
Viewing 301 - 320 of 699 results

Delay due to events · 7:13pm Sep 10th, 2020

Okay so, I hate to do this but I have no choice. Due to the state I live in being Litterly on FIRE, I am gonna have to put Walking In Shadows on the back burner for a bit due to how close AI am to two of the more major fires currently raging.

Now before you all break out the Pitchforks and torches, I have two more completed chapters in the backlog and I will STILL be writing every chance I get!

This delay is only temporary, well at least I hope it is!


Thoughts on Shadow of a Doubt (1943) · 4:23am Feb 15th, 2019

So I just saw Shadow of a Doubt.

And it was pretty great.

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Poem #7 · 4:15pm Jan 17th, 2017

Light and Dark (7)

Light and dark are two sides of a dime,
Each being alone and separate on its own,
Yet light hath more beauty and shine,
And darkness doth froth and foam.
Light, being as bright as the sun,
It hath more knowledge and good,
It hath more joy and happy fun,
And tries to make us happy as it can,
Dark, however, is where light is not,
It lurks in corners waiting,
It clouds the mind, and is cold,
It turns evil, gives hate,
And snuffs the breath of life,

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Shadow of an Empire Preview: Chapter One · 6:00pm May 15th, 2018


Fang Gang Shorts #37 · 11:11pm Jul 28th, 2020

Stinger stared at the bowl in front of him while Dagger, Blue, Pharynx and Tempest sat beside him. “I must do this,” Stinger said, looking at the milk and then get the cereal box. “I have to put milk before cereal.”

The others except Blue gasped.

“But there has to be another way!” Dagger said.

“No... I must...”

Blue groaned. “Just eat it and stop with that medical drama bullcrap!”

“Shut up Blue!” they all shouted in unison.

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I Played Shadow the Hedgehog · 2:16pm May 1st, 2020

Ugh, where to begin.
Look, I haven't liked much of Sonic after Adventure on the Dreamcast, and if you ask me it's for good reason.(Mania is the real exception to that.) I did like the 3D Green Hill Zone in Sonic Adventure 2 and …
I'm already getting into a different game.
So, Shadow …

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Update 4 - New direction · 11:08pm Dec 2nd, 2019


Darkstorm here.

Chapter four is coming along nicely after a much-needed rewrite. I will likely release it to the public soon, without edits to move the story along. It seems I require new editors since my last one became too busy to help me (if you're reading this, I'm not mad, nor am I trying to call you out lmao). But, Shadow of Equestria is once again looking for an editor to enhance the chapter(s).

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Idea for a Tempest Shadow one-shot · 10:01pm Nov 8th, 2017

I call it Forgive and Forget.


It's been 2 weeks since the invasion of the Storm King, and Tempest Shadow (formerly known as Fizzlepop Berrytwist) is trying to adjust back into life at Canterlot. It's not easy, but it seems that two old friends of hers might just be able to help. The question is...can Tempest forgive them? And do they forgive her?


Updates and Reminders for the Weekend! · 2:11am Oct 23rd, 2021

Hey folks! You know, I debated on doing a more traditional post for the weekend, like an OP-ED or the like, but honestly? Instead I sat down and finished reading the Shadow of an Empire proof. Sands and Storms is that a ripping tale!

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Happy New Years and a New Chapter! · 10:12pm Dec 31st, 2020

Well Happy New Years and there is a New Walking In Shadows Chapter out for you all to read to ring in the New Years!



I'm back? Kinda? · 12:01am Jun 29th, 2015

Just got back from my ASP trip, which I sorely needed. It sorta recharged my proverbial batteries.

Anywho, I've regained my desire to write, so I'm planning on sticking my nose back to the grindstone tomorrow after I finish unpacking and doing laundry.

TRB, if you're reading this, yes, I'm still here, and I'll have that chapter to you as soon as I can reinstall MS Office. Sorry it's taking so long.

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Shadow of an Empire Alpha Nearly Done · 5:09pm Jul 8th, 2016

Just a quick update, since I've been so quiet this week. The reason is simple: Shadow of an Empire is in its final three chapters. Which is a fancy way of saying I've got two more chapters to write after I finish the current one, plus maybe a final bit of closure, and then the alpha 1 of Shadow will be done!

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Fallout: Equestria - Of Shadows Reviews: Chapter 1 · 6:52pm Feb 12th, 2017

Video Made by Me.

Its amazing how many different stories you can get out of the Equestrian Wasteland isn't it?

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The News · 9:33pm Sep 22nd, 2017

Copied from the site

Last night, I reached the ... Hang on, would this be a spoiler? Thinking about it ... no. Because if you're reading my stuff and don't expect this, it must be the first thing you're reading.

So, last night, I hit the last twist of Jungle.  Everything in the story is in the endgame now.

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The Rolling Sale - Colony · 9:03pm Aug 8th, 2017

The date has been set. The time is near. Starting August 10th and running through August 16th, the penultimate step of the Rolling Sale will go live, and Colony will be 63% off!

Yes, you heard that properly. 63% off. In other words, you'll be able to pick Colony up for $2.99!

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Shadow of an Empire Cover Reveal! · 9:32pm May 5th, 2018

Here it is, readers! The official cover for Shadow of an Empire, releasing June 1st!

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Guess what everypony · 8:34pm Sep 24th, 2016

Hello Everypony,

I know it's been ages since you all have seen or heard from me. I can't say how sorry I am about the long time away and the neglect to "What Path to Choose" truth is I ran out of insperation and motivation to continue with it. I know how much you all love Drako's story and yes I plan on continuing it one day but this is not why I'm back.

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Update 2 of 2: Brainstorming · 1:25pm Dec 22nd, 2017

Couple of blogs this morning, and because I can't tag more than one story, I have to do them separately.

Yesterday morning, I got some ideas for... You guessed it...

This probably won't end up being as dramatic as On The Peak of Aris was, but I know I've attracted some Fizzlepop fans here, so if the ideas come to my head, I have to entertain them and see if they amount to anything.

Here's hoping.


Speaking of Word of Mouth … · 8:24pm Dec 12th, 2019

This post is the kind of thing I’ve been talking about. Someone over on Reddit’s r/printsf (print speculative fiction, usually Scifi), after a discussion about how the subreddit almost always discusses the same few books, launched a post specifically to talk about indie Sci-Fi authors and people’s favorite indie Sci-Fi books.

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I'm Actually Writing Stuff · 3:04am Sep 16th, 2019

So, it's been a while since I said I was going to write stuff, and then never did, but the good news is I'm actually working on the introduction to the next arc! I'm hoping to get it out later this week, actually. This arc will hopefully give me a chance to start branching out into a wider cast of characters, and a few years of writing will have helped me hone things a bit. I'm excited, and now that I started I got motivation to try and be at least somewhat regular on posting. Still in grad

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Viewing 301 - 320 of 699 results