
Viewing 281 - 300 of 369 results

Armchair Treasure Hunt Book: The Secret · 7:38pm Nov 30th, 2016

One of the twelve images featured in The Secret that hold information about the buried casques.

Armchair Treasure Hunt Book - The Secret:

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Oh YouTube, You Card You · 12:17am Aug 2nd, 2017

Now YouTube has just decided to delete YouTube channels and Google accounts that are 'controversial'. Their definition of 'controversial' is pretty broad; comedy, news, anything that goes against what mainstream media says, and more!

Isn't the future looking grand? :')

P.S. Facebook, Twitter, and all of the other social media sites have pretty much taken the same stance.

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I'm A Professional Dumpster Diver · 4:23pm Aug 10th, 2017

I'm A Professional Dumpster Diver

Yep, you heard that right. I now dig in random dumpsters to earn a living. :')

Don't judge me. <_<

I've already found fishing poles, tons of antique furniture, aquariums, DVD players, Direct TV boxes, desktop computers, laptops, jewelry making kits, craft supplies. PlayStation consuls, MP3 players, craft scissors, jewelry, money, and more!

I estimate that I've found about $100.00 in cash/ change the last month I have been dumpster diving.

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Arizona Life · 6:12pm Aug 4th, 2017

I live in Arizona where it is so hot most days of the year that your butt literally glues itself to any surface you are unfortunate enough to be leaning against or sitting on.

It is so hot here that you can cook food just by leaving it outside. I’m not even joking. I have literally cooked eggs, sausage, etc. just by leaving them on a pan sitting on top of the asphalt for a few hours. Oh, and I've baked muffins, cookies, etc. just by leaving them in my car for an hour or so. :I

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Hanging Out With Real Life Vampires, Werewolves, and Magic Users (Lifestyle) · 10:19pm Sep 14th, 2017

Hanging Out With Real Life Vampires, Werewolves, and Magic Users (Lifestyle)

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Hey, guys! Next chapter is about ready! · 1:31pm May 28th, 2018

I don't think it's completely ready, though. As always, I haven't really done much editing yet, and I'm a little on the tired side. Been taking care of my baby while I've been writing, so there's that. He's such a quiet kid, though. Only really fusses when he's hungry or getting changed.

That being said, it would be a huge help if you guys took a look at it, as I'm most likely going to miss something. Thanks a ton in advance! I really appreciate your input!

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Paul's Thursday Reviews CIX · 9:10pm Mar 22nd, 2018

Well, that was unexpected. Somehow, Good Morning, Cookie has managed to get into the Feature Box for the last… 48 hours? Something like that. I was not expecting this at all. The only reason I published it was because I wanted to maintain my ongoing ‘one story published per month’ streak. Not that I’m complaining, mind you, it’s just interesting. Mayhap more of my short stories will end up there.

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What Is Your Celtic Astrology Sign? · 1:49pm Nov 5th, 2016

What Is Your Celtic Astrology Sign?

I'm an Elder Tree, my rune symbol is ruis, my animal is a Raven, my stone is a jet, my ruling planet is Saturn, and the Celtic god who watches over me is Cailleach Beara. XD

Find out yours.

The Thirteen Signs

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The Weird Side Of YouTube · 5:50pm Oct 7th, 2015

I seen some weird things on YouTube. Here's a few of the strange things that have popped up in my feed for some strange reason.

If you have any weird videos you would like to share, feel free to post them in the comment section below.

Strawberry Shortcut:

Pickle Surprise:

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Corporate BS · 5:09am Feb 10th, 2016

I keep seeing sites sell out so they can get more money from ads or sponsors. YouTube is forcing content creators off the site in preparation for YouTube Red where users will have to pay a subscription fee to view premium content.

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The Cranky Wikipedia Dude · 10:07pm Feb 10th, 2016

A while back I made this funny site about dealing with internet trolls. I made it to learn some coding tricks while going through university and such.

Anyway, one of my friends told me that I should submit my site to the author of the troll article on Wikipedia and see if he would include it.

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Weird Animal News Stories · 5:09pm Feb 20th, 2017

Here are some weird animal news stories that I found that I thought I would pass along.

Family's Worst Nightmare When RATTLESNAKE Slithers Into Toilet As 24 Terrifying Reptiles Invade Home

The shocking discovery was made in Texas and dozens of snakes were found living in the cellar and foundations of the house.

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Daily Thought #1 · 3:02pm Aug 16th, 2017

Do you ever walk outside and wonder how many animals, humans, or other creatures have pooped or peed in the environment around you? Or how much bodily fluids like boogers and whatnot are stuck to the ground?

I just imagine this huge layer of poop, boogers, blood, puss, earwax, vomit, piss, and so on, on top of everything; parking lot surfaces, cars, playground equipment, buildings; you name it, it probably has the most disgusting things you can think of stuck to it.

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I wrote for three fics tonight. · 9:03am Nov 28th, 2017


Today's History Lesson · 1:12pm May 15th, 2017

Okay, children. Here is a video about the history of the world. Watch it and make sure you take good notes. There will be a test on what you've learned at the end of the week. XD


F/F/T3K15 1/22: GOTTA GO FAST · 5:51am Jan 23rd, 2018

Yeah, so... I really need to stop becoming confident in the release dates of those multipart recaps. Ring is having catastrophic tech issues, it seems, so he's not been able to compile part four's recap. Given his account of the problem, it's a miracle we've even got a riff this week.

Here's the finished Mystery Jukebox Shuffle. Enjoy.

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I'm in the mood for love songs · 2:04am Jun 19th, 2016

Wow in the past year I went from feeling angsty to feeling so mushy that I can't stop grinning like an idiot and my heart swells up. Now those feelings are amplified. I guess it's the good version of PMS? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ In the past, I've lost all my impulse control right before my period, and I've drowned in my own tears. Now I want to cuddle, look at the sky, go on a picnic, listen to each other's heart beats, and stare into some lovely eyes. Dammit I'm so cheesy what kind of cheese

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New Oneshot Idea (Season 8 Spoiler) · 1:07am Jan 30th, 2018

”Silverstream is an abnormally good swimmer for a hippogriff. She soars through the sky, but practically lives for water. Twilight doesn’t think anything of it, assuming she’s just another seapony refugee, but Starswirl suspects otherwise and is determined to get to the bottom of things.

Turns out, there’s far more cat to her than bird.”

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Voat: The Alternative To Reddit That Everyone Should Know About · 3:44pm Jan 4th, 2016

Voat: The Alternative To Reddit That Everyone Should Know About

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330 words yas · 5:03pm Jul 9th, 2017

k so if i get to like

500ish?? I'll take a break from this story and work on another one sound good?



Viewing 281 - 300 of 369 results