
Viewing 301 - 320 of 392 results

Disney's Star Wars Episode 9: The Rise Of Skywalker is going to be a nonsensical mess · 5:46pm Dec 17th, 2019

Disney's Star Was Episode 9: The Rise Of Skywalker is going to be a nonsensical mess. The test audiences hated it and according to the Sweden's movie rating board, this movie is awful and nonsensical . And also Daisy Ridley made sure that the movie is going to be a flop by putting her foot in her mouth by insulting a large chunk of the American population.

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Great news! Bob Iger resigns as the CEO of Disney after killing the Star Wars franchise · 4:19am Mar 8th, 2020

Here is some great news!:pinkiehappy: Bob Iger resigned as the CEO of Disney after he helped kill the Star Wars franchise. His 14 year reign of political correct terror has come to an end when he resigned last week, surprising everyone. Hopefully this will bring some positive change to Disney. And yes currently Star wars Episode 9: The Rise Of Skywalker is at Number 21 at the box office. Why is that flop still in the theaters?:applejackconfused::facehoof:

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New Firefly chapter soon... · 1:50am Sep 5th, 2016

Punched out a full chapter draft in three days. Awaiting prereads, then it will go live. But this time, I'm not going to give you a chapter preview.

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Nicktoons of the future. · 4:38pm Feb 20th, 2018

Here are some projects from Nicktoons that are in the works, which are expected to be seen soon.

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F/F/T3K15 5/22: Double finale! · 3:29pm May 23rd, 2019

Last week's shit is fully shat. It'd better still be fresh in your memories because...

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The Last Chapter of "Dibs on My Sister" Has Been Edited · 2:40am Feb 21st, 2021

Before I talk about the edits, I have a couple of facts for you. This story peaked at number 1 featured story for a short period of time between 1 and 2 PM and 3 PM-4 PM US Central Time on 2/19/21. The second is that this story has accrued more upvotes than any other story I have posted since 15th September 2015. How long ago was that? Let me give you a list to help me explain:

- The United States president was Barack Hussein Obama. :twilightoops:

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I'm feeling overextended... · 8:57pm Feb 22nd, 2021

And I do believe I am at this point, as I fear I've taken on too many writing assignments. :ajsleepy: By actual count, I have no less than six projects in play, listed here in rough order of priority:

  1. Rewrite of Unleash the Magic: Midnight Rising
  2. Update and Continuation of Feathered Heart
  3. Continuing third book of Into the Storm: The Flight of Firefly
  4. Finishing Unleash the Magic: Nightmare Night

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Family is in the Endgame Now! · 11:31pm Jan 29th, 2022

Thats right, this marks the start of the end phase of Family. Its taken years but I'm pleased with how far Ivew come considering I started with no plan, then made one, then changed it a few times while writing. Either way, I hope you enjoy and, as always, constructive criticism is appreciated.

I hope you enjoy.

EDIT: Featured?! I can't belive it, a Big thanks to you all for reading!


Midnight Rising launches tonight; C&C on deck · 5:02pm Mar 1st, 2023

Hey, folks. Just a quick note (okay, not-so-quick) to let everyone know that the next chapter of Midnight Rising launches this evening, following one more editing pass. Prereader response is generally good so far, though I’m still waiting on two at this point. And I’m already 8000 words into my next writing assignment, which is a new chapter of Feathered Hearts - Continuation and Chronicles.

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Two new chapters in progress for Midnight Rising · 6:25pm Mar 24th, 2021

Now that the release of Feathered Hearts - Continuation and Chronicles is in the books, it's time to turn my attention back to the Unleash the Magic series. And yet, even though they involve entirely different themes and verses (and ratings!) working on Feathered Hearts gave me a very tempting idea for both Midnight Rising and Nightmare Night; a thread that

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The Rise of Digital Horror - Making Nostalgia Scary and Ghost in the Machine · 11:44am Aug 6th, 2023


So yet again... · 4:07pm Feb 12th, 2022

I’m forced to break one chapter into two, because it got too big. The next Feathered Hearts chapter was already well over 17k words and probably on its way to 20k, which is a lot more than I typically allow in a single entry. It also had a natural breakpoint mid-chapter, so I elected to make use of it. This means you will be getting not one, but two new Feathered Hearts chapters in short order, each around 10.5k words each.

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New Eros chapter in the books; Nightmare Night on deck · 7:41pm Jan 3rd, 2023

Though after the intense writing effort I put into the latest entry of Eros—I put a ton of work in on it, so if you read it, please comment, folks! —I’ll probably wait a day or two before starting the new chapter of Nightmare Night to try to recharge mentally.

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Rise of Firefly: Second Offensive - Chapter 5 draft complete · 9:06pm Jun 28th, 2021

It’s with prereaders now, delayed by my workload, which has resulted in nearly 40 extra hours worked over the past two and a half weeks--and I damn well better get some comp time for that! Unfortunately, even when prereaders finish with the new chapter, it’s not ready yet--I still have to make some graphics and do song selections for it, which will take some time. So I ask your indulgence for a little longer. It may be a week, or it may be less, but the new chapter release is coming.

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And now for something completely different... · 8:47pm Nov 10th, 2015

I'm going to take a break from my usual story rotation schedule for at least a couple weeks. There are two reasons for this. First, I think my prolific pace this year has finally been catching up with me a bit. I've been sensing a measure of burnout, particularly around writing clop. The next chapter of The Lawyer and The Unicorn is a major adult chapter, and I don't want to write it until I feel I can do it justice. Similarly, as happy as I was with the bulk of the last Five Star

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TLaTU Part 37 in the books... · 3:49pm Dec 19th, 2017

Well, folks... I'm calling the latest and craziest TLaTU chapter a success. Three new likes, and TLaTU part 37 was certainly a popular chapter by read count. It's been very well-received thus far--doubly so for it being the wildest thing I've written yet! I have to admit I had some trepidation about how well it would go over, but it turned out I needn't have worried. I was also pleasantly surprised by how eager folks seemed for the ending, even after everything that had already come. I knew

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F/F/T3K19 6/3: Off with a bang! · 1:13pm Jun 3rd, 2019

We bury the 3015 era with the completion of the completion of our hanging multiparters. And the admission that we were riffing a Starfleet spinoff because we can't just do that until AFTER it's too late for a certain pair of maybe-still-prying eyes to sabotage it.

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General Update · 6:20pm Aug 2nd, 2018

August comes, and as promised a couple months ago, I've been working on my anthro novel, though I've found the going much slower and harder than I would like. I'm stuck at one place in particular right now that's giving me fits. I'm finding it hard, unfortunately, to slip back into the mindset that writing this kind of anthro fiction requires and re-immerse myself in this world I created several years ago. I can only hope that will

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500 likes for Midnight Rising! · 1:04pm Nov 3rd, 2017

An enormous milestone that the release of the companion story, Unleash the Magic - Nightmare Night helped it reach. So a huge thank-you to all readers, both old and new! This is easily my most successful story, and one I immensely enjoyed writing. Yes, I have promised additional bonus features and a Shadowbolt-centered sequel, and be assured they are not forgotten. It seems unlikely I can get to the latter this year, but I will aim for late winter or spring of next.

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Turnabout Storm Side Stories and Sequels · 5:22pm Jan 16th, 2018

Greetings, Turnabout Storm readers from your former editor and new story author. For those who did not see my blog post from yesterday, Raven Regios has passed ownership of Turnabout Storm to me. Why? For the very best possible reason: she's eight months pregnant, expecting in February! :pinkiegasp:

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Viewing 301 - 320 of 392 results