
Viewing 321 - 340 of 1,471 results

Through the Well of Pirene, Supplemental — My Thoughts · 2:43pm Apr 27th, 2016

After the last time, I was approached by the author, Ether Echoes, and very politely asked to at least read the whole story before slamming it so hard.

And fine, I belive that is the type of manners and patience are things that should be rewarded, so I tried.

Oh god, how I tried. :raritydespair:

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No Second Prances · 4:04pm Apr 30th, 2016

I won't go on about it that much. Just wanted to say that it was decent. Had its highs and its lows. Trixie was nice to see, but f*ck was she handled rather poorly. Something about her flavor was off.

Not bad, but not as good as Gauntlet of Fire.


First Fic · 10:33pm Mar 31st, 2016

Right, hopefully sooner rather than later I will be putting the first chapter of my first fic up, thus opening myself up to the views and (hopefully constructive) criticism of the FIMFiction community. This is the first bit of proper creative writing I've ever got to a publishable length, which I'm pretty happy about, but whether it's any good or not is another matter entirely.

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One of my best friends needs some prayers right now! · 9:53am Jan 28th, 2016

You probably know him as Cerulean Voice but I know him as Adren one of my best friends. Father of two precious baby boys who were just stolen from him! And I mean stolen his Ex came by and kidnapped the twins!

Brendan, Jaydn we're all praying you get back to your daddy who loves you so much!


My Thoughts: The Last Airbender · 1:32am Dec 22nd, 2015

Wow, what a pretty mess.

More behind the cut, but that honestly sums it up mostly.

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Writing in solitude? · 5:21am Jun 20th, 2015

It has long been accepted that a good writing environment is one free of clutter and distractions, and… well, it’s pretty much true, isn’t it?

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Imitation can only go so far before you spot the outright theft. · 2:35am Sep 7th, 2018

So I was reading a story to kill time, just enjoying myself.

Then I notice that this author was writing about runes. Cool, I thought. Someone else likes the idea.

Then I noticed the words seemed mighty familiar about how he was explaining them.

The idea of aspects? Hmmm.

Oh wait, long lost family returning to canterlot to see the princesses. Hmmmm.

Oh wait, the same fucking lines used to introduce them to the characters and story as a whole?

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WWE Fastlane 2017: My Thoughts · 6:31am Mar 6th, 2017

Fastlane was meh. Wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible. I have a massive gripe or two, but we'll get into that in a minute.


The Cruiserweight tag match was boring, as to be expected. I literally cannot think of anything exciting that happened, save for Alicia Fox stopping the double suicide dive.

I actually missed most of Sami Zayn v Samoa Joe, but the bits I saw were great. Good work on both of those guys.

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Please, anyone who knows about suicide... · 4:58pm Oct 22nd, 2017


Thought experiment #2: Chariot License · 3:28pm Nov 13th, 2018

Time for another thought experiment in pegasus flight. They’re pretty complicated creatures, these pegasi, aren’t they?

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[Thoughts] Final Fantasy X · 1:49am Jun 7th, 2018


The OC Tag of Death · 6:33pm Aug 17th, 2019

This is going to be a short post. I've still got some editing to do today, and it's a weekend, so I should be relaxing and taking the day to rest but ... Jungle. Gotta get Jungle into Beta.

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Thoughts on the Series Ending: The Place Where No Shadows Fall · 8:16am Oct 3rd, 2019

From time to time you will make mistakes. They're inevitable. Sometimes those mistakes will be huge. What matters is that you learn from them. There's nothing wrong with falling down so long as you end up just 2 inches taller when you pick yourself up off the floor. At times you may end up far away from home. You may not be sure of where you belong anymore but home is always there. Because home is not a place. It's wherever your passion takes you. As you continue on your path you

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Report Heartshine · 674 views · #thoughts #wishes #hopes

Do you believe in ghosts? · 9:34am Sep 1st, 2017

I think, in a metaphorical sense, that ghosts do exist.

But first, what is a ghost? Ghosts tend to be lingering phantoms, tied to an object or a place, unable to find peace because they left the world with unfinished business.

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???? story · 2:13am Jul 17th, 2015

I've had an idea for a cool action adventure type story loosely based off of some things I like
essentially it will be starting a small group of young ponies who make up the Mainhattan branch of the cmc (maybe babs too? idk) and their travels across equestria, they eventually get trapped on an island because of ferries back getting canceled. hilarity follows. I still have some characters to develop before then so, it'll be awhile before anything new comes out.

Report Natal Ivy · 316 views · #idea #idk #thoughts #oc

How big Equestria supposed to be? Part 2 · 9:53am Jul 14th, 2018

I just remember one thing - Grand Equestria Pony Summit. And this images:

This statue supposedly made from gemstones that summit delegates brought with themselves. IIRC one gem represents one major city that important enough to send said delegates on the summit. Which mean that it's not included towns like Ponyville, villages, farms, some other settlements...

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Two Short Life Stories · 12:47am Feb 15th, 2019

Hey, all! The following stories don't really have anything to do with... anything, really. They're just small moments that had a meaningful impact on me. I wanted to find some way to share them, but each individual one wasn't enough to make a post on its own, so... here you go.

Story 1:

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Daily Blog #17 · 4:06am Jul 2nd, 2017

No facts today.

Thoughts & Opinions

To all you new writers out there, accept any and all criticism, and be friendly to your readers. It’s for the best.

I got blocked by someone for messing with them after they messed with literally everyone who commented. Not gonna name them, but let’s just say that they’ve got massive ego issues.

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Some Simple Thoughts and Impressions of the Movie [Spoiler Warning] · 10:42pm Oct 8th, 2017

So I saw horsemovie2017 yesterday, and like everyone who's seen it, I've got my own set of thoughts on it. I won't be touching on things in too much detail, and this certainly isn't going to be an analytical follow-up; what's provided below are simply my impressions, what I think the movie did well, and what I thought it did wrong. Put as much weight into them as you want, because everybody has different opinions, and these are the opinions of an author who is in love with the mere concept of

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Lilith Saintcrow On Piracy · 3:12pm Jun 8th, 2017

This one came across my feed this morning. I'll warn you before I post the link: severe language warning.

Why? Because this author is angry. And you know what? I understand their anger. I really do. I've seen some hard numbers on the Piracy of my books. One site (just one, mind you) kept track of how "popular" piracy of my books was. If I sold half the copies that were pirated, I wouldn't need my second job. I could be writing full time.

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Viewing 321 - 340 of 1,471 results