
Viewing 301 - 320 of 772 results

Whoops. · 3:23am Oct 12th, 2016

I totally missed that I hit 200 blog posts. I wanted to do something for it. Like what I did for my 100th way back when.

Now I can't because I had a derp.


*Raises glass*

Here's to remembering to do something once I hit 250?



It has been over two months since my last chapter? · 7:56am Sep 26th, 2016

Yep, looks that way. I am working on the next chapter. It is at 11k currently and on the final scene.

Think I found my mojo again for writing. Still not a writer, but I am getting there, or at least getting better at not doing anything at all.

2016-09-29 Edit: Waiting on approval from pre-readers/proofreaders and it will be out before the month is over.


Brief KOTD update · 7:19am Aug 6th, 2017

After a decently eye-opening review, I'm going to be posting up one more chapter of KOTD, hen giving book one the last overhaul. There's a lot of tense issues and typos that microsoft word and myself didn't catch, as well as chapters that just...need more. I've been putting it off because reading all 142k words and editing them is exhausting. I may post up a random chapter or so while I'm doing this, but I don't plan to. Basically the deal is, when I first started writing, I had a "One chapter

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UPDATE - I'M NOT DEAD YET · 5:08am Dec 26th, 2016

So my spine is getting worse every day, my left leg is starting to give out while my right leg just hurts more and more every day. Breathing is still a battle of willpower and constant reminder that "Breath. OW, BREATH, OW" is just the way life has to be. I've been struggling through work because I have literally no other way to pay my bills but it is getting to near impossible for me to work anymore. If it continues to get worse (which is kind of the thing with this disease) I'll be out

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Question. · 2:19am Jan 21st, 2017

My story, Leading the Charge, has not been updated in a while. That is because, I have had severe writers block to the point where trying to write about it makes my mind feel dead inside:raritydespair:

So, if I can get at least 10 comments on this telling me not to cancel it, I won't. Otherwise, I will cancel it, and continue on to more important big fics, with small one-shots inbetween.

What do you guys think?


KOTD update · 4:36am Nov 27th, 2016

I've been adding bits and pieces to the newest chapter. Sorry, had a rough few weeks. Insomnia flared up for three consecutive which completely annihilated my schedule of crap I needed to do.


A couple of people have asked me if I'm dead. · 10:55am Jun 11th, 2018

Short answer: not yet.

The long answer is a little more complicated.

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KOTD Chapter 30...and 31 · 9:02am Oct 10th, 2016

So chapter 30 has ended up being so long, I'm going to break it up into two chapters. I'll post chapter 30 in a few days, then wait a week before posting chapter 31 when it's ready.


KOTD update: opinions needed · 8:30am Oct 29th, 2016

I know I need to be working on the last half of chapter 32 but I took a small break and finally fixed a small issue that has been bugging me: the short description. So far, here are the two top contenders and I'd like to ask everyone who's familiar with the story to give me their feedback WITHOUT SPOILERS PLEASE. Those of you unfamiliar with the story, please tell me which one would make you the most likely to check out the story. I may combine them when finished.

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Can I be honest? This is hard. · 6:34pm Nov 22nd, 2019

I'm not going to lie, this is hard and often times it comes down to money versus time. The more I have of one; the more I can put towards the other.

So yeah, this story is entirely reader and user funded. My writing, my streaming, my science videos (Which I am desperately behind on!) are all funded by you guys.

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I forgot Books Require BSDM To make · 6:19pm Oct 18th, 2019

The image says it all. They are going to print, if you want one here: Over HALF the order is already reserved.
Book HERE!


MLP Ships confirmed · 9:45pm Aug 28th, 2019

Hey guys,

I have some bad news for all you Dislestia shippers, it was very hard for me too, but....

FLUTTERCORD IS REAL!!:raritydespair::raritycry::applecry:

You are probably wondering how I found out, right?

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KOTD Chapter · 3:16am Oct 12th, 2016

Son of a bitch, this chapter is on the edge of being done but so help me God crap keeps popping up. Like last three days I have slept like crap. Just can't think straight long enough to finish off the chapter.


Blog Post #20 · 3:27am Sep 15th, 2020

I bet you thought I was dead.

So, yeah. That happened. I got really stuck on Chapter 10 after I released 9, and then school was an absolute nightmare. Turns out, not living on campus just makes it really hard to be successful your first year of college unless you're ready to work twice as hard. Or maybe not, and I just suck. But I need friends at school to be successful, and I had none because I didn't live on campus.

But this isn't a therapy appointment.

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Late night update. · 12:49am Nov 14th, 2016

Woah there Stinger, why you gotta post so late? It's like... 6:45 p.m. Wait, it's just dark out. Never mind.

New chapter up and stuff happens in it. What stuff? I don't remember. Everything is running together right now.


Next Print Project · 7:51pm Dec 17th, 2020

As some of you may know, I made a blog some time ago about how I had put the entirety of my Sunflower cycle into print format and put it on Lulu. My next formatting project is going to be doing the same thing, only with Dead by Sunset!

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Marathon Pt.3 · 8:16pm Dec 23rd, 2020

Moving day is here, such as it is. I say 'moving day' but honestly we're just going to be moving over the next week and a half trying to haul our lives between two places in the dead of winter.

To anyone and everyone who has supported me through this, whether that's financially, emotionally, or verbally, thank you. Every single one of you who has sat down and read my work, followed the adventures of my girls, and talked about them, has helped me.

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Will Be At Bronycon 2015# · 2:47am Jun 13th, 2015

If anyone one interesting in meeting me in person, I'll be there all 3-days. Just let me know if your interested here so I'll know to look for you. I'm finishing up these damn summer course, but once they are done I intend to post more MMBB. July is going to be a big posting month.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to meet more of you guys.


Just a small update · 11:46am Jun 19th, 2016

Soooo one of these status updates again, I am not dead I swear! I have been very busy with a mixture of work and Writing really long chapters. So below I am going to give you a list of what I am working on and how far along it is.

Fallout: Equestria - The Genesis Expreiment

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KOTD Update · 8:23am Jun 20th, 2017

I've been dividing my time between sprucing up previous chapters and writing the next one. It's going well so far, but man getting my brain to focus is hard. Also I keep getting ideas for scenes for future chapters. My gdoc of the story looks as disorganized as my room.

Viewing 301 - 320 of 772 results