whenever season 4 was airing however. I watched the 100th episode when it came out a year

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Viewing 281 - 300 of 914 results