
Viewing 301 - 320 of 531 results

No Bluebird chapter Next Wednesday · 3:45pm Apr 17th, 2021

EDIT: Updated post title, since I've developed a pattern of uploading new chapters on Wednesdays.

After writing a new chapter each weekend for three months, I'm taking a break this weekend to work on something else. Plus it gives me time to get things to write for the next few chapters I'm working on, the next two be less heavy than the most recent chapter.

Thank you to everyone who's been reading thus far, it's glad to see the feedback and interest.


Hiatus · 10:56pm Apr 13th, 2022

Those of you who have followed me for some time already know that I'm sporadic at best with my updates, and there are a number of reasons for that. But right now, I just feel like I have a lot going on in life-- I'm pouring a lot into the end of my spring semester, my situation at work could be more stable, and my mind is as cluttered as my room. So gimme a little bit to get things in order. To improve some grades, pay some debts, reorganize, and take care of myself. I hope to have everything

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I'm alive?!?! Plus status on Dawn Of The New Day · 3:02am Jul 21st, 2016

Yes, I am still alive. Many would like to know when Dawn of The New Day is going to update. Rest assured, the next chapter will be up by the end of the month and I'm going to get back to regularly updating. Once every two weeks, maybe more often. Why have I been gone? Authors block and I've been busy with my art and trying to find a job/getting into my classes for September. Anyway, I have returned! Muhahah!


Stories won't be continued · 4:59pm Oct 30th, 2016

As you may have noticed, I have not written anything in a very long time. The reason is: My inspiration for MLP fics is down as fuck. Or rather, I put most of my ideas into my rps. Who knows, maybe I will one day use the AU I have on my Tumblr blog for a story, but for now that's it. I won't continue my stories. I am very sorry everyone, but I cannot bring myself up to write.


Chapter 11 of Fallout Equestria: Black Cat is done! · 6:33pm Nov 8th, 2016

Hey again. Chapter 11 of Fallout Equestria: Black Cat is finished. I plan going back and re-editing the older chapter of Black Cat someday, I just need to find the time. Never enough time right? And it election day! Joy... I am almost tempted not to vote. This election has made me so disillusioned. No matter who wins, we all lose... Is anyone actually happy with this election? Anyway? Ugh, anyway enjoy the story.

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WNYW-TV Commercial Breaks - Roseanne (Feb. 28, 1993) · 4:49pm Sep 19th, 2016

Commercials that aired during a broadcast of the syndicated version of *Roseanne* on WNYW-TV Fox Channel 5 in New York, in 1993. I think this aired on February 28 of that year.

Quaker Oatmeal
A Current Affair promo
Inside Edition promo
Tropicana Twister
Ultra Liquid Tide/Ultra Liquid Tide Refill

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Cleverpun's proposed collaborative story project - When They Break Away · 11:30am Apr 10th, 2017

Cleverpun came up with an idea for a collaborative story project, as noted in this post:

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Chapter 5 of Fallout Equestria: Black Cat is done! · 8:51am May 11th, 2016

Hey everyone! Chapter 5 is finished. I hope you like it. A very gracious person by the name of Starlight Nova has agreed to help edit, so that will certainly make things a little easier.

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Woot... · 1:55pm Apr 7th, 2016

Managed to get Heavy Crown out before the little vacation I have planned.

Next Set Adrift set is shaping up to be quite the big one (hey gotta get it all out). Still, I'm quite impressed I managed to write so much about a certain character. Then again, they are getting a bit more attention now in the canon too.


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VHS Commercial Breaks - VH1 - 04 14 97 · 8:17pm Jan 7th, 2017


Much Needed Vacation · 4:38am Nov 11th, 2017

Well, me and Bun Bun are off to Disney World. It is going to be a much needed vacation. This year brought a summer of overtime that just wouldn’t quit, my first attempt at a large collaboration story, and the 3/4 completion of an MLP40K story. Unfortunately, the first two items impacted my completion of the third by my original tentative deadline of November 1st here.

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Chapter 7 of Fallout Equestria: Black Cat is done · 8:57am Jul 12th, 2016

Hey guys! Chapter 7 of Fallout Equestria Black Cat is finally done. I hope you like it. This is the first really action oriented chapter of the story. It was pretty hard to write to be honest, but I think it turned out alright. I will try to get these out sooner, but I am little swamped with work. The other story I am writing, Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers, has been taking up more of my time. Plus my MST3K projects of course. I have finally found a system that has allowed me to actually put enough

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Let's get back to writing! · 1:22pm Mar 4th, 2017

Took a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge break from writing the Secret of Starswirl and I regret how long it's taken to get back to it. Hopefully you guys can forgive me. I just wasn't feeling motivated enough to want to continue writing for a while, so I just never got around to doing it.

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"I AIN'T DEAD!" · 1:32pm May 28th, 2020

So I have been on a hiatus a little longer than I expected: about a month, I believe. I won't bore you with the details of my personal issues, worsened by the quarantine, but I'm much better and raring to write some more about our favorite human/Fluttershy couple. (What do you MEAN it's not your favorite...? Fine. BE that way.)

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Currently Working On... And Other Random Thoughts · 7:00am Jun 16th, 2018

As pf now, I'm working on a story that's prologue begins with the birth of a child. I'm writing this chapter whiling listening to Korn. Perfect. Other than that, I don't have much planned for stories, other than a story following a character within that story. This is YellowHornBrony and, for now, and I'm headed back to work while Summer break lasts.

Random Thoughts:
What would you call the combination of a turtle and tortoise? Turtoise or Tortle?

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The Wager · 11:08pm May 19th, 2019

On a rainy night when the world has turned into black and white, a card game was going on a particular street in Ponyville. Inside a cafe where all the lights except for one that shines down on a table. Discord looked up from his hand at the stallion across from him. This said stallion held up his cards like a shield, scanning through his glasses.

"So I've heard your latest little dare turned out well."

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New Chapter of Breaking Stone! · 8:55pm Dec 12th, 2019

Hey guys! Just spent the past two to three hours writing the next part of Breaking Stone, and the new chapter is out now. Go and give it a read!


A New Year · 12:24am Jan 6th, 2022

Well, we've made it through another year. In these times we're facing now, let us mourn for those who didn't, and look to a future where we continue to grow and better ourselves. At least, that's what I'm aiming for. But, I'm sure that's not what all you guys wanna see. 😆

Next chapter progress: 82%

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In Hiatus Stories · 6:42am Jan 3rd, 2017

As many or most of you may or may not know there are two stories of mine that have this status.

The reason for this is because I actually have no idea whether or not I want to continue these stories and add more chapters.

[The only other two cases I would use this status is if I was doing an edit or rewrite of the story, if I ran out of (new) ideas (unlikely to ever happen) and if I am taking a break from it (temporarily of course).]

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After being gone · 4:01pm Nov 6th, 2021

I read Murky Number Seven

It's so sad but so good but so heartbreaking but so happy and sweet I just caaaannnnn't ;-;

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Viewing 301 - 320 of 531 results