
Viewing 321 - 340 of 641 results

I'm back. · 10:25pm Aug 25th, 2022

New story up.

At Everfree Northwest until Monday, so it's very likely I'll see some of you there.

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Released new chapter · 4:04am Mar 21st, 2022

Is it perfect? No. That's impossible. Perfection is an unreachable standard.

Is it at least a new chapter that I have partially cobbled together from ideas I had for like six months and at least attempts to push some stuff slightly forward into a new kind of normal? I mean probably.

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Yep... It's back, and so am I. :) · 6:45pm Dec 24th, 2022

If you've been missing it or missed it the first time, folks, here's a seasonal treat, just in time for the holidays: A Very Grim Hearth's Warming, Chapter TWO! (And only 364 days later, how about that! :twilightblush:)


Chapter 8 Update · 4:08pm Mar 23rd, 2021

Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that Chapter 8 isn’t ready just yet. Things have been very hectic over here so I’ve had to prioritize my projects. Hopefully I’ll have something in early April at the latest!

Aside from that, I’m still sporadically streaming (though that too has declined for the same reason as above) so if you want to keep up to date with what I’m doing and working on, follow me on Twitter, @Cornutt101.

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TIL that Webkinz got rebooted. · 8:08am Dec 23rd, 2020



Still got my old account from when I was in like 2nd grade. HMU @ventu1 in the Webkinz clubhouse or something I guess. I might log in again in another half a year. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


A Eulogy for a Friend · 7:01pm Dec 24th, 2023

It's okay now.
You can close your eyes.
You're safe now.
No more pain.
No more pinpricks and needles to deliver cold shots of insulin, day after day.
No more half-blindly running into chairs.
No more needing to stay still and calm, unable to even play with the toys you once threw around.
Last night, you came to me in a dream, watching me silently as I relived your final moments, easing out your final gasps on the carpet upstairs.
And you were okay then.

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Super Mario RPG - Is Smithy Still Alive? | SwankyBox · 12:29pm Jun 22nd, 2016


State of the Scribe: June 2024 · 10:39pm June 1st

Another month has arrived, and it's time for an update. Will I be brief or ramble this time? Find out soon!

New stuff first, since I know that's going to be the most interesting to most people. We'll start with Accidental Sunshine, there at the bottom.

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Wonderbolts Are Apparently Horrible Ponies · 7:15pm Sep 19th, 2015

Just saw the new episode. No spoilers here, but I will say the more I see of the Wonderbolts, the more I realize the organization is full of ruthless backstabbers. I can see why Lightning Dust fit in. Her only real flaw was being too obvious. I honestly worry about Rainbow if she ever gets in. She's too naive to be devious, and she's extremely gullible.

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Been Busy Lately · 10:46pm Nov 13th, 2016

Sorry for the long wait guys, but I've been busy trying to get Spiders and Magic: Infinity started as well as working on a collab with my good friend FrostTheWolf on his story When Lighting Strikes.

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The 100 · 1:53am Aug 31st, 2017

I have somehow managed to entice one-hundred humans into clicking the follow button. This pleases me. To celebrate, I shall do...

That's about as much as I've got at the moment. I am open to suggestions, however.

Have a Pinkie.


It's Decided and I'm Excited · 1:32pm Oct 6th, 2017

Fans of A Thief's Tale, I have come to a conclusion. I'm hype af to share with you that The War will not be the ending arc. Nah fam, I'm not ready for the journey to end. There will be another arc on top of the wind-down/Epilogue, so let's see how far that gets us.


I Feel Like Sharing · 11:12pm Dec 11th, 2015

I made this segment about twelve hours ago. It's building upon a project I started a couple years back. The rest of the project needs some considerable work, but this segment here is something I'm fond of. Mainly because it's fresh and not overbearing.

Music for my Ikusa project. Likely to be unattached to any one story.

That's all.



Still here still here working through my issues 2 · 4:02am Mar 19th, 2017

Well hello again. Been a while though not to the extent where I just skipped the entirety of February in terms of saying hello.

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the cloverfield paradox · 6:52pm Feb 5th, 2018


Bigass Update Incoming!!! · 6:31am Oct 28th, 2018

It’s been quite a long time since I’ve posted anything, hasn’t it? Even longer still in regard to relevant updates for writing progress, since my previous blog was about me gushing over the fact DMC5 is a thing. BTW, everything shown (except for slo-mo cam and the song “subhuman”) is amazing. Also, Spyro is coming out VERY soon, so I’m excited about that. Not to mention Darksiders 3 is at the end of next month. So many good games on the horizon...

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Crystal's Crossover Wedding in The New Salamander. · 10:10pm Sep 7th, 2017

I don't like making blogs about this story mainly because I don't know if the news is good or bad. It's still on hiatus, I'm just trying to finish that wedding crossover with Crystal and shagohad12's Freya. We've cut down on authors to try and make it more manageable. So the authors that are still on board are: shagohad12, thunderclap, and shinigamisparda. We're doing our best, it's just that we did not expect this to take as long as it is, so I thank you for your patience.


Merry Christmas, my bronies! · 1:24am Dec 26th, 2018

It's been ages since anyone's heard from me, but rest assured, I'm still alive! Unfortunately, I've done basically no work on Many Futures, and I really need to get back to it... but I just don't have as much time as I used to. See, I got me a job. A REAL job, not some temp shtick. It's a burger joint, but I'm enjoying it. That and Duel Links is taking up a ton of my time.

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What (At Least Semi-) Famous Stories On This Site Should I Write Dumb Parodies Of? · 5:20pm Dec 22nd, 2020

I want to try writing some miniature parodies, that are like maybe 100 to 500 words or so and put a bunch of them together in a single compilation, since I have struggled to write things that are at least a thousand words lately. How these usually work, with occasional exceptions, is that I don't read the story I'm parodying itself (other than maybe the first chapter sometimes), but rather only some or all of the comments on it and any reviews it's gotten from people like present perfect or

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12 Followers! · 12:48am Jul 14th, 2016

This is sick!
12 really is such a beautiful number.
Okay, so, right. How do I begin?
The imperial system (the system that the USA and old British people use) has a thing called a foot. I would assume most people know this. I would also assume that most people know that a foot can be divided into 12 inches. And that's great!

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Viewing 321 - 340 of 641 results