
Viewing 301 - 320 of 764 results

Retcons and the impact of storytelling · 1:35am May 28th, 2020

Greetings. If a discussion revolving in the main around Mortal Kombat is not of interest to you, please disregard the following. If it is, be advised that spoilers of the recent release of Aftermath follow.

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kinda follow up (katie love i'm so sorry i'm not in bed yet-) to last blog · 2:31pm Jul 2nd, 2020

i've spent literal hours looking for the drama in my blog posts and looking at it and reading it?

oh i was definitely jealous but not in the way they thought i was dndsjk
babey gay didn't realize they were crushing hard on their best friend


Um Yikes. · 2:35pm Oct 6th, 2019

Uh... Hi guys.
I kinda left this fandom like about 4 years ago. Excuse me for any cringey and/or problematic shit I said when I was...11. Wow. That was weird.
I was weird.
I'm 16 now and I enjoy much more stuff now than MLP fanfics...don't worry, they're as cringey and weird as this...thing.

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πŸ‘€ what's this? πŸ€” a new story? 😏 but who is this handsome fellow who wrote it? πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€” · 10:16am Nov 28th, 2020

EWhy are our legs so long?!
Twilight here asking the REAL questions.
TechnoNerd · 1.2k words  ·  29  2 · 718 views

it me.

y'all get a little bonus story 'cause What If hit the big 250.


Totally not a shill post · 2:43am Jan 14th, 2016

Now, I'm a guy that likes cheap stuff. Cheap hamburgers, cheap video games, cheap booze and especially cheap art. That's why I decided I wouldn't shill my buddy Eve Ashgrove and her art. Nope. I'm not a sellout or anything here. Not letting the man keep me down, man. Not going to tell you about how right now she's offering a deal for a colored character piece for only fifteen american dollarydoos. Or how she's probably streaming tonight in a few hours at

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Preperations · 6:15pm Jan 17th, 2016

So, I'm planning on doing a shout-out to all of my friends if I reach 100 followers.
I would prefer if you don't try to do a shout-out for me unless you deem it necessary. I would like people to follow me for my quirky personality as seen by my previous blogs. And for those who don't read my bio, I am a teenage girl. Don't just follow me for that either. Just look for personality of a friend, not a date.


It's done. · 6:59am Apr 28th, 2016

And with a couple o' days to spare too.

Cuttin' it kinda close there...

Stay classy.


Coming soon to Unicorn x Unicorn · 10:46pm Sep 30th, 2015

Taking advantage of her distraction, the crab scuttled away from Sunset's field of vision and promptly clamped its claw on her tail.

She laughed when Twilight made the connection.

Trixie's eyes were narrowed and she sent a sharp glare his way.

Twilight gestured to the sudden arrival. β€œThis is Undine. A water spirit.”

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Flurry Heart (Yes, That Is Her Name) · 6:44pm Feb 4th, 2016

For those reading this who don't know, Flurry Heart is the child of Shining Armor and Cadence.

Am I the only one who thinks she's hideous? That's a horrific colour scheme! Although, I can't hate her too much. She has made me add a drop-in to my headcanon, which has been helpful, because for those who don't know, I very much enjoy the 'Long-suffering Immortal' trope.


The Day Ponyfic Kept Me Out of the Emergency Room · 2:27am Nov 4th, 2015

Today: A Litany

Didn't sleep well, lots of pain and fatigue.
Had to talk to the boss about pain and fatigue.
Fire drill goes off before I can.
Forced down 13 flights of steps by an asshole.(not because he was doing his job, mind you, but because he was an unprofessional asshole whilst doing it.)
Paramedics(on hand for the drill) called over.
My chronic fatigue and pain are put on display for all my co-workers.
Also put on display for every other business in the complex.

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STUPID COLLEGE · 9:08pm Jun 30th, 2015

So, yesterday, my courses for my college classes for online began. Problem is, I wasn't able to look at the assignments until late last night because the computer was occupied by everyone but me. It's not like I could even do any of these assignments because I don't even have the book for the course I'm taking. And the worst part? So many of the assignments involving the book are due tomorrow.

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WHAT · 3:54pm Jun 27th, 2015


Endings Suck: A roundabout schedule update · 4:41am Aug 21st, 2017

I've been wondering how to write this blog post for the better part of four weeks. I liked the idea of a longer post working out feelings, or musing about the nature of grief, or sharing an experience with a rejected Simpsons couch gag* that became eerily relevant not twelve hours later. I might still do one of those things, but for now there's no way other way to say it than to say it.

My father passed away last month. To the day, in fact.

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Bucky Dee James and Nashville Explosion - It's Now or Never (1977) · 9:25am Feb 1st, 2017

Lo and behold, instead of buying this destruction of Elvis' romantic opera* at Bookman's, I downloaded it off the internet.

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Time and Tide · 3:06am Feb 2nd, 2017

Past and future are intersecting in this blog. Firstly, AShadowOfCygnus surprised me with a reading of one of my very first stories on the site. If you ever wanted to hear what Featherweight sounded like after puberty, listen below:

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And Now, Words from Our Sponsor (YTV; 12-03-16) · 11:42am Dec 5th, 2016

Very recent, but I thought about posting a 27-minute set of commercial breaks that aired during a YTV telecast from this past Saturday. These breaks are from an airing of HOME ALONE (1990), Fox's perennial holiday favourite and (by my estimate) one of the few films that most everyone has seen at least once. Several ads are repeated more than once!


You ever had one of those nights... · 12:30am Sep 28th, 2015

...where you're tired, and you want to work on your current story but you're not in the mood to write plus you can't think of what to write at the moment, and at the same time you're trying to work on an animation for your channel AND an animation that somebody else wants you to do because the other twat animator he knows won't do it, and you also are trying to see if your love interest is willing to come up to your upcoming Halloween party?

Because I am right now. And it sucks balls.

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At Canterlot KC Today · 4:40pm Oct 27th, 2017

If you're in the area, stop by and say hello! I'm in a panel with priest at 5:30, and I have to, like, not swear or something. This should be interesting.


P.S. I'll be dressed as the smooze at one point or another.


It Is Happening · 5:14pm Jun 8th, 2016

That Zootopia/MLP Crossover? Yeah. It's happening.

*Foreign - COMING SOON!

Brohoof /)

*Plot details to be released later


Why Our Villains Are Different Now and The Incredibles · 2:31am Nov 29th, 2018

Viewing 301 - 320 of 764 results