
Viewing 321 - 340 of 703 results

Honest Apple: Review · 12:00am May 15th, 2017

Honest Apple: Review

Ha! An episode about Critiquing, perhaps I won't barf as much as I usually do.

Hmmm, and indeed I haven't barfed as much, I really applaud Applejack's attitude, she's acting exactly like... ME.

The way she

-Doesn't lie
-Points out the flaws in people who don't listen
-And isn't really being a bully because shes not saying hurtful things (I only say hurtful things to other people cuz they said horrid things to me first)

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Chapter 5 of "The Expansive Romance of Applebloom and Coral Leaf" is now up, and a few other words. · 3:01am Feb 14th, 2017

Well, after an extra-long Birthday week last week (with a day spent cleaning, a workplace party with drinks and frivolity, and a party with friends over the weekend), I finally got finished setting up and sending out Chapter 5!

Given the few words I've seen so far (and the added 'thumbs up' and 'favorites'), it looks like I'm actually doing okay with this story.

Plus, the 'energy drink buzz' of seeing the positives, has got my brain functioning again on how to 'spice up' Chapter 7!

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KOTD good news and bad news · 1:26pm Jan 8th, 2017

Good news is I have chapter 34 done bad news is I'm still working on chapter 33. There's a lot in this chapter so I'm making sure everything is perfect, then I'll have to wait for my prereaders to give it a once over. Thanks for your patience!


Chapter 10 of "The Expansive Romance of Applebloom and Coral Leaf" is now up! · 4:21pm May 29th, 2017

Well, we finally reached the double-digits, and a rather important turning-point chapter with this one.

Most of this was written on a trip I took a few weeks ago, though as I've gotten this far in the story, it can be kind of difficult to get my thoughts and feelings out regarding what is coming up.

Things are coming, that I think even I am wondering if I can pull off...


Episode Review: The Mane Attraction · 6:11pm Dec 9th, 2015

It's a spoiler spectacle! Get your spoiler spectacles, fresh from the oven! Oy, and I don't care I'm mixing two Applejack episodes. Ba-da-bing, that's right: it's Applejack!

She's not the spectacle, though, though as Amy Keating Rogers's final outing with DHX before joining Disney's staff, you can certainly expect something big.

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Chapter 7 of "The Expansive Romance of Applebloom and Coral Leaf" is now up, and an update! · 5:58pm Mar 18th, 2017

Well, sound of the gun, but I got Chapter 7 up before I have to take off for a Friend's party today!

This is a pretty crucial chapter, despite it seeming to be a lot of nothing...but there definitely is something there.

I can't tell much more than that, as I want those who are my avid readers, to give this chapter (the longest one yet!), a read.

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Apple Bloom - Has Anybody Seen My Pal? / Oh, So Nice! (Warner Bros. 7381) (FIMFICTION Master No. 521714) · 5:19pm Aug 5th, 2015

Five foot two, eyes of blue,
But oh! what those five foot could do,
Has anybody seen my girl?
Turned-up nose, turned-down hose,
All dressed up in fancy clothes
Has anybody seen my pal?

Now if you run into a five-foot-two
Covered with skin,
Diamond rings, and all those things,
Bet your life it isn't him,
But could he love, yes, could he woo,
Yes, could he, could he, could he coo!
Has anybody seen my pal?

C'mon everybody!

Five foot two, eyes of blue,

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Friendship is Card Games: The Magic Apple and EXTREME BINGO! · 11:10am Jul 21st, 2019

Would you look at that. We’re actually getting some comics in this hiatus. Only one blog’s worth, since there’s an EqG special airing next week, but we still have time to look into Pinkie and Rainbow Dash wreaking havoc in their own particular ways, along with Toni “Pencils” Kuusito’s premiere as an official comic artist.

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Chapter 8 of "The Expansive Romance of Applebloom and Coral Leaf" is now up! · 11:02pm Apr 30th, 2017

Well, finally got off my caboose and got this chapter proofread, and released!

As explained before, after the rather lukewarm reception to the last chapter (which marks a turning point in the story!), I got a bit low, though thanks to Dommy128 and AppleOrPie for their little pep-talks.

