
Viewing 301 - 320 of 914 results

compare and contrast (non self-promotion blog) · 10:51pm May 15th, 2016

Okay so after I left church today, I started thinking about something. Over the past 9 yrs. or so I have definitely changed quite a bit. Like how when I was nine my voice was super high-pitched and my singing voice was rather baritone. But now that i'm 18 my voice sounds something like this:

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I need someone to talk to.... · 2:39am Sep 14th, 2017

So... I've never done this before but I really need to talk to someone about this... even if no one responds it'll make me feel a little better to have said it somewhere... So a few hours earlier today I talked with my best friend... sorta... we just sat there in silence. I read a book and she was on her phone.. I tried to start conversations but they all faded out... I texted her (we have serious talks over texts) that I didn't like that we don't talk anymore. We would talk and have fun all

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This cat I can relate to xD · 2:27am Aug 18th, 2016

Report Misspegasister_ · 244 views · #hate #sad #cat #cute #funny

Sadness · 4:29am Jan 6th, 2019

Hey all. No Smash talk this time, as you can surmise. Instead, today I learned that the K-Mart in my area will be shutting down in March, and is undergoing a fire sale of sorts. A little silly you may think to be bummed out about a dying retail brand, and certainly the end appeared nigh for quite some time. But, this store at least, meant something to me.

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Car Update - Unhappy Ending · 12:52am Feb 24th, 2021

I spent a good amount of money taking three different Ubers across the city, as well as paying the tow place to try and get my car out of lockup. Unfortunately, when I went to actually check on the car, well...

To quote the Dude himself:

"Well, they finally did it... They killed my fucking car."

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Report TheVClaw · 531 views · #Update #Sad #Help #Donate #Patreon

BurgerTac's Wild Ride · 8:29am May 1st, 2019

Hello all (not like anyone's following me haha), it is I, BurgerTac (formerly known as Official Taco), back to the MLP ride before it ends. I gotta say, this series went a long way, huh? I still remember barely coming into middle school when this show was barely reaching it's first year. I wasn't really at the best spot at the time (as most teenagers), what with disrespecting authority and being "independent".

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My husband is the best part two · 12:49am Feb 15th, 2017

So, yesterday my bracelet broke. (see last blog post) I have had it for three years so when it broke I was devastated... I've been on edge and anxious. And Hubby noticed. So he vanished and returned with McDonalds, super glue, and an elastic band. He fixed my bracelet! is of course only temporary until my new one gets here but I have my bracelet again on my wrist... I cried. I am so very lucky...


Gene Wilder has Passed Away · 9:03pm Aug 29th, 2016

There are few celebrities that I feel genuine heartbreak over when they pass, and many have gone this year. Yesterday, we lost another one. My heart aches from knowing this man is no longer in the world. I will always, always cherish his movies and his words. How he taught me that a little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men. That we are music makers and dreamers of dreams. That the only thing that should concern us is the preservation of life. And of course that you should

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Report anonpencil · 434 views · #Gene wilder #RIP #death #sad

Story Recommendation · 12:23am Jan 8th, 2017


There's times I remember this clip and now with Gen 4's end just feels strangely right to sum up my feelings. · 5:46pm Mar 8th, 2019

I'm unable to do a thing to change it and maybe I know even if I could, I wouldn't but it doesn't stop this scene from plaguing my mind

Report Garfield23 · 155 views · #Season 9 #Gen 4 #sadness

What moments did you enjoy? · 10:24pm Apr 4th, 2020

So I just wanted to ask you all some questions about my stories.

  • What moment in any of my stories did you find uplifting?
  • What did you find the be the saddest scene in any of my stories?
  • What is your favorite character?
  • Which story did you like the best?

I was just really curious so I thought I would ask. :pinkiesmile:


New story dropping NOW! · 3:13pm May 12th, 2023


TWith a Terrible Brightness
The brightest days are for when we must do the most terrible things.
Winston · 3.9k words  ·  162  5 · 1.8k views

Here's a thing I wrote. Gold medal winner in a writeoff, now cleaned up and published here on FimFiction!

Check it out if you're a huge Celestia fan, like me. :trollestia:

Or if you just like stories, I guess. Also like me. :twilightsmile:

Thanks as always to the writeoff crew for comments and critique in the writeoff event.


UPDATE: Everything V.2 · 3:32am Jul 25th, 2019

Hello everyone, Erina Shindou here. Or as you can all refer to me now Maxine Fowl.

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The End is Nigh. Near? Neigh? Nah. · 2:00am Jul 29th, 2019

The theme of recent days around the 'web has been, "the fandom is dying."

No it's not. It's changing.

But that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.

I have to say I was doing good until about a day ago when Twitter suddenly filled up with "it's the last BronyCon" tweets and I also --for reasons I have no idea why I did this-- looked at the FimFic site stats and saw the declining new accounts and story submissions over the last few years.

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Report cogwheelbrain · 270 views · #end #mlp #sad #hurt #WAAAAHHHH

Another Important Update. · 6:23pm Apr 3rd, 2016

I've just gotten some of the worst news ever. I'm moving. Again. This time to the one place I hate more than any other: Colorado. I will most likely be gone at the end of this month. And so as of now everything is back on Hiatus. I don't know when I'll be back.

I'm going to need a lot of therapy in the coming days.

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Report Inazuma · 382 views · #sad #moving #Colorado #hiatus #therapy

Why I'm Static · 1:48am Sep 23rd, 2015

I'm sorry that I'm not putting much on this site.

Okay? I mean that. I really do.

I wish I could focus more on No More Ponies and Equestrylvania, but for the past few months, in addition to the storyline fuckup and the subsequent burnout it caused me, I've been up to my nipples in work. Stage performance turned out to be much more demanding than I anticipated, and so, I'm quitting my burger-flipping job to focus more on it.

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Its dying... · 1:42am Apr 21st, 2016

If you look for pony things these days there rare to be new on sites like youtube and most popular bronies have left the fandom or have stoped obsessing about it which depress me deeply.

This website is one of the few places left full of pones and sutch ;-;

Long live Fimfiction.


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Statement · 6:04am Apr 6th, 2018

As you can see two stories have been released but I recommend everyone to read One Last Time so that it doesn't get over shadowed by A Day Of Love


I'm discontinuing some stories.. · 9:42pm Apr 11th, 2018

Yup, this is not a joke. Some stories havn't seen the light of day as many others, so I decided to get rid of some. Here's the list of stories I plan to throw in the bin:

Asgore's Newest Best Friend

Skull Kid & Discord's Day off

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Life During The Pandemic 2 · 1:08am Apr 7th, 2020

Hello any and all. I hope everyone is happy and healthy. If you're not happy, or if you're like me and prone to bouts of depression, then I hope you're distracted at the very least. Now, I want to try and establish the comments sections on these blog as a safe place where you can talk about what you've been doing, while not having to talk about the current situation. I prefer to talk as little as possible about it, to think about other things and keep myself happy/distracted. I want the

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Viewing 301 - 320 of 914 results