
Viewing 301 - 320 of 533 results

The day after: How we got here + a reminder that the much-teased sequel is finally here! · 2:35am Dec 11th, 2019

EInto Equestria (Legacy Edition)
Sometimes, you just need a place to escape to. Sometimes, there isn't a choice.
TheMajorTechie · 6.5k words  ·  12  4 · 576 views

Geez, when I left Pony-Me™ on an open-ended note, I wasn't planning on writing a sequel this early.

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LIFE UPDATE: Depression got me by the soul... · 1:32am Jul 19th, 2023

Thanks for everypony's patience. Hopefully, I'll be writing again soon. Just keep up with the blog to know what's what. I'll see you all later!
- Jazz 🌺


Coming next year... (Return of Doctor Whooves universe related news, VERY IMPORTANT) · 8:40pm Feb 15th, 2017

Okay, today I made a very difficult, and rather heartbreaking choice. That is, delete my very first story Once a Time Lord, Now a Pony. Why? It had some good ideas, but they weren't executed properly and the Tenth Doctor didn't at times seem like himself, and everything was far too rushed for my tastes as several people pointed out. But don't cry, as coming next year will be a rewrite. And here's the description, title and Cover Art:

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The latest chapter of My Little Dynamite: Book 2 is Live! · 8:25pm Dec 15th, 2016

And with this chapter, all of the content I wrote back in the Twidance Collab days is now out. From here on, it's all new stuff.

Did I plan this to coincide with the new year?

It just worked out that way.

Stay frosty.


Dear U.S. Government · 11:51am Jun 18th, 2017

Hi! It's me, your pal, Fuzzy.

You know, the one that writes the stories and stuff? Good ol' Fuzz, a lifelong citizen of this great nation?

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Possible Story Idea · 5:17pm Jul 1st, 2018

Okay, this is probably one of those ideas that I'll never go through with, but I would like to hear your thoughts on nonetheless. Ever since the introduction of Kamen Riders into the Wild Access universe, no thanks to the support of Shagohad and Thunderclap, I always wanted to try my hand at writing a pure Kamen Rider story, not Riders just teaming up with Rangers and being pushed to the side more often than not. So, late last night, this sorta came up.

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I Think I Have Anger Problems... · 8:35am Jul 21st, 2015

I dunno. I seem to be getting far more irritable lately. Putting up with stupid people at work, stupid things in life in general, and stupid on the web. People I like, whether I know them or not, are dying or have died making it all seem a little quieter. My favorite hobby is becoming a battle ground for politically correct assholes to preach about their platform of a perfect world. My favorite person in the world is still living in Texas, and I don't know when she'll be able to move up here

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The Nightmare Night Collection (Story Ideas Wanted) · 6:04am Oct 5th, 2018

Since Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday and I love the month-long spooks, I decided to do something I've never really done before. Cutting right to the chase, I want some good horror ideas. Any type of horror is welcome, be it psychological, body horror, etc. I'll be taking the best ideas I receive (along with a few of my own) and creating what I call "The Nightmare Night Collection". Basically an anthology of horror stories starring our favorite ponies.

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01/02/18: RESEARCH HELP WANTED · 3:52am Jan 3rd, 2018

Hey everybody. It's rather late, but I felt it necessary. I'm working away on A Tale of Two Suns, but I've run into something of a road bump.

I need some research help. I need somebody who knows something about clothing styles from the 2000s. I know that's sort of weird. I tried looking it up but I don't feel like I have a good enough grasp, and I sort of need it for some detail work.

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Please...Halp... · 12:10am May 26th, 2019

So I, being my dumb and derp self, have created a dilemma for myself.

I don't wanna give out too much (cuz at this point I don't even have enough to give), so I'm just gonna ask y'all:

Chrysalis or Rarity???

Again, not gonna say anymore than this, but...which one?


What do you want from Season 6? · 5:19pm Dec 6th, 2015

I want one of the following:
Celestia ep
History ep (young Tia and Lulu/Starswirl)
Sunset Shimmer ep
Celestia and Luna ep


A Fragile Nightmare - The Sequel · 6:12pm May 9th, 2019

...but not written by me. :derpytongue2:

Sandstorm94's continuation to my own story "A Fragile Nightmare" has already been going for some time, and is overdue for a spotlight:

TRedemption of a Nightmare
This is a sequel to "A Fragile Nightmare". Luna-Moon, now redeemed by the Elements of Harmony, has a steep learning curve ahead of her. With her sister and the Elemental Bearers at her side nothing could possibly go wrong... Right?
Prismfire Productions · 34k words  ·  211  6 · 6.7k views

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It is a time to reflect ... · 2:31am Jun 1st, 2019

... and rejoice, o brethren! For on this day Queen Sindel was konfirmed to be returning as a playable Mortal Kombat character. What's that? Not familiar with Sindel? Not to worry: her backstory, though sad, is succinctly told.

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Put yourself and/or your OCs within this template · 12:09am Apr 28th, 2021

I am 5/6 of this template. Guess which one I’m not.


New She-Ra Fanfic Live on Offprint · 8:31pm Aug 18th, 2021

Heyo, pony-peeps!

So I’ve got a new story for y’all that’s out today and up on for your reading enjoyment, if you’re so inclined. This one’s non-pony and is me diving into writing She-Ra and the Princesses of Power fanfic for the first time. It is also my first time writing something sexually explicit in quite a number of years.

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Final Fantasy Aleph Null · 8:26pm Dec 20th, 2021

Merry Christmas! I've just released a new story for you all today: Final Fantasy Aleph Null!

Available On: AO3, Spacebattles

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You Made it Awkward · 2:43pm May 5th, 2021

I'm going through and adding content warnings to a bunch of my stories because a certain author's blurring the line between fantasy and reality made me feel crawly.


Thanks a lot.

Fiction is a safe space, but keep the transgressive stuff in your heads, people.


Where I Want to Be (She-Ra) Now Live on AO3 · 8:29pm Aug 25th, 2021

Heyo, ladies, lords, and lunatics.

After its week exclusive on Offprint, Where I Want to Be is now up on AO3. Gonna link just to my profile there, since it's too spicy for direct linking:

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it is 2 am and i have written an experimental fractures blurb so have at ye · 8:05am Mar 26th, 2023

Concept: Rather than falling through a crack by pure chance, Zoey finds herself alone where the portal had first opened, and finds a rapidly-growing crack in the air. Requires something to have separated Zoey from the rest of the group, as well as some driving force behind why she ultimately decides to actively tear open the crack.

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Sooo close · 4:58am Sep 23rd, 2020

Hey guys! Haven’t posted for a while but I just want to let you know that I am trying to get to 100 followers by the end of 2020 so if you could spread the word, that would be awesome!!! :pinkiehappy: also, for Halloween I am planning on posting a picture of who I’m cosplaying! Who or what are y’all going to be for Halloween?

Viewing 301 - 320 of 533 results