
Viewing 301 - 320 of 703 results

It is done · 4:55am May 7th, 2016

It's been a long week, but have hope dear Darklings...for the light of the weekend has shone forth in the form of a gift Ah bestow upon you: yes, that is indeed the newest chapter from yours truly.
Ah hope y'all like it, cause man is it a crazy one.
Welp, gonna go die into bed now. Can't wait ta see what y'all think of this one...and what all it entails.
Ah'll elaborate more later on what's in store, so be patient and enjoy!

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New content coming out! · 1:52pm May 27th, 2016

Alright everypony! Been in a bit of a funk lately but that's over with now! Thanks to the kind words of a few individuals, I'll be releasing a bunch of content today!
The first is the newest chapter to King of the Dead! I gotta warn you, it's full of feels, and I'm tempted to toss out a trigger warning, but it should be ok haha!
The second is a new chapter for Jack Stone in Equestria!
And last but not least, my newest story Granny Smith Lectures Equestria!
Fun times ahead everyone!


New One-Shot and Chapter 9 Update Lack of Sleep Edition. · 2:08pm Dec 6th, 2019

Hello there!

So this is a quick update for those of you eagerly awaiting Chapter 9 for A Sunset Across the Galaxy and in general people wondering what I've been doing for nearly two months.

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Favorite Outfits & Forms of The Cutie Mark Crusaders (Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, & Sweetie Belle) · 7:27pm Feb 9th, 2019

Hey all! I’m back today with another post!

Man, I can barely believe I’ve come to my 150th blog post. Guess that’s what happens when you make such extensive use out of it, eh?

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Chapter 6 of "The Expansive Romance of Applebloom and Coral Leaf" is now up! · 7:00pm Feb 25th, 2017

Yeah, it kind of broke my 2-week cycle of releasing a new chapter, but given that I've had a few extra thumbs up in the ratings area (and my first thumbs-down since the early days of the story), I decided to put this chapter up, a few days beforehand!

I will admit that when it comes to writing these stories, the word count gets drastically different when bringing the document into Fimfic's toolset.

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Crusaders of the Lost Mark · 10:38pm Oct 10th, 2015

Wow... I'm actually tearing up right now. The CMC, after exactly five years since the show aired, finally got their cutie marks!


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Aftermath! · 7:58am Jun 13th, 2018

Jamboree Aftermath, direct sequel to The Apple Jamboree, is now available. :yay:

There are getting to be enough tales in the Elsequestria continuity that I think I will post a guide in a little bit, and then add to it as more tales develop.


It's finally released. (Thank *enter swearword here*) · 7:46pm Jun 5th, 2020


Help! My Heart is Full of Pony! - Applejack · 4:17am May 14th, 2020

A lot of people claim that Applejack has no character development, but this is simply not true. In fact, she has perhaps the most linear character development in the whole series. It stretches across 3 episodes which, in my mind, contitute a trilogy: Applebuck Season, The Last Roundup, and Apple Family Reunion.

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Family updated! · 11:04pm Nov 1st, 2021

This one took longer than I thought, plus I had a holiday and somewhere along the lin ended up restoring a piece of furniture in between. Either way, I got it done, we are ready to move into the final act, it's been a long time coming and I thank you all for your patience and support, as well as advice and constructive criticisms.

For now, I hope you enjoy this chapter, and I'll do my best to get on the next as soon as possible.


A NEW Song from the Voice of Apple Bloom! · 5:21pm Sep 15th, 2023

Michelle Creber, who bronies may remember as the voice of Apple Bloom, just released a new song!

Apple Bloom's reaction to this boppin' piece:


This Is What I Wanted · 12:54pm Sep 9th, 2021

This is exactly the kind of Pop Goes The Weasel that I wanted to find for the fight against Toy Maker in Apple Bloom's Mansion 4. Just remove the gentle beginning and make a version that loops nicely (maybe a bit longer) and it would be perfect!

This is the kind of soundtrack that I wanted for the Guardians. If only I could make my own musics... :ajsleepy:


The fourth chapter of Siren Days is out now! More Apple Bloom POV! · 12:25pm Sep 6th, 2022

Hello, everyone!

I just wanted to make a small update to tell everyone that a new chapter of Siren Days is out now~ We once again switch back to Apple Bloom's POV since I find it interesting to write her perspective~ I hope everyone checks it out and that you enjoy it! As always, have a great day!

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Yet Another One of My Stories is on Tv Tropes! · 10:58pm Apr 30th, 2023

This. Is. INSANE! :twilightoops:

For the third time, another story of mine is on TV Tropes! This time, it's An Anon-a-Miss Carol which was posted way back on December 2021.

I don't know who did this but thank you so much! I'm honored that you select one of my stories for the website! :twilightsmile:

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Family Facade almost about to be released. · 8:41am Oct 30th, 2022

The First Chapter of Family Facade is done! I am waiting on the cover art at the moment. Once I have it done, I will release the story! Expect Aftermath of the Blanks update to be out in 1 week! I am on a roll! Sorry for the 2-month delay for Aftermath folks!


Canon Character Fanon · 6:27pm Feb 9th, 2022

Exactly what it says on the label.

  • Big Mac and Sugar Belle's colt is named "Sweet McIntosh," Sweet Mac for short (after a real-world multipurpose apple cultivar that nicely invokes both parents' names). His mane would be as exuberant as his mom's if he didn't keep it cut fairly short.

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What Is Happening to My Brain · 11:36pm Feb 9th, 2016

Stuff's on pause for a bit. Here's why.

I recently heard about an experimental treatment for depression: a series of low-dose ketamine infusions. So I immediately took off work and headed to the nearest clinic (about four hours away), and that's where I'll be all week.

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Friendship is Card Games: Apple Family Reunion · 1:31pm Dec 13th, 2015

This week, Applejack tries to run a convention, and manages to run it into her house.

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Friendship is Card Games: Night of the Apples · 11:28am Apr 2nd, 2017

This week, we’re looking at the cheesiest fruit you’ve ever tasted. Let’s see if this comic-form B-movie gets an A or an F.

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Extra-special thanks to Coral Leaf and Hyperstorm_H for the new cover art! · 4:21am Jan 31st, 2017

If some of you have seen the early comments on my story, "The Expansive Romance of Applebloom and Coral Leaf," you might have seen a number of people were horrified and disgusted with the art I had originally put together for the cover.

However, while a scant few seemed to feel the first chapter had potential, my first attempts at anthro-pony art had some assuming that the artwork would horrify and turn people away. So, I gave into the criticism, and removed it.

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Viewing 301 - 320 of 703 results