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Chapter 17 of "The Expansive Romance of Applebloom and Coral Leaf" is still coming · 5:10pm Oct 14th, 2017

For those wondering, yes, I am still working on the story.

I actually went to Manhattan for 4 days last week, and have been rolling the experience around in my head, to see if I could work some of what I saw into the next chapter.

I'm hoping to have something in the next week, but we're still on course.


Chained to the Plow Maybe Sequel · 4:18pm Oct 25th, 2021

Howdy, hi!

So I'm going to do a post mortem on Chained to the Plow as I do for my bigger stories, but for now...

I'm kind of thinking of a sequel for this story.

So, I don't like writing the Cutie Mark Crusaders... normally, but Apple Bloom kind of took my heart in this story.

So! Sequel thought because I want to write more about her.

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The first POV change I've ever made~ · 4:31pm Aug 17th, 2022

Today, I uploaded the second chapter of Siren Days and I feel like it's a pretty big accomplishment~ Even though the chapter is short (Expect all chapters for this short story to be short), this marks the first time I've done a POV change in my story. Don't worry, it won't happen a LOT outside of this short story, but it's still an achievement for me~ Regardless, enjoy the short upload!

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Give the CMC some motivation · 3:49am Jul 28th, 2019

I've been reading a bunch of Anon-a-Miss fics lately and have noticed a trend. A lot of people flesh out Sunset and her past, present and future. A good number of them give other side characters a chance to shine, from Gilda to Octavia, from Sirens to shadowbolts. A lot less give their time to the main 5 and how and why they react like they do. But I haven't seen any (yet) that give the CMC some motivations for their actions besides what is already said in the comic. Which is wierd considering

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Where is the borderline between punishment and revenge? · 10:26pm Apr 14th, 2019

That's the question John will have to answer, in the latest chapter:

TFriendship Is Magic! ... Unless You Are a Human
After a catastrophic introduction, a former soldier is struggling to adjust to his new life – facing ponies prejudice. Observing his ordeal - Celestia is starting to question how kind and forgiving her subjects really are...
Huk · 126k words  ·  282  46 · 6.2k views

With Rainbow Dash's dreams in his hands (or rather, hand) – he'll have to decide for himself, how far is he willing to go, before justice, turns into revenge.


The future of The Stranger and Her Friend · 10:10pm Dec 20th, 2017

Hello everybody! Long time, no see.

I recently got a comment on my user page that said:

Are [we] going to see more of The Stranger and Her Friend?

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Aftermath and more Family Facade news. · 1:35am Nov 3rd, 2022

So my artist is busy with her regular job, but I have a rough sketch of the cover art. I like it, and I am excited about the story release. So I will make a few more chapters for the story. The Aftermath of the Blanks chapter is halfway done. I will need someone to read it and double-check it for mistakes. I still am having issues posting images to the site. I am going to use a different browser and try that. Hopefully, it will work. I MIGHT need someone to make an idiot's guide on how to post

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Any ideas for a sequel to Arts and Crafts? · 7:04pm March 3rd

I just started writing I'm about 200 words in and so far it's just a lil scene of Apple Bloom getting off to the idea of Diamond Tiara. I'm unsure what to write now I need ideas for where I should take the story and just overall interesting plot ideas.


My Review of MLP: FIM season 7 episode 9 Honest Apple · 1:16am April 8th

Grading Scale:

A (fantastic episode)
A- (an excellent episode with at least one flaw)
B+ (a great episode with a couple of flaws)
B (a good episode which still could have been better)

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Ch 4 of "The Expansive Romance of Applebloom and Coral Leaf" is now up! · 6:49am Jan 25th, 2017

Well, thought I probably would have put this out earlier this evening, but found I had some touch-ups to make that needed to be made!

I think this chapter will really be a fun one for people to read. We're moving a bit beyond the character set-ups, and more into the 'meat' of the story.

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Crusadervania Progress Update [ARTWORK] · 2:50pm Dec 5th, 2015

Getting pretty late in the day so let me make this quick.

Crusadervania is certainly happening, but I need help picking a cover! Here's what I have planned:

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Viewing 321 - 340 of 703 results