
Viewing 301 - 320 of 628 results

*sigh* Another one who says Sweden is a Communist country. It's not. · 3:53pm Oct 26th, 2016

:facehoof: Let me start off by saying that the whole allegation that Sweden has legalized the flag of ISIS is phony to begin with, I think. Also, to contradict the title, that is EXACTLY what the Alt-Right has said about Sweden for a very long time.


Empathy Cocoa · 8:38pm Jun 24th, 2018

All the cocoa

All night, Starlight



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Yo! · 2:58am Nov 2nd, 2017

Hello everyone! I'm Soniard Seram, at your service. Ya like me? Please follow! I'm more of an avid reader than a writer. Although I do try to write stories. Which I hope all of you will like! :scootangel:


December Update · 4:24am Nov 29th, 2018

Given that Dead Week is about to begin on my campus, I thought it might be prudent to put out December's update a little early. To begin with, happy holidays to all. Regardless of what you celebrate, or if you celebrate at all, I hope that your midwinter is full of cheer, peace, and warmth. Especially warmth. I swear, one of these days the wind is just going to peel my entire face off. May you all spend this month with friends and loved ones.

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Mid 2015 Update · 7:33pm Jul 2nd, 2015

First things first, I know I said the next blog post was gonna be a little bit personal in terms of what got me writing and things related to that, but I first need to tell you some of the things that happened during those couple of months.

School was tough and kept me very busy, which is why there were no new stories or chapters during that time, with one exception.

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Episode 31 of Doctor And Ditzy's Science Theater is done. · 6:35am Jul 6th, 2018

Hey, again. Episode 31 of Doctor And Ditzy's Science Theater is finished. This time I will be riffing The Moon's Wrath by Dolphy Blue Drake. This fic is another one of those fics that's a retelling of the MLP pilot. Only this time, everyone is a dragon instead of a pony and they are the opposite gender! It doesn't really change as much as you think. The author does an admirable job mixing up the lore. He adds really weird stuff

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So Close...! · 12:02am Apr 27th, 2019


Chapter 19 of Doctor and Ditzy's Science Theater is done! · 4:30am May 25th, 2015

Chapter 19 finished! I finally got Ditzy back to pony form again! Celestia. I really had a hard time thinking up a good way to get her back to normal. I couldn't just turn her back to normal. I had to do sometime with it. Honestly, I think it was mistake making her like that in the first place. Oh well. At least that is done with.

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If any of you feel disillusioned about the world, humanity or our fandom... · 12:45pm Apr 7th, 2018

...further proof that bronies are absolutely mad in all the best ways.
(Follow the link to the GoFundMe to see what I mean)

P.S.: Now I know what those Swiss bronies do all year when they aren't raiding the charity auction at Galacon.


Ignore my last blog... also... ANOTHER MILESTONE!!!! · 4:03pm May 2nd, 2017

Milestones... yet again. This time: 875 blogs. 7/8 of a thousand. You know what you have to do to get 7/8 progress in Paper Mario: TTYD? Get ALL SEVEN of the Crystal Stars. The last eighth, which is the final cheeapter, is named after the same thing the game is named after: The Thousand-Year Door.

But enough about the milestone... This is serious business.

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A few updates that have little to do with me writing on this site · 2:24am Apr 12th, 2022

Howdy, got too many things to touch on for me to say exactly what this blog is about in the title. So I'll say it here: Looking Glass print edition update, Tension Points (my Deltarune novel) print update, Solve et Coagula (my Deltarune AU) update in general, ScaredyBunn Resident Evil streams resuming, and my Barcast interview and where you can listen to if you missed it!

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The Doctor currently as a Brony fan · 2:17am Oct 14th, 2019


Getting my ass kicked. · 1:23am Sep 23rd, 2021

I'm not gonna lie to any of you. This next chapter has been the hardest one for me to put together. The fights have been epic, and some of the dialog has revealed so much that had previously been left unsaid. It's all going to be hard to top without repeating setups or combat styles and similar back and forth.

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I said last time that'd show you something pony-related that I was working on. · 8:16pm Jun 21st, 2019

So here's something.

I'll tackle shading later.

Stay hydrated.


Epic Rap Battles of Equestria: Yandere Metamorphosis vs. Yandere Elle · 12:30am Feb 3rd, 2022

And now! The Rap Battle you’ve ALL been waiting for!!!! Metamorphosis Brook…!

Versus Elle-I-don’t-even-know-her-last-name…!

Opponents ready, and… BEGIN!

Don’t know why you step to me like you are the original
You fight for his attention with ambiguous intentions 
I don’t understand where this shit is gonna get you 

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Friday Update on Midnight Story · 6:49am May 1st, 2021

It sucks that my outline for this story is, like, five sentences. Heck, I've got a few shortened outline notes that total around one full sentence if you squint.

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Before I go on break here is a message trailer for the soon to be new story called A General destiny · 1:08am Aug 22nd, 2022

Canterlot is endangered by the changeling invasion. But a man who recently became a pony?
Ends up in the world of Equestria in the worst time as he is spawned in the middle of the chaos and then he must
learn to adapt to his new home and maybe JUST MAYBE modernize Equestria to its-


This is the message from your soon to be supreme overlord

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Aces High Chapter 6 Out Tomorrow · 8:52pm May 25th

Yeah, it’s that time again. After a VERY long time--I don’t like to think about it--I have another chapter ready. This one took a long time because I’ve had a LOT of big life stuff over the last few months, this chapter was difficult for personal reasons, and I had a lot of backstory stuff to work out, because it was about time to do that.

Author’s Secret? I don’t always have all of this planned out in detail.

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So about that Seashell remake... · 6:00am Aug 17th, 2023

No promises. I'm still not deciding if I want to do it or not.

But if I do, I've been struck with an idea (a dangerous thing, I know!).

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Every Page a Painting - Click, Clack, Neigh · 4:00pm February 14th

I know, I know, it's quite bold of me to publish this on Valentine's Day of all days, but here it is all the same.

If you don't like the timing, just come back tomorrow. I'll wait.

If you're still here and you don't care about when you'd get this, all I can say is buckle up.

(Disclaimer: everything you see here is work in progress and subject to change.)

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Viewing 301 - 320 of 628 results