
Viewing 321 - 340 of 727 results

Night ending on a terrible note · 4:21am Sep 2nd, 2016

I made it to the Metroid Queen, but I can't beat her to save my life. I keep getting overwhelmed by the Metroids she sends out, I can't kill them fast enough, and usually one of the others grabs me while I'm trying to kill one with my missiles.

This was a fun game up until this point. I HATE when games do that, especially when its at the end. I feel almost stupid not being able to beat it.

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Quote of the Week · 12:37am Jan 28th, 2016

Wow...had some real winners this time. I narrowed it down to three before choosing this gem. It's just too Sombra.

"He doesn't want to die, but he keeps on saying things that make me want to kill him. I don't get it. I just don't get it."
~King Sombra

Sew Far, Sew Good


Chapter 6 is Done. · 6:00pm Jun 14th, 2016

See ya tomorrow with it.
Now to get back into gear with Dazzling Sunset.

Stay classy.


Re-opening Something Magical This Way Comes · 2:18pm Jun 17th, 2016

So it has finally been rewritten!
Something Magical This Way Comes is back up and running! Or at least cantering gently along!
Been looking forward to getting some fresh momentum going on this story, it was my first one, and I set it on a back burner after a break up with my special somepony of the time. But that was then and this is now, so let's ride this train!

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Worst... episode... ever... (Details added now that the stunned daze has cooled a bit) · 4:30pm Apr 6th, 2019

Jesus christ... I don't even know where to begin..

Holy crap, that was some of the sloppiest schlock hack writing the show has ever vomited forth.

Screw all continuity, laziest Deus Ex ever... my god. Thank goodness the show is ending.

I'm just going to list the most glaring things that were utterly wrong, and a few of the lacking developments. I sat in shock at the diarrhea of writing I'd just seen splashed upon the screen for a time.

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A new contribution to the collaboration: It Started with a Video (by EclipseFairy) · 7:19pm Mar 10th, 2017

That’s right, Bad Dragon Clop Collaboration is still well alive and kicking. The latest chapter is from the talented author:

Since I know you just want to dive in and read this new contribution, I present to you:

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My Day · 12:17am Jul 26th, 2016

It's been good and bad. I'll try to write more positive things than negative. My period came five days early, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. I correctly predicted it and not a bloodstain was to be found when I woke up. :pinkiegasp:I went to Goodwill with my mom and got some dresses and a pair of overalls. Then we went to Hobby Lobby for ribbon and lace. I applied for a job there while I was at it. I made the cups for a bralette made of lace. I'm excited to get the rest

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Not again...I really need to stop reading other fanfiction... · 4:08pm Jun 27th, 2018

So as the title suggests I may have started another fiction. I mean do you ever feel like you wrote yourself into a corner with older stories and are kinda of tired of trying to write the same damn thing differently each time? Because I do. Well I do now. After three unfinished fictions. I mean who is to say I may just have an issue with finishing things...I mean I do, hurray executive dysfunction...but yeah so here it is again. But here we are again me telling you lot about how I have a new

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My first read. · 2:01pm Mar 28th, 2017

I finally made my own video. I hope everyone likes it. Next time I'll make it a read and review
My video
The original story is here. It was written by Bad Dragon. Go and follow.


Sudden Expenses & A Fundraising Marathon · 6:31pm Nov 30th, 2020

I'm not gonna lie y'all, this has been a rough month, and things are not setting up to get any better.

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Part Five is Live · 5:00am Sep 16th, 2018

Part five is finished and ready to read.




Putin is a massive, cocksucking dickhead who deserves to die a slow, painfull death in a ditch somewhere, impotent and alone in his own feces whilst wild crows feasts on his soft parts · 9:48am Feb 23rd, 2022

That's basically it.


"Are Bronies a Good or Bad Fandom?" Debunked · 2:57pm May 12th, 2021

I'm getting tired of debunking only Mykan. But here we are again with... wait...

This isn't a blog post by Mykan, this is a forum post by... not Mykan! Not only that, but it's a group dedicated to... well, not Anti-Bronies like Mykan. But basically a group for anyone opposed to everything past Season 3, if not earlier. So let's see what we have...

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Trotcon, July 15-17 · 12:09am Jul 12th, 2022

I expect to give a talk on the structure of fimfiction at Trotcon this weekend, assuming I finish it in time. It's basically what I posted in Author clusters question.

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Changes and Delays for Starforge – Weekly Update · 6:25pm Apr 1st, 2022

Hey guys! Max here with a weekly news post, and buckle up, because we’ve got some big updates to talk about.

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Chapter 31, Finally · 9:13pm Sep 16th, 2022

Kept you waiting, huh?

Business first. XXXI: Of Resurrections is being released alongside this blog. Nine months is a long wait, and it shouldn't have taken me this long, but alas here we are. I think it's a pretty good chapter! It's been reviewed by no less than five of my editors, with a sixth unfortunately being too busy with work to get more than a quarter of the way through it. I'm very excited to see what everyone thinks.

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"Contraptionolgy!" physical copy now available! · 2:12pm Oct 25th, 2021

Hey there guys, gals and enby pals! So, as you may have intuited from my previous blog post featuring cover art by incomparable pixel-wrangler and all-around amazingly nice guy NadnerbD, my novel-length mad science everypony crackfic Contraptionology! is getting a full-on paper version, containing fewer typos but the exact same number of dated early-fandom and pop culture references!

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Empress Theresa: Chapter Three Analysis · 5:58pm Apr 5th, 2023

Instead of anything interesting, we are dragged through Theresa’s time at college. Boston College, to be exact. This is in alignment with the author’s Christian beliefs, Boston College being a Jesuit institution. We are then treated to a whole page’s worth of infodump about BC which Boutin seems to have gleaned from the introductory paragraph on the college’s wikipedia page. There is no reason for us to know any of this, unless the story concerns exactly the number of how many undergrads there

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[03/07/2021] Rewrites and Reworks. · 8:33pm Jul 3rd, 2021

So, haven't seen much from me for a bit, and there's a reason for that:

I've been rewriting and reworking the prologue chapter for Future Tactics - The War Games! The original Prologue was around 12 500 words, but considering how much I desperately needed to rewrite it, to bring it up to my current standards, it's coming along well! About 3000 words into the rewrite, and it should help fix some of my glaring issues that still come up from the original.

Now, on to other things:

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Empress Theresa: Chapter Eight Analysis · 8:04pm Apr 17th, 2023

Okay. Whew! The story’s back on track. No more interviews or BBC montages to fill in exposition. Here’s a tip for anyone who decides to write a story with a first person narrative: the entire story happens from the perspective of the narrating character. This means that there’s no room for exposition to fill in any blanks that the character might not know about. Theresa even says at the beginning of the story that she doesn’t know how some things happened because she wasn’t there, even though

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Viewing 321 - 340 of 727 results