
Viewing 321 - 340 of 629 results

Every Page a Painting - Click, Clack, Neigh · 4:00pm February 14th

I know, I know, it's quite bold of me to publish this on Valentine's Day of all days, but here it is all the same.

If you don't like the timing, just come back tomorrow. I'll wait.

If you're still here and you don't care about when you'd get this, all I can say is buckle up.

(Disclaimer: everything you see here is work in progress and subject to change.)

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Scribbler did a dramatic reading of May Those Who Step Through This Door Know What it Means to Rule! · 3:20am Aug 28th, 2021

I randomly poked my nose back onto FIMFiction today, only to discover that ObabScribbler posted a reading of one of my stories earlier today!

Thanks, Scribbler!


Chapter 15 of Doctor and Ditzy's Science Theater is done! · 6:35am Jan 1st, 2015

Hello everyone! Happy New Year. Whew, made it on time. I was a little worried I won’t make it. It’s finally done! This chapter is double the length of a normal chapter. I was going to release this chapter in two parts, but after finishing the first part I thought, ‘Why not release it as one chapter and make it a Heart Warming Eve chapter?” And that is exactly what I did. I didn’t quite get it done by Christmas, but this should be good enough.

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Chapter 17 of Doctor and Ditzy's Science Theater is done! · 9:20am Mar 15th, 2015

Hello again. Chapter 17 is finally finished. It honestly didn't take me all that long to do the riff on this story. For some reason it is very easy to riff this story. The ideas just come to me easily. It only took me about 2 week to do it, the editing and story part took a little longer than excepted and that is why it look a month to finish this. Which isn't bad in my book. I had a lot fun doing this story. It's nice to be back to the Darkness Saga. It is so stupid and crazy. It's a very fun

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A Cover Art Preview and some Music · 12:01am Sep 2nd, 2015

Now that "The Draconequus with the Dragon Tattoo" is complete, here's a preview of my cover art for my next story "The Ponies who Played with Fire."

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On "The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows" · 7:25pm Oct 18th, 2015


I'm not spoiler-tagging because everyone and their grandmother ALSO called it. If anyone's aware of toyline stuff, you probably saw this coming the moment the synopsis mentioned Cadance and secrets. She's pregnant. You're not surprised. Princess Skyla (EDIT: season-6 material names her Flurry Heart) will be canon eventually.

But enough about the "twist." You wanna know what I think about the episode. Presumably.

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Chapter 21 of Doctor and Ditzy's Science Theater is done! · 9:14pm Aug 28th, 2015

Hello everyone! This time we will be doing Longest Night, Longest Day by RainbowDoubleDash. The first episode of the Lunaverse. I have thinking about doing this story for years. I am going to have so much fun doing this story.

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f'naaaaaaaa · 1:57pm Aug 9th, 2015

Fever Dreams of a Trampoline:

My name is Princess, and I like short skirts and explosions. Today's story includes a little of the first, and a lot of the second. Bad ponies are doing bad things bad things with poison joke, and as long as Cadance's checks aren't bouncing, it's my job to stop them.

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Review #47 - Who We are, The Storm, Shadow Over Ponyville · 12:26am Jan 25th, 2017

Alrighty then, time for another 3 stories:

Who We Are by kits
The Storm by Mocha Star
Shadow Over Ponyville by Ciroton

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Vren55's Summer Plugging Reviews: The Mare Who Once Lived on the Moon · 7:26am Jun 3rd, 2016

It occurs to me that I need to start practicing other forms of writing, such as story or fic reviews. After all, I am a graduate student now, only reasonable that I start exploring some other career opportunities.

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Chapter 11 of Doctor and Ditzy's Science Theater is done! · 8:55pm May 16th, 2014

Hello everyone! Sorry this chapter is a bit later than usual. I had some major writer’s block and dragged my feet writing it a bit, but now it is done! Hopefully, the next chapter won’t take as long. Today we will be reading ‘The Legend of Starlight’ by twow443. The very same author of the popular MST3K fic ‘twow's Labtastic Riffs’. This is the first story he ever did! Wow, this story fits every cliché of a self insertion

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Chapter 14 of Doctor and Ditzy's Science Theater is finished · 7:51am Nov 2nd, 2014

Happy Halloween/Nightmare Night! I know this is a bit late. Work got in the way, and I wasn't able to finish it exactly on time. Oh well. Today we will be reading The Beginning of the End by pinkie_pie240. A really really painful story. This is definitely the worst story I have done so far. You will see EVERY bad fanfic cliche in this story. And it isn't bad in a fun way like Starlight. Prepare yourself. If you want to

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FlutterDash Contest #4: Nightmare Night, What a Fright! · 10:52pm Sep 20th, 2017

A few days ago, Tilgoreth suggested that we in the FlutterDash group run another competition. I realized it had been a year since our last contest, so I figured it was high time to do another one!

The Prompt

The prompt for this contest, as suggested by the season, is the classic Equestrian rhyme:

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Let's Talk About "The Mare Who Once Lived on the Moon" (Chp 7-9) · 1:57am Apr 28th, 2017


Pony Talk Episode 20-What's Up with Twilight's Castle? · 4:33am May 15th, 2016

So Twilight's castle is really weird, isn't it? Just why IS the outside so much different than the inside? Well I put my theory fourth while exploring the castle for myself.


Chapter 18 of Doctor and Ditzy's Science Theater is done! · 5:15am May 5th, 2015

Sorry, this chapter is a bit late. I hope it was worth the wait. The next part shouldn't take too long. It's almost finished actually.

This is probably the best part of Spread of Darkness. It has some silly grim dark stuff sure, but it is readable. The whole story literally falls apart after chapter 6. The new character he introduces into the story just ruins everything. The story becomes almost unbearable. You'll see.

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Chapter 20 of Doctor and Ditzy's Science Theater is done! · 10:37am Jul 26th, 2015

Ok, chapter 20 finally done! Sorry. I sorta dragged feet on this one, but I am finally done with it! Next time I will be doing not Kingdom of Monsters, but Longest Night, Longest Day by RainbowDoubleDash! The first chronological story in the Lunaverse! When I got permission to do it, I know I had to start working on it right away. Yeah, I might have let my eagerness to do with story get the better of me. I I have already

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Doctor and Ditzy’s Science Theater update · 10:16pm Mar 8th, 2018

Well, I guess I should've seen this coming. The mods decided to remove my Fimfiction mirror deciding it was against the rules despite it not being published. I'm fine with this. I shouldn't have done this and I'm sorry. You can still find all my riffs on Google Docs. I will still post updates here on Fimfiction. Sorry for any problems this might have caused. It's a shame, but it's unavoidable.

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Delays, yet something ahead · 10:35pm Jul 21st, 2017

There is another pony story coming in a while. Perhaps even two. Stay tuned loyal viewers.


How Much did the Doctor Kidnap their Companions? · 12:07am Dec 9th, 2018

With the recent occurrence of the thirteenth Doctor’s accidental kidnapping of her companions bringing up some conversations on how almost all of the companions had been kidnapped to some degree, I thought I would make a little graph of how much each of the companions had to be kidnapped before they chose to keep traveling with the Doctor. Companions to the left were less kidnapped than companions to the right.

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Viewing 321 - 340 of 629 results