
Viewing 321 - 340 of 392 results

Resuming work on Midnight Rising & announcing a new M-rated story by AJ_Aficionado · 7:17pm Feb 18th, 2021

The latter was just released. It was written for a clop challenge issued by the World's Strongest Writer (i.e., the immortal Shakespearicles): He's been offering an Incest is Wincest Found Out February Contest with a $200 top prize.

[Adult story embed hidden]

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Pausing Nightmare Night; Firefly in progress · 2:54pm Mar 9th, 2020

After three months working more or less exclusively on it, Nightmare Night goes on a brief hiatus. Here's the full status on it plus future plans:

Seven side story chapters posted

I kept my promise to get two more Temptations & Transformations side story chapters posted this past week for seven total. With more content comes more likes; I picked up four new upvotes there over the past couple days.

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My Hero Academia ➤ The Story of Overhaul ➤ The rise and fall of one of the greatest anime villains · 11:43pm Apr 28th, 2019


Warhammer 40k - Dawn of War II - Chaos Rising OST · 2:30pm Jul 12th, 2018


Slight change of plans... · 4:00pm Jan 13th, 2022

I said before that the next Feathered Hearts main story chapter would cover the events of chapter 7 of the original story in its entirety. Unfortunately, the chapter got too big, and I’m not going to give readers a 17,000 word entry that’s basically an info dump instead of action. So I’m splitting it up. On the bright side, this means you’ll get two ~8500 word releases in a matter of days.

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[TF2] Trashmann Rising · 11:55am Sep 5th, 2022


Nightmare Night update/teaser and good news for Feathered Hearts fans · 3:28pm Jan 17th, 2023

The new Nightmare Night chapter is now well over 14k words and climbing as it's still not finished. I have one more sequence and transition to complete, which will likely leave this up over 16k words by the time all editing passes/prereads are done. That's on the verge of needing to be split up, but I'll try to avoid that, as I'd honestly prefer this epic battle of friends-turned-foes to be contained within a single chapter.

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Midnight Rising chapter 16 draft complete · 10:43pm Feb 25th, 2023

It’s with prereaders now, weighing in at 14k words. Unfortunately, it turned out I couldn’t put in everything I wanted to without the chapter length approaching around 25k words, which is way too much for a clopfic IMO. But I found a convenient breakpoint (which, me being me, means another cliffhanger!) So there will be one more chapter to close out the griffie goodness of the story and complete the setup for the climax of Nightmare Night.

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Finished chapter draft of Eros at last! · 8:34pm Jul 10th, 2023

It’s been fun, but also an ordeal at times to write, folks. I’m pleased to say that it’s not only finished, but that the first prereader review is already in and quite positive—thanks, AJ_Aficionado! I’ll be aiming for a Thursday night release; expect it to be around 11k words.

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C&C part 36 in prereads - teaser available · 3:56pm May 22nd, 2023

There’s good news and bad news. The good news is you’re going to be getting another 12k word entry soon. The bad news is I elected to break it up again, to get it out before I go on vacation. So there will be one final trailing part to this now not-so-mini story arc, whose contents will be obvious once you read the end of the new chapter.

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Magic Unleashed! And now... · 10:13pm Jan 4th, 2016

Well, folks... Midnight's vengeance is complete! Hope you enjoyed the ride! :rainbowwild: You know what's coming next, but not right away. There are a couple things I have to get to first, including an editing job/rewrite of a friend's story and adding a new chapter to one of my other existing works.

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State of The Stories Report · 1:16am Oct 28th, 2016

The latest chapter release of Five Star Service was, by most measures, a success. It featured for a couple hours for the first time in perhaps a dozen chapters, and gained nine faves for it. However, it also picked up three downvotes, which never happened on a single chapter save the first. That's the problem with featuring; it gets your more notice but you risk more downvotes as well... and downvotes tend to affect your story rating much more than upvotes.

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Firefly Part 15 and casting call update · 4:07pm Mar 19th, 2019

I'm 5,000 words into the new chapter, and it'll probably be at least 15,000 before all is said and done for the penultimate action at Epsilon. I'll have to consider breaking it up into multiple chapters if gets much bigger than that.

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Midnight Rising/Feathered Hearts update + Feathered Hearts unused scene · 4:24pm Aug 30th, 2023

I have two releases targeted for September. One is a second chapter of Midnight Rising. The other, Feathered Hearts fans will be happy to know, is a fresh chapter of Continuation and Chronicles. Feels about time to write it.

Midnight Rising

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1 a.m. Ramble · 6:17am Dec 21st, 2019

I promise you I'm not drunk.

So, with all this talk about "Rise of Skywalker" (which I have still yet to see) and it got me wanting to watch the Family Guy Star Wars episodes (which I hadn't seen since "It's A Trap" aired). Which seems kinda weird, because, I'm like "when was the last time I watched a full Family Guy episode and not just a compilation video on YouTube?"

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100 likes for Feathered Hearts: Eros! · 6:23pm Aug 27th, 2021

Not a bad showing for a story that breaks the rules of most successful Fimfiction clopfics, for a) not being about the Mane 6, b) not involving ponies, and c) not being a second-person, anon-based futa or anthro fic; never mind the fact that I was borrowing another author’s story and characters for its basis. Then again, I already did that in Five Star Service and The Lawyer and The Unicorn, which were also quite successful over time, so that’s a good or bad habit of mine

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Eros and Personal Update... · 3:33pm Jun 12th, 2023

Haven’t given an update on Eros in a while. The short of it is that I did resume work on the new chapter over the past few days to the tune of getting it up to nearly 4,000 words, but was only able to write it in fits and starts given I’m still recovering from this illness.

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Now 30,000 words written on C&C... · 4:25pm Dec 8th, 2023

And as a result, the originally planned climactic chapter is going to have to be broken into thirds to keep the chapter size manageable. But for all that, I still don’t quite have a finished chapter pulled together, whether part 1, 2 or 3, though part 1 is close and should hopefully be off to prereaders this evening. The main issue is that I’ve got lots of individual sections and scenes written, but piecing them together and making the progression and escalation of events make sense is giving

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Another Mea Culpa on Midnight Rising · 8:27pm Dec 12th, 2023

Well, folks, it appears that I laid an egg with the last release of Midnight Rising, which was supposed to wrap the Griffon Kingdom side arc. I received not one, but two critical comments on it, with the latest coming just in the past couple weeks.

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Reading reaction #1 part 9 · 5:43am Sep 6th, 2022

Chapter 26-29: I had read all these chapter and written a segment for each of them but my computer erased it due to unknown error. I could’ve tried to recreate it or re-do it but that felt wrong so I’ll summarize what I remember saying.

I felt like Sweeties but parents could’ve handled the situation better and tried to calm her down after she threw dad instead of antagonizing her more. I understood their actions but it was a dumb call.

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Viewing 321 - 340 of 392 results