
Viewing 321 - 340 of 1,106 results

So. I’m still ill. · 2:41pm Jun 21st, 2015

Right now I’m dealing with a bout of bronchitis. It’s not infected so far as I know - which is good, because that shit ain’t fun - but it has basically turned half of one of my lungs into a slimy, inflamed mess of mucus and suck.

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The answer to why · 5:34am Feb 18th, 2016

Why do I include MLPTs, G1, G2, G3, G3.5, the G1 comics, and the toy lines that didn't get made into cartoons, in the Pony POV Series? TO RAISE AWARENESS OF THEM! To show that MLPFiM wouldn't EXIST let alone have the identity it has now, WITHOUT those!


where is my celestia · 2:29am Oct 7th, 2016

what happened to my nude celestia?

she really brought the page together



Review #78 - Why Heaven???, Gnosis · 4:41am Mar 18th, 2017

It is at this point that I notice I have surpassed Review #75, which was supposed to be this milestone where I did something special. As such, I will be holding a Q -and-A right HERE.

EDIT: I just realized, this here is the day where I reach 100 total blog posts! :yay:

Anyway, promotions:

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Update: Well this is upsetting. · 3:57am Feb 15th, 2017

The Wi-fi at our house is wacking out, and I am unable to access FINfiction from my i-pad. Due to this fact, I am going to be offline much more than usual until it gets fixed. And, because all my art is on my i-pad, there will be no art for a while:facehoof: I greatly apologize.

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Spit & Polish: Why I Like Your Waifu · 12:28am Apr 5th, 2016

Brass Polish presents some thoughts, jokes, and observations on the fandom’s foreleg candy.

Report Brass Polish · 332 views · #spit #polish #why #like #your #waifu

In Which I Read Twilight: Chapter 2 -- Open Book · 5:54pm Dec 19th, 2017

Even though her first encounter with him was almost completely negative (except for the fact that he’s so frigging hot like whoa), Bella’s next day at school is terrible because Edward isn’t there. She keeps expecting him to show up, as if he’s skipping school to wind her up. She suspects his absence is her fault, which I can kinda see, but is also ridiculous and egotistical (something she herself points out, but that doesn’t make it not ridiculous and egotistical).

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Story Notes: Climb Every Mountain · 3:35am Jan 5th, 2018

As usual, spoilers ahead!


Fair warning, this story doesn't have the CMC in it, but it is about mountain climbing.

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In Which I Read Twilight: Chapter 3 -- Phenomenon · 3:52pm Dec 23rd, 2017

It’d rained in the previous chapter, but Bella wakes up to find the weather cold enough freeze the rain solid, coating everything in a layer of ice and turning the roads into an ice rink. Naturally, school’s cancelled; there’s no way the school’s going to let students drive out in those conditions.

No, wait. School’s not cancelled. Students have to drive out in those conditions.

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In Which I Read Twilight: Chapter 4 -- Invitations · 4:42pm Dec 27th, 2017

Holy crap was this chapter uneventful.

Bella’s dream of Edward can be summed up like this: “Edward’s so frigging hot like whoa, but I can’t get to him.” (By the way, I’m not exaggerating with working that phrase into every post thus far. Nearly every mention of Edward talks about how beautiful he is.)

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In Which I Read Twilight: Chapter 21 -- Phone Call · 3:27pm Feb 12th, 2018

After a little more waiting, Alice gets another convenient vision of James in another room. When she sketches out the room, Bella recognizes it as her mother’s family room; James is going after Renee to get to Bella. Fortunately, the rest of the Cullens will be arriving in Phoenix soon. (Side note: there’s two or three more times when Bella says something stupid about Edward’s absence, like, “Just a few more hours to keep breathing till he was here.”, but I’m giving up commenting on them.

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Soon(TM) · 9:53pm Jul 24th, 2018

I will be flying to Galacon 2018 in under twelve hours and I expect I will be safely in Ludwigsburg within 24 hours. I will be hard to contact during this period, though I think I've acquired a method of fool-proof Internet access no matter where I am (aside from six miles straight up, of course).

Hope to see many of you soon!


If I was immortal · 7:11pm Jun 15th, 2015

I would reset humanity to its original state, just to see how we would redevelop. Who knows? The second time around, maybe we won't have two world wars! Maybe it'll become a Hunger Games world in a few years. :rainbowlaugh: And I could watch it all unfold before my eyes!


I'm really worried about this election · 1:36pm Nov 8th, 2016

I hear that there's going to be terror attacks and such. Either way, these next four years won't be fun. I can't leave the country because I'm going to college. Maybe I can study in South America for a while. ISIS doesn't seem to give a fuck about South America. Or everyone is just being dramatic and things really won't be that bad. We've got "My vagina nullifies all of my scandals and lies" and "I have neither a filter nor experience". We're fucked.


Readings and Art of Why Am I Crying Chapters 1 and 2 By Robsa990 · 8:23pm Dec 28th, 2018

Robsa990 has put up some readings of the first two chapters of Why Am I Crying along with some art work of it that he speed painted. It's pretty good and I suggest you take a look.


In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 9 -- Sure as Hell Didn’t See That One Coming · 1:35pm Jun 30th, 2018

I did. These books are predictable.

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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 38 -- Power · 12:35pm Jul 29th, 2018

As the Volturi talk, Bella keeps her shield up. Jane and Alec attempt to incapacitate the Cullens and their allies, to keep them from running away, but it’s to no avail against Bella’s shield. When the Volturi break off, Aro says that, regardless of the decision, it doesn’t need to come to violence and it would be a shame for anyone to die. This prompts exclamations of disbelief from the Cullens’ side. I’d just like to remind you all one more time that the only evidence of the Volturi wanting

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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 33 -- Forgery · 10:44am Jul 24th, 2018

Bella finally decides to look into J. Jenks. She drives Jacob and Nessie over to Charlie’s, telling Edward that she wants to give Charlie a chance to visit Nessie so she can use the away time to head to Seattle. Why she can’t just say, “I need to go to Seattle. Alice left a message that she only wanted me to see. I want to tell you but I don’t think I should. Sorry.”, I don’t know. Jacob’s still not happy with the vampires, particularly the Romanians. Nessie, however, is fascinated with them,

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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 29 -- Defection · 10:35am Jul 20th, 2018

Showing fantastic proactivity, the Cullens wait for Alice to return. For hours. They don’t even send someone out to check up on her. What do Bella and Edward do during this? Take a wild guess.

We’d stared at each other all night, staring at what neither of us could live through losing: the other.

CM + 1

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CMC Shipping · 8:26pm Nov 10th, 2015

Am I the only one who wants to see a fanfiction featuring the CMC in a polyamorous relationship? Because I feel like there is a severe lack of that here. I've seen stories with Scootaloo x Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo x Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle x Apple Bloom, but I don't think I've ever come across a CMC polyamory story. Maybe once, but I'm not really sure. I don't even really ship it (much), I just think it would be interesting to read.

Until next time,
Some Random Brony Online

Viewing 321 - 340 of 1,106 